this will cost him dearly in 2020
Reminder that trump has done NOTHING to legalize
>that monstrosity
I can't believe this has to come from a dutchman but you burgers are kind of taking it too far with the whole weed thing.
If you want to smoke pot then go to a legalized state loser
>paying taxes on weed that cost more
No thank you please, the cops around me already dont care
Don't confuse our ambition with foolishness, you fucking coward.
>announcing your sages
Enjoy your bans, sweeties! Polite counter-sage
Hiring Bush Jr's cabinet while Hillary runs around not locked up will probably hurt him more.
Oh sweetie, announcing your sages is against the rules! Silly incel.
We went to the moon, and still send people there to this day.
>still send people there to this day.
Not really