Ethen is /oneofus/

ethen is /oneofus/
hes european

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>Ashkenazi Jewish 99.1%

>european 99.7%

>Ashkenazi Jewish 99.1%

so what ashkenzi is european

it's actually quite complex, some jews are genetically european, but they are jews since by jewish law they converted to judaism.

Are you hiding behind this flag because you ashamed to post something with "/oneofus/" under USA flag, m? Ethan is American so that would make more sense.

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That actually was my second guess. So,
I will take that opportunity to ask you something: what do you think of reassemble of Khazarian Empire?

I've never seen a kikeometer reading that high. quite impressive.

Ashkenazim are desert people who migrated to Europe 2000+ years ago and now have some European features but even your common person can visually identify an Ashkenazim, and that's because of their semitic desert people appearance.

Cuckold Porn is Jewish culture.
Jewish culture is a matrilineal society. A matrilineal society dictates that all offspring are a continuation of the mother's womb and not that of the father's seed. So, it is in this respect, that the Jew is naturally inclined to accept and even promote cuckolding as a cultural norm. The Jew male is not the sex that will pass on the parasidic gene to posterity, rather his job is to raise the woman up above him so that the Jewess can dominate. The male who gets mutilated at birth, therefore, is a sissy slave worker for the Jewish family unit, while the woman is free to fuck and suck off every bull that will seed her womb.
Now, it is important to understand that cuckolding is not just a cultural norm for the Jew. The Jew actually needs to cuckold in order to carry on with the race, or parasite strain. As can be seen clearly in all Jewish children, there is a natural physical and/or mental defect in the racial gene pool that cannot be explained other than by a defective parasite. This means that the Jew will try to breed outside the parasitic strain so that the parasite can survive. But, in order for the physically and mentally defective Jew to accomplish this inter breeding, they must first spread their culture to the host Goy.
The Goy then is a seeder so that the parasidic gene has continuity. You see, the Jew is truly a parasite, such that, the female is open and free to reproduce, even at the cost of a marriage vow or the moral compass of the host nation or race. Cuckolding is a necessity of the Jewish survival, and the goy need to be sold on it before the parasite gene is extinguished from the planet by natural means. In other words. the parasite gene of the Jew will eventually regress into a monsterous subhuman if the parasite does not find a suitable host, and because the Jewish culture is matrilineal, the Jewess must cuckold the Jew males in order for the Jewish parasite gene to survive as a "people."

Historically, but not ethnically. They're ethnically middle eastern. Ask them yourself if they're white.

It would be wonderful. Georgia, Southern Russia, and southeast Ukraine are rightful Jewish clay.

I'm Jewish and consider myself white. Most Ashkenazi Jews I know do the same. And even if some don't that isn't proof of anything. Jews overwhelmingly self identify as white in census data, college applications, medical forms etc when they could easily mark other.

>and southeast Ukraine are rightful Jewish clay
Pretty much all of Ukraine, actually. Even Kiev.

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This. He is quite literally the Jew isolate. Surprise how he's keeping his Jewish genes pure with Hila considering all that diversity he likes. titties

will they come after out harvested kazar genes ?

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CK has wonderful Jewish genes, it's too bad she's lolbertarian.

I think that most people do not like to consider you white, because then you would have the right to claim all the achievements of a white person.
Leonardo da Vinci
Isaac Newton
Michael Faraday
Nikolas Tesla
You would enter the same group as the previous people