What went wrong in America?

What went wrong in America?

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They tried to bring Aquaman on land.

Too many boys never became men

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Wow, if there were such lazy cosplays are my funeral that coffin would be spinning out of control.
Show some respect you plebs, don't half-ass your funeral cosplay.

The obsession with superheroes just demonstrate how American man-children are so scared and weak that they fantasize about supernaturally strong men in spandex to save them.

they want to be them not be saved by them you autistic fuck

wish this is my funeral

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AH AH AH. Tell us more user.


wow this is hilarious
found it on /x/

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The 1965 immigration act.

It's a funeral for a five year old child you fucking asshole

No it’s not that casket is huge

You just know that guy is psyched to be Batman

It's a funeral for an American five year old child

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T. Muhammad

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Take it to int or bant.
This is not at all political related and against board rules.

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Lets hope OP's child dies a horrible death and then he can show us proper funeral decorum

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that is one fat 5 year old lol

>Meme flag

>Six manlets
>Unable to carry coffin

This was literally a funeral for a 5 year old child who died of a brain tumor. Fuck you, OP.

Compared to a commie anybody looks fat, you emaciated pinko.

>at least he has friend attending his funeral

ooohhh aaahhhh you're all soooo edgy and sooo cooooolllll

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>5 year old boy dies of brain tumor
>loves superheroes, last wish is to have superhero funeral
>heartbroken family honors his request and ballbearers dress as superheroes
>sperg goes on Jow Forums and starts thread with picture of child's funeral with no context or article link
>herpderp, whut went rong in Umurica, yiu guise?
>500 guaranteed replies

stop stealing my pics from the /tv/ thread you faggot

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i want to have sex with you i am a girl and i have a big penis

>couldnt even hire proffesional look alikes
>they didnt even hold the damn casket up themselves
>disregarding the fact that actually going along with the superhero idea is retarded to begin with
Just because the 5 year old is dying doesnt make him not retarded like every other 5 year old

>permanently branding yourself with a corporate franchise


Fucking kek

lol criminally underrated you should have thousands of (you)s

Things that went wrong with America

>Importing niggers for slavery
>Giving back part of Mexico back to the Mexicans when they should've just killed them all and taken all the southern land of North America
>the immigration act of 1965 (think that's the year)

These were probably the 3 major things that lead to America's downfall. America was overall great, great production, great land mass, great ethics and love of rights but minorities came and shit it up and will continue to shit it up because despite being ruthless killing machines they didn't get all the raoches and now there's an infestation and the jews have slowly cucked them from doing anything about it.

>Donatello has to stare at a rotting corpse for eternity

Jesus christ how horrifying

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Is it feminine

>six "men"
>cannot even carry a coffin, have to wheel it

Five year olds deserve to have their final wishes respected just as much as anyone else. A child may have the desires of a child, but you should still respect how that child asks to be laid to rest. It’s gutless to expect a mature funeral for a little boy who was not able to mature.


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Archaeologists 2000 years from now are going to dig up these coffins and think these characters were some kind of demigods we use to worship to guide our children to the afterlife. They will find our comic books and give them just as legitimacy in our literature as actual religious texts.

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Late stage capitalism

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>six "men" cannot even carry a coffin, have to wheel it

To be fair to them there's an American inside that coffin.

What went wrong is white peoples empathy. We tried to include everybody into everything until we finally realize that it got out of hand .

You're a nigger, OK here are your gibs.we held you back for years.

You are some kind of sexual freak , OK well you can do that. You are a brown person that can't speak English that will work for five dollars an hour you're hired . Being white automatically makes me a racist ? Who pays for all your shit ? We are going to just let anybody who fucking wants to walk in there and leech off of us , no fuck that .

So that's where we are .we gave them an inch and they took a mile. But guess what ? We can only put up with so much bullshit . So we elected Trump

so do we, leaf

we let the Jews replace God with men in tights

Goddamn kek

Is he wearing a Batman mask in the casket.

I understand the kid liked superheroes but this is a bit far isn't it?

It was an open casket wake.
Not something you see in the UK because the 5 year olds have acid scars.

>ruthless machine

ty user, i really apprecite that. we are going to try to do better

and they say yanks don't have wit

If a had to wager a guess based on my experience with my children, he liked to wear the batman mask all the time and sleep with it on and his parents wanted him to be comfortable/happy in the casket.

This was a kid's funeral

This was a famous picture that made the news because a little kid that loved superheroes died of cancer and this was for his family.
Delete this thread.

pretty pathetic to use a fucking cart instead of being a pallbearer

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He's just a kid you autistic nigger faggots

delete your life hope the kid got fucked good

>murrican defending vulgarity
imagine my shock

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Why the fuck are black people so much god damn cooler than us

>being abhorrently disrespectful in literally THE WORST settings
>wow it's so cool

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The best part is the dead nig inside

user look at the OP and then at that webm and tell me which one you would rather have happen to you after you died

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Damn now I feel bad for laughing at it. Fuck you Amerifat, have to ruin the fun.

>pretty pathetic to use a fucking cart instead of being a pallbearer

a cart is standard practice when transferring the body from the funeral home to church and to the cemetery, usually at the graveside pallbearers or groundskeepers will carry the casket from the hearse to graveside

t.former funeral director/embalmer

>Not something you see in the UK because the 5 year olds have acid scars.

actually the open casket thing is more of an american/protestant phenomena

just like actual relgions!!!

Kek the faggots can't even carry the casket. Dude must've been a fat fuck or they're weak beta faggots on costumes.


we got too redpilled

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That image is fucking cursed.


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I think the main problem is that almost all Murican males become larping faggots.

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Are Juggalos even human?

Baby got one look at her mom and took the easy way out.

Why is it that white people can't dance?

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damn that's so sad

Female voters

Fucking kek!

Fucking caskets

How do they work?


I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying it's lazy and shows lack of respect for that honor.

nigger detected

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BASED black people amirite my fellow pede

Samsara was a godlike film

>posting on facebook to call 911 instead of actually calling 911 yourself.

Ok so letting your baby hold a loaded pistol is next level stupid, but not actually calling for help is 9th level of hell stupid.

>fellow pede

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>Just because the 5 year old is dying doesnt make him not retarded like every other 5 year old
Mother fucker, your other points are fine, but that kid was 5 years old. He didn't have the opportunity to be jaded or cynical. He had all the hope in the world. I hope you cut yourself on that edge and bleed out.

Nowhere near as much as what went wrong here.

Complete destruction of traditional culture replaced by consumerist culture. 60 years ago boys looked up to the men in their communities, now they look up to impossible icons in spandex. This encourages young men to not strive to acheive becausehow can you ever live up to Superman or Batman?

That's not cool, it's quaint. Imagine if it were whites doing this, you would cringe.

Negro culture. Everything is a status, you know why black on black crime is so high? They constantly dick measure every minute detail there is in life, then die of coronary failures.
>muh dik
>muh automobile
>muh suits