Iranian forces launch rockets at Golan Heights

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Nope, people are confusing seagulls for missiles.

false flag

mods can you sticky one ww3 thread now pls?

If Iran shoots first Russia and China won't help them.

This will not be WW3. This will be the total annihilation of the only country in ME that actually has the potential to become Europe 2.0.

>Drumpf end iran deal
>Every night becomes a happening
God bless america for this.

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Its taken far less to start a war

Must be a day that ends in "y"



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The board moves too fast, too much traffic (and mods are likes).

Syrian or Iranian forces? I'm seeing a split between the few outlets that've reported so far

This has nothing to do with Gaza.

>Europe 2.0
>in the ME
kek kys

Don't make the same joke twice.


So I'm guessing Iran shot off some bottle rockets that will do literally nothing like always? Then Israel will respond with actual missiles because Irans leaders do not give a single fuck about their people? Neat

Man I believe it now you Americans should totally invade Iran now and give them freedums

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>American education

Unlike Arabs, Persians have an old culture and they are secular-minded and one of the immigrant groups that integrates very well into Western societies.

If you would please stop being unfriendly with Iran, so European companies could get the country running again, it would be nice.

>implying Russia and China will help them if they endure an attack

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>an actual muhammad
nice flag

Not gonna happen. But don’t worry, the muslims are happy to overrun your nation and rape your women.

why do retards like OP think that war/conflict in some shit-part-of-the-world automatically means WW3?

I'm European, not Persian, but I can tell you that no Iranian in their right mind would call their son Muhammed.

you're welcome

Why are faggots on twitter talking like how surprised they are at the kikes getting bombed? Has Israel not been bombing Syria and Iran the past few weeks?

Thats how WWI and WWII started dumbass...in some shit part of the world.

>((((((Iranian)))))) forces launch rockets at Golan Heights


whenever Iran gets brought up "german" posters flood it with pro-refugee pro-shitskin nonsense. mama merkel, their female leader, has either done a number on their cucked psyche or it's just a muhammad. never can tell with them anymore

why are you trying to discuss something with him when the eternal mutt is just going to call you names and not white
>b-but your refugees!!

my apologies achmed


>”Iranian forces”
fuck off op

Stop calling it that. There has only ever been one war, and we are coming to what could possibly be the final battle. This is the Wholly War

Iran becoming Europe 2.0. Whatever you say my guy.

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Fiinally a world war we didn't start

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Well you failed despite being ethnically European, so I guess the spot is open for more competent people.

>its fucking real

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this happens every day




Golan Heights trending!

Iran-Israeli rocket exchange

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Oh boy

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If a single nuke had been used, this site would go offline within 3 minutes.

Even the Jews here in this thread are trying to say that Iran bombed the kikes.


The iShoa a couple days ago in Stamford London was just the beginning!

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iranian army general who fired the rockets has been identified.
4 star general abdullah al kumiyya of tehran is believed to be responsible for the attack on golan heights early thursday morning.

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Next up price of oil will skyrocket and petrodollar will collapse along with ZOG

Gas the kikes or somethin Tsss Tsss

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Just like good ol Sid Meier Civ...

Alex "The Best Goyim" Jones is already lying about Iran bombing the Juden and says they are the aggressors!


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there is also reports that he has close connections to ahmadinejad, assad, and irans top nuclear scientist, and certified super genius daneel al-kurlani.

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Don't you mean Europe becoming ME 2.0? That's something that will actually happen.


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Digits and Israel is kill

>an arab country
>becoming europe 2.0
checks out


>Israel shells Syrian government position

>Syria retaliates with grad and MRLS

>omg Iran is attacking us

Don’t fall for it guys



Know the difference.

why was israel attacking syria? can you answer this one honestly?


Jewish education everyone

Israel shot first. They shelled a Syria air defense base and then the Syrians shelled back. Now Israel is blaming Iran.

Because it is in Israel's interest for Syria, and to a lesser extent Egypt, to be weak and destabilized so that they cannot group up against Israel.

They have done it many times before this is just the first time Syria has responded.

Israel wants to set up a “buffer zone” in Syria. Basically they want to occupy a section of Syria.

Please someone nuke israel then we just have to get rid of soros and the muslims and niggers in europe can be hanged and we archieved world peace

Germany in no way started. I dont think they really started ww2 either.

WW3 confirmed.

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its mostly attacking iranians in syria right now
it also needs syria to fail so it can keep the golan heights which it is illegally occupying

Bibi probably made a deal with Putin about this. Within hours of Bibi returning from Moscow this happens.

Unconfirmed sources say the sea was Israel promised it wouldn’t attack Russian positions and would guarantee Russian strategic interests in Syria


Russian ships there...


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Putin gives green light.
Trump said he will help us fuck up iran.
Now they gave us a reason to nuke their shithole country to back to the middle ages.

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At most you will get the buffer zone. Assad isn’t going anywhere and neither is Iran.

It's a drill this was announced a few days ago

>The mere sight of the Israeli flag is enough to trigger Jow Forums

no one wants to occupy shit. If you had read something other than your fake news sites you'd know that all prior attacks in syria were to prevent missile shipments to hizballah from assad then and iran now.

As it should.

Go to sleep shlomo.

Are Israeli official sources and Bibi fake news? The buffer zone isn’t some conspiracy, it’s open policy.

"I'm European"
Yeah just like all the other German Turks.

Fuck off, Chicken Little

both of you go to sleep you fucking schlomos

Read their posts in a robot voice, if it sounds like something a robot would say then you have your German, if he talks about dicks then it's an arab.

Israel has been firing into Iran and Syria past month. Lets hope they dont get right allies at right times

Motherfucker im a neet

a buffer zone makes sense when you want to cut off iranian supplies to a hostile neighboring country, think a little
yeah i really should it's 2:40 am...good night moshe

this is how you do it senpai

Is the alarm ringing over there? What’s the general situation?

Why should I give a fuck about Jews and Arabs fighting for some hot sand.

Layla tov shlomo

then we found out they did it to themselves. as all jews do.

So they do want to occupy a section of Syria then? Why are you changing your position?

Think about all the glass you could get dude

Dont worry, when Persia Nuke América , you can always come and live in México , only whites

>Iranian forces launch rockets
No it's not, quit doing the kikes work for them

No offense kike, but if I wanted to get stabbed in the back I would just do it myself with a kitchen knife.

Yeah it cracks me up that people still bother with the >muh nukes posts. Gookmoot can't even keep the site online during normal periods, let alone during an actual nuclear event.