Fags want to get married, become an economic unit and adopt children out of the over-burdened state system

>fags want to get married, become an economic unit and adopt children out of the over-burdened state system
>let's stop this from happening because MUH DEGERACY

this is why nobody takes you seriously

Attached: sleepover at bioware's house.jpg (640x591, 77K)

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Don't fags make up a good portion of pedos?


like clockwork. either stupid or kike, but hanlon's razor makes me lean towards stupid.

95% of pedos are fags

you sound like a fag expert

>become an economic unit
Every individual is an economic unit. When they become "married" they are given breaks.

Most gays wouldn't adopt, they would use a surrogate so that they would have a genetically inferior child that is easier to corrupt.

what a couple of qts

Two issues.

1) pedophiles usually do not care about gender so you have a lot of married straight coaches who end up having sex with boys because boys are more readily available. Because boys and girls are molested at similar rates people think the smaller gay population is doing more molesting, while in fact these men are straight.

2) Gay or curious boys often seek out older men to explore their sexuality in a why they see as safe. Girls typically don't seek out older men.

The argument is intentionally framed incorrectly.
Everybody had the right to get married.
The issue is the definition of marriage.
Marriage is traditionally between a man and woman.
You want to subvert the institution of marriage and transform it into something completely different.
Marriage/family is the cornerstone of every civilization and your movement's goal is to remove that foundation.

Attached: a secure family is a nations strength.jpg (1000x666, 135K)

>genetically inferior
Than the kids in foster homes? I'm sure they all had A+ parents with doctorates to have wound up in there.

Fags are degenerates and rape/molest children at a much higher rate than straight people. It's rational to be opposed to gay people wanting adoption rights.

Fags are degenerates and rape/molest children at a much higher rate than straight people. It's rational to be opposed to gay people wanting adoption rights.

You're missing the point.
Saying gays will adopt foster kids is like saying legalizing marijuana will be for medical purposes only.

>this is why nobody takes you seriously

Are you sure about that?

Attached: say_the_line_shill.jpg (539x960, 101K)

Most gays use surrogate mothers.
They have sperm/egg banks where they genetically engineer children for gay couples.
The men always pick boys and the women always pick girls.

Go to 18:12


>>fags want to get married,

Why should we stop them from being miserable like the rest of us?

Attached: Marriage Game Over.jpg (444x500, 42K)

>this is why nobody takes you seriously
do you even read the shit you say ?

this is why no one takes leaf posts seriously

>fucks little boys

well, he is canadian...

stop fag shaming

Attached: canadapride.png (720x603, 638K)

Let's all ignore fags adopting is literally giving free victims to pedophiles.