Stormy's lawyer got the wrong Cohen

It was a fucking leaf. So now we know he's leaked bank records to the media, failed to submit employee taxes to the IRS, and his coffee business is failing and closing doors everywhere. Neat. Sage all these God damned shills.

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Poor guy.

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k, keep me posted

Ouch. 5 million in payroll taxes.

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Sure. Will do.

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Sorry this is inaccurate, it's a 5 million dollar lein.

thats probably why the article says 5 million dollar lien dipshit

I corrected it. Why are you so angry?

>correct the record
Did some say time to go to sleep?

Quick, Mike, show them the CD-R in the safe again!!

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>payroll taxes withheld from employees and not turned over to the government
that is one of the sleaziest piece of shit moves someone can pull, but what else can we expect from a dude who willingly associates with Robert Mueller.

what makes you think i am angery asshole?
take your feelings somewhere else

Yeah, he's got some balls to go that route. They don't fuck around in that scenario.

Goddamn embarassing amerilards it was a JEW, just a different one.

Oh I see, you're just socially inept. Np user. Carry on.

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I went to high school with a guy named Michael Cohen lol. Back last year they thought Michael Cohen went to Prague, but then it turned out to be a different Michael Cohen that time too. These people are dumber than a sack of rocks.

I thought this had happened before, thanks for jogging my memory.

Yeah it was a big CNN bust (the usual suspects).

Cohen is a really popular Jew name.
Honestly, it's like trying to find a Johnson or Smith.

>social civility
>Jow Forums
pick one fagit

>fagit, angery
It's going to be OK Cleetus. Thanks for the bumps.

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I've said this before and I'll say it again - shit like this is why I no longer believe 9/11 was an inside job. People this incompetent wouldn't have been able to keep it quiet for over 16 years.

>doesnt get the memes
head on back to r[edit] where correcting your speech and other unimportant shit actually matters
>didnt type acktually lest this fag get assmad
die in a fire retard

This is why I'm almost positive it was Mueller or someone on his team who sent this info, they've already fucked up with multiple Michael Cohens once, easily verifiable name fuckups and leaks to third parties seem to be the Mueller team MO

>withheld but failed to pay
How is that not being charged with atleast tax fraud, let alone extortion

>According to the Torah, one is a Kohen, a Levite or an Israelite. Kohanim (plural of Kohen) and Levites are descendants of Aaron, the High Priest. Much of the work of the priests involved sacrifices made at the Temple. As a result, the Kohanim and Levites had certain privileges and certain restrictions. Among the restrictions was that Kohanim could not come into contact with a corpse unless it was of a close relative, lest they be rendered impure. Today, some Jews whose last name is Cohen, Kahn, or something similar and who believe they are descendants of the priestly class may still observe certain restrictions by, for example, not entering cemeteries.

Also weirdly enough Coan can also be an Irish name but it has no relation to the jewish name.

this is hilarious

A Storms a cummin for Stormy's Lawyer

So this seems like the Trump Curse?
Or is it just more winning bigly?

Yep. The salt harvest from the judges continually BTFO these treasonous snakes is going to be glorious. They have jack shit.

coan in gaelic would not at all be pronounced like cohen though

>doesnt acknowledge digits
>calling anyone else inept

Is this the same Michael Cohen that was in Prague that Jow Forums correctly said was a different Cohen? Why is Jow Forums always right?

I don't know if it's the curse, or they are just so God damned thirsty and retarded they will jump on anything they can find to leak shit out for the narrative, and then get BTFO the second it sees any daylight.

>not entering cemetaries
Isn't there a vampire/werewolf type cryptid that cant go into cemetaries?

This has happened to me as an employee. As an employee you are insulated from any trouble from this, as far as the government is concerned you did your duty. They will go after your employer hardcore though.

Avenatkike should be disbarred

It's just the combination of Trump bringing in Giulliani and one judge finally calling Mueller out on his bluff and constant delays.

That, and the entire special council not believing that there are a lot of Michael Cohens in this world. Seriously, that is one common name, even in European countries.

>Sage all these God damned shills
are you retarded or just new

I should clarify, you will probably have to show your pay stubs stating the withholding at some point.

The whole board is chock full of Cohen Daniels Avenatti horseshit. Wtf are you talking about?

yeah better sage em then right

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Check em!

the mueller team leaks like a fucking sieve, so I wouldn't doubt it. It's always such short-sited worthless trash too that never seems to even last a weekend news cycle before it's proven to be shit. I guess they're more interested in having a war in the media than one in the courts.

So who would give the people a voice to confirm it was an inside job? The people auditing the missing 2.3 trillion from the pentagon were all killed that day (the audit never continued). 6 out of the 10 people who wrote the 9/11 investigation said themselves the investigation was a fraud. w/e people said the same think about how the tuskogee experiments were a conspiracy for over 70 years. but it turned out to be true. Gulf of Tonkin was another

they can say any old bullshit and not have to worry about correcting their mistakes; damage is done.

THey proabably sent it to every Michael Cohen they could find on the planet thinking, well, they are all jews, fuck it.

Anyone go on yelp and do a review yet of the jew's coffee shop?

This seems like an opportunity for some comedy gold.

Please make some jokes.

A lawyer named Cohen? Half of the lawyers in the US are named Cohen.

This has to be fake. No one can be this stupid, especially a lawyer,

u mite be surprise

he smarter than all in thread. smart lawyer. drives car fast never crash. he knows all the turn ahead just like car on road. trump dumb. smart lawyer drive car all the way to trump abd impeach


>still observe certain restrictions by, for example, not entering cemeteries.
A friend of mine who went to a Jewish school and was raised Jewish told me about this. A friend of his was Cohen and his parents were strict with observances, especially due to his family name.

All those rules in Leviticus? Those aren't even for all Jews, never mind Christians. Those are specifically for the Levite tribe.

you've obviously never met any lawyers.

It's some literallywho retard who is $5,000,000 in the hole and is representing a literal whore. do you actually think he's going to be the sharpest knife in the legal drawer?

It's real and yes the man is an idiot for the most part.

The prostitute has suggested she's not even paying the guy, which makes you have to wonder what he's even doing for money.

My guess is he's getting paid for all these media appearances and trying to run his case on any information that gets sent to him by random yahoos rather than what he can legally obtain and which would actually be accurate information.

A Saudi prince is paying his legal fees to get back at Trump.

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How did these idiots ever get to be in charge of anything?

So Stormy Is A NXIVM Tool?

This pseudo scientology cult that tattoo's initials ?

And the Avenatti lawyer has got some TV shows with Stormy posing as victim

Then he gets the wrong lawyers?


Do you think she is bartering for "Services Rendered"?