How many student loan debt slaves here?

how many student loan debt slaves here?

did you know there is no way to get out of it if you cannot pay? that if you default, then for the rest of your life your wages will be garnished and your tax refunds be confiscated?

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and that wall street is making billions off of gambling in derivatives based on student load debt CDOs? so they will lobby / bribe congress hard to prevent any reforms from challenging their supply of debt slaves to use for derivatives gambling?

>sign loan
>sheeit, I'm a slave now!
why americans have to be such faggots?

If I could go back now and not go to uni I would do it, but 17 year old me did not think about these things. My parents told me I needed to go to uni to get a job, it was the only option I was presented with

It's not my fault that people are too retarded to pay back their loan before interest rates make an interesting new tear in their anus.

>sub 10k debt after 2 years
Just don't be a dumbass and only get higher education if your career path dictates so.

How about don’t go to college unless you actually have a solid plan for after college? So many of these faggots just go to college because either
>they think they have to because society pushes it so hard
>to drink and party
And they wonder why they didn’t succeed afterwards.

>be me
>get into several high-tier schools
>choose to go to community college with automatic access to state school in two years
>zero student debt
>ample time to run my own business
>graduate with no debt and have already accumulated work experience and relevant skills for a career
>continue side business into career until I'm making more there than my job(which won't be too long)

This is what I'm doing now. honestly don't know how these idiots could accumulate any debt.

>How about dont go to college?
>When you answered your own question.
Societal pressures combined with young age means most are going to do it because theyre expected to. You cant blame them for going. Especially since most are coming off the recession scare where most factory workers ate shit.