Blondies & blues have literally never achieved anything.
Historically, all greatest pieces of art, architecture, the greatest empires, were built by brown haired, brown eyed people.
And Aryans had brown hair & eyes as well.
Blonde hair & blue eyes actually originated in India, so all you Scandi "Arrrrins" are just Pajeet rapebabies.
Meds had been conquering Africa, developing sophisticated art & tech, whilst you ugly scandis have been drawing penises in caves & scaring everybody else away from you (Not with your fighting skills but with your disgusting smell)
And from what I've observed, Blondies are more likely to have anti-white beliefs
Also, do you even eyebrows bro?
Brown hair & eyes masterrace
>That low Forehead
>That Buttchin indicating he's a Mutt with imperfect bone structure
Master race.
Your kids will be mutts
Deal with it
Blue eyes master race checking in, keep coping bud.
brown hair and green eyes masterrace here
>Blue eyes master race checking in
Yet n*rdicks have never achieved anything of significance. LOL
Dark hair and light eyes is truly master race. Thankfully I don't have shit brown eyes, but they're not green or blue like I'd prefer.
High five bro
>I don't have brown eyes
So you're only half pajeet?
Stay mad
fucking based
>tfw super pale skin and brown hair and eyes
It's like being a white Arab
Mine are a weird hazely amber. Definitely brown, but not poo poo brown like niggers.
Weirdly both my parents had the shade I do when they were my age (20). But as they got to their 40's and 50's they turned blue and green, respectively
imagine being so fucking insecure about your appearance that you have to make a thread like this. shame on all of you replying like a bunch of fucking women.
fuck off jidf
triggered nordcuck
Niggers have black.
There's a huge difference between brown and black lol
That's what I meant then I guess
This. It is also the most attractive coloring. Neither nerdic nor swarthy
I've have always looked down upon my fellow blonde and blue-eyed Swedes. Something about them filles me with disgust and now I know why: They are inferior.
Like all these fucking Ar*ans with epicanthic folds & flat faces?
Just a friendly reminder that blonde hair & blue eyes came from India bud
They are.
they're also inferior because they're filthy Sw*doids
JIDF working overtime today.
Again, for the 15 posts like this you guys are spamming everywhere: All indo-European peoples/cultures are Aryan, and related. Ancient Greece, India, Persia, even Egypt.. .extending into Rome, and Modern Europe. All were R1a, R1b, or "I", haplotype... and all speak indo-european languages, have similar cultures/histories/mythologies, are are brothers in every sense.
Ignore the semitic divide and conquer techniques. Schlomo is suddenly in an all-out panic.
Retard. I just said that nerdics are equally disgusting. Just like swarthy manlets, pale effeminate blonde are also disgusting.
Middle ground is the best. Tall, healthy white skin tone, light eyes, dark hair.
'came from india', sweet SHIT you are a retard, my friend... please revisit the historical record, esp the most ancient (pure) accounts like Herodotus et al... The Aryans CONQUERED India, yes, as they did every other nation in their path as they swept east and west... they didnt just crawl out of caves within india. Nor did they remain.
You idiots who fail to understand even the basics of human migrations over the millennia make my skin crawl, and you do nothing but muddy the waters of understanding
>Dark brown hair and eyes showing you have high-T
>Too tall to be a manlet but not so tall that you're a lanklet
>Skin naturally pale but can tan pretty well
>Distinctly Yuro facial features (no hooknose or chinky eyes)
So this is what it feels like to be the masterrace....
Cry more nordcuck
No one gives a shit about your inferior opinion
I have somewhat of an epicanthic fold but can still relate.
Good to be the TRUE ARYAN, brother
Tldr, brown eyes are the fastest way to tell if someone in a persons blood line got Moored/ Kebabbed; or in the case of Amerimuts if they are part casino Indian
Idiot lol
The original whites had brown eyes you fucking retard
>brown eyes and brown hair originated in europe
>implying it wasn't the moors and kebabs that got BLEACHED.
Ex fucking actly.
Literally every historically relevant person had dark eyes & hair.
>Julius Caesar
>Alexander the Great
>Isaac Newton
>Rene Descartes
>Nikola Tesla
>James Watson
>Friedrich Nietzsche
your knowledge of human history, migration, genetics, etc, is so poor and ass backwards, that if you had a single ounce of shame, you'd never discuss any related topics. I went from being pissed off, to actually feeling pity for you and your lack of self-awareness
Bump for truth
So if we go by your logic we are all inbreeding and breeding with other races will result in a kid with better genes?
inbred scandis is what they are
This dude has blue eyes & dirty blonde hair tho..........
All of this fussing over what colour your hair and eyes are strikes me as completely effeminate. All of you are getting carried away by the appearance of things. I see at least 5 or 6 of these threads a day, and I'm only on here for ~30 minutes at a time.
Brown hair or blond, brown eyes or blue - you're all womanly and concerned with womanly virtues like physical beauty, or at least your opinion of it.
kill yourself shitskin
>blue eyes actually originated in India
lots of closeted homosexuals who jerk off to traps, no surprise there
that would explain all the blue eyed people that can be found in India
it really activates the almonds
t. Retard who has no refutations because he knows it’s true
Literally coping by projecting
Just like this Indian man pictured here. Guess I really got BTFO
Oh wait he has the same eye and hair color as the people that OP claims is the master race
Seeing alot of these threads, what's going on?
We're shitting on pasta niggers like you.
everyone in my family has gray eyes and brown hair. Where does that leave us?
The picture totally interrupted my train of thought. I have no idea what I was doing or about to do so all I can do now is inquire about the pic.
This is the image I have of the one shitting on me.
Hitler and Alexander had light eyes
Caesar was blond
Looks like your average Shitalian.
t. spic-nig mutt
Alexander had heterochromia
Caesar wasn't blonde, there's no info on his hair color(only that he was bald)
Indians ARE the original aryans. They left India 5 millenia+ ago. Also kek herodotus's accounts? Persians never made it within India. Even Alexander got rekt.
No, pic related are Italians.
>Brown hair & eyes masterrace
Yeah, but it really doesn't help if the rest of your physical being is pure genetic trash.