This pretty sums up why Jews dominate the goyim

If you're one of those people who identifies as "white". Or speak of "white civilisation", congrats! you are a good slave. You are part of the problem.

You wouldn't talking about asian civilisation as "yellow civilisation" would you ? Heck, even "asian" civilisation is pretty vague. The Chinese Empire, language, culture are quite different from the Japanese or Vietnamese or Korean ones.

Remember, words have a lot of importance. and when you use words like "white", you are giving sophistic ammunitions to your political, cultural and ultimately racial enemies. You are using their language. playing by their rules.

octoroons, hapas (or mongrels), albinos, asians can all have pale skin.
It doesn't mean shit and only shows that we Europeans have lost our roots. You people are letting "the other" describe what you are. And that's how they can pull their marxist tricks on you.

Ever wondered why it's impossible to subvert the jew ? Why it is always and invariably the Christian, the Atheist, the agnostic, who gets tricked ?

Jews have a strong identity. They know what they are. Nazis used to say they were part of the master race, jews say they're the "chosen people". what's the difference ? none !

In other words, they don't think they're shit. and they certainly don't see the rest of the world as their equal. (good for them).

This is how cultural marxist fuck you in the ass. This is how they can put you all in the same basket, demonize you in the media. dehumanize and essentialize our entire civilisation.

Simply by calling you "white".
Nobody would be talking about "white privilege" if you fucking idiots still had an identity of your own.

People with strong identities are immuned to subversion. Corsicans, Poles, Iranians, Japanese, Armenians, Turks, Basques...(among others) are immuned to the type of mental illness you see in the dying West.

British children were sexually exploited,raped, tortured by Paki invadors. None of you did a thing about it. Ask yourself why.

Attached: end of white civilisation.png (1269x594, 434K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Has he gone crawling back to Andy Warski yet?

I wanna sniff Brat ass

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No idea, i don't follow Warski.
But i stumbled on this

And thought to myself, what a fucking horrible title. We europeans are diverse. Estonians, French, Italians,, Germans, Spaniards, Hungarians, Ukrainians, Swedes etc... We have different languages, different culture and history , we are already "diverse". and we don't need this false diversity (they're selling us in the media to ethnically cleanse our continent from its indigenous population)..

The point remains, we don't have a strong identity, that's a catastrophic problem. What happened to those kids in the UK would've been absolutely unthinkable had the roles been reversed. (i.e; british men raping paki children)...The UK would've been burning, you'd have internal civil wars. (let alone in Pakistan). But the opposite is acceptable. European men, are ok seeing european children get fucked by colonial parasites from 3rd world countries. And once in a blue moon, a guy like Breivik shows up. (which isn't a solution either, being a lone wolf and going on a rampage is what the media is craving for).

But the reaction should've been enormous. We should've seen 100,00 thousands british men going apeshit in the streets of london.

That's what Africans do when one of their own gets shot. Just for a single person. Sure, you may say "oh! but they're acting like niggers"...

No dumbasses ! (well yes and no, some just use this as a pretext for looting) but others are genuinely pissed.

British men ? French men ? German ? Swedish ? Completely silent, indifferent...That's not being civilized...It tells your invadors that you have capitulated.

You are making an important point, and I've heard multiple calls for people to stick to existing national identities. This is reasonable point of view, but I don't think it is 100% correct. There is actually demand for a non-national European identity, due to the number of people who move within Europe for study and work. You may call them immigrants and be angry at them for not being able to fully integrate, but this will not prevent them to form a positive identity. For now, this only goes as far as "white", but more concrete terms may emerge in time.

>If you're one of those people who identifies as "white". Or speak of "white civilisation", congrats! you are a good slave. You are part of the problem.
Sounds like some LARP faggotry, STFU OP

You half Icelandic or something?

>implying ((huwite))) and huwite civilization isnt a LARP.
>being part of the low-iq problem


for a jew, hes not that bad
this is a pretty interesting stream desu

This is the scientific confirmation that Jow Forums was right once again. Our civilization is at a crossing road.

I hope they talk about the Iran shit that just happened

Probably at end but that's not as important as the programmed end of whites on this earth

Make longer paragraphs. Will be nicer to read.

You forgot one thing. How does a strong identity become? It's not shitted out of thin air, my friend. Screaming ''start having an identity!'' does not work. There needs to be a Why. It seems like opposition to out-group is essential for the formation of an in-group. The jews have this both in Israel (against Arabs) and in the West (against Goyim). Basques have against Spaniards/French. Japanese define themselves against Koreans and Chinese.

Whites (people of European descent) are not being attacked by fellow whites. Germans and French are not my enemy. Russians are not my enemy. Our real enemy are non-Europeans. This is why the natural solution is an native European identity.

As for Americans, they should drop the ''white'' and define themselves with European-American.

Asians are pretty divided in Asia itself, but when they come to Canada all gooks instinctively stick together. In high school it was chinks, gooks, Cambodians, Viet, all in one big group and it was just Azn Pride in general so you're completely wrong and you're fucking stupid.

6 years before Texas turns blue forever. Christ.

English people would not want to have mass migration from Norway any more than mass migration from Syria. The French wouldn't want to live under German hegemony any more than living under Algerian rule

I see your point and it is a true one

boy all that reddit spacing i dont know if i can stomach that level of AIDS

race is a spook

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Make China, Korea, and Japan all 10% African and you'll see how quickly they band together in the name of Oriental civilization. The only reason gooks fight amongst themselves is because they have no basis of comparison. Humans will ALWAYS divide themselves into tribes based on the most expedient uniting criteria. Since East Asia is all gooks, they square off on the basis of ethnicity instead of race.
White identity is a coherent identity because "white" is a coherent racial group. That is, all whites are more similar to each other than they are to the Mestizos, Negros, Orientals, and Arabs currently inhabiting white countries. Once whites are forced to overcome their individualist programming, they'll start acting racially nepotistic and they'll become a cabal to contend with the Jews.
Although I would very strongly prefer that whites don't depopulate (because that makes it less likely I'll have great-great-grandchildren) it won't be the end of the world if we do become minorities. In some countries like South Africa or Sweden whites will probably get totally genocided but most countries we can still be surviving elites. When whites band together, like the Castizos band together against the mestizos in Mexico, they still run the government and the corporations even as a tiny minority.

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>Ever wondered why it's impossible to subvert the jew
>Jews have a strong identity.
>People with strong identities are immuned to subversion

>If you're one of those people who identifies as "white". Or speak of "white civilisation", congrats! you are a good slave. You are part of the problem.
What is your solution then? What is a better identity to collectivise around? European identity must not be enough, as you say here:
>European men, are ok seeing european children get fucked by colonial parasites from 3rd world countries.
If all the European countries are fractured from an identity perspective, and see themselves as separate, this is exactly the kind of behavior one would expect. Given that European identity is not enough to rally around, isn't "white" identity the next logical step? There may be differences within that grouping, but there is certainly a general line that can be drawn, certainly when comparing those cultures to ones in the middle east and Africa.

>Humans will ALWAYS divide themselves into tribes
except for whites, who are flawed with pathetically low in-group preference

>whites don't divide themselves into tribes
My dude, ever heard of a thing called WWII? That was all white tribes fighting against other white tribes. Whites are perfectly capable of ganging themselves into tribes. Modern politics is mostly the globalist white tribe fighting against the nationalist white tribe, inflamed by the Jews and moderated by the post-war meta-cult
The goal now is to get whites to embrace their racial identity so they can band together for their own preservation

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Whites fight for isms like fascism, communism, even in-group preference has to be national-ism. They form their identity in abstract, idea-based ways, not because they automatically like people who are similar.

Whites will embrace racial identitarianISM as an abstract ideology. It will only become easier as it becomes more of a necessity.

Because they are whites, an ethnostate will have catladies policing everyone whether they are racist enough, spergs will be purity spiraling as to who is the more pure racist, there will be infighting and slaughter over which racist ideology is the best set of ideas. Why can't whites just be normal racists like other racial groups and accept each other for who we are?

>You wouldn't talking about asian civilisation as "yellow civilisation" would you ?
Maybe if Asians had colonized other races, they would have a racial caste system similar to the one Europids developed. Regardless, I'm not going to accept the argument "because Asians don't do it, neither should you" -- because I don't set my standards by what other races do, they don't set the standard for my thinking.
>when you use words like "white", you are giving sophistic ammunitions to your political, cultural and ultimately racial enemies. You are using their language. playing by their rules.
Only when "white", ie, Europid, is not understood to mean"Aryan", which was widely understood a century ago, before miscegenation and multiculturalist programming took hold. Just get yourself a copy of
>The Inequality of Human Races (1853) - Arthur De Gobineau

...or a copy of Lamberti's 'Jewish Activism in Imperial Germany'. You see, the problem is not so much the fact that our language and epistemology have been sabotaged, as that we haven't actually had a racial epistemology for as long as the Jews have had. That's their actual (and only) real advantage; while we've been muttering through the the last couple centuries, trying to evolve national identities based on ethnicity, the Jews have an ancient cult built around their race, tempered by thousands of years of trial and error. That's a massive head start. My advice is to start re-learning what it means to be Aryan, because that's what Europids are, and all we'll ever be.

Attached: Aryan Races of the 3rd Reich.jpg (4000x2700, 1.51M)

What makes me happy is in simple physical stats aryan nation in prison is low population but accounts for lots of the murders. This is the cull we need to separate the wheat from the chafe so white population can band together. We been asleep on weed and rap music and things been good but these turbodyke communists are going after our families now.

>You wouldn't talking about asian civilisation as "yellow civilisation" would you ?
you're right, that sounds weird. that's why we all call it the east

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I always thought "white" was solely for the colonies. I had no idea it was used in Europe outside internet memery.

Why in the fuck is that lolita girl reading lolita?

The "white" race only exists in America

>The "white" race only exists in America
Fuck off kikes, stop spreading your lies.

Attached: Hitler-Said-Clearly-weiße-Rasse.jpg (2542x1754, 2.64M)

Amerimutts consider themselves only white and they love watching their children get fucked by niggers

>I had no idea it was used in Europe outside internet memery.
It did arise within a colonial context, but it retained significance beyond colonialism. You guys fall for the same misinformation year after year though. Jews play both sides, they tell you you're evi for being white WHILE telling you that there's no such thing as "white". You guys are easy pickings for their lies.

Attached: amerimutts-invented-whiteness.jpg (1542x2500, 1.67M)

>The eternal mutt kike trying to mix all european ethnicities together into a mutt race and erase all culture and ethnicity

Dont talk about europe like you know anything you globalist faggot kike

>You are part of the problem.
How big is your nose?

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those pictures you make are effective sometimes, but if you do them too often you just prove that you're so invested into it that you've got photoshop with 9001 tabs open ready to spam memes, probably because you're butthurt, which we all know that you are

Jews have done no such thing. I have been a nationalist all my life, living in a rural area since the 80's and I have never in my life thought of myself as 'white' as you Americans do on here.

Sure, by descriptive terms I am white, but it is a meaningless terms unless you believe in racial nationalism which to me seems very superficial and would have to deal with historical conflicts, animosity and ethnic conflict among those it considers to be white. Nevermind the Romans describing Germanics as a race of different people then themselves, but appearently Richard Spencer is allowed to say he is the ancestors of both Romans and Anglos despite the historical peoples he claims to be a part of would not see themselves as a people.

This is my main problem with white nationalism, as it ignores thousands of years of European history and replaces it with a view of the world that is inconsistent both with history and modern genetics.

Pic related ;^)

>I have been a nationalist all my life, living in a rural area since the 80's and I have never in my life thought of myself as 'white'
But have yourself identified as any specific racial category, ie, Aryan -- or have you been limited in your identity to your national and regional ethnic identity? How well does that insulate you while your nation speaks English more than Danish, Swedish, Norweigian, etc? The point is obviously that:
>Whiteness is a synonym for "Aryan" or "Europid"
>Europids are dliberately kept from developing mature racial identity by appealing to non-racial national or ethnic identities, ie, "language is our fatherland" and other such post-modernist nonsense
>Jews have thousands of years of formalized racial identity and this is their advantage

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Oh shut up, everyday with this bullshit.

And his little mutt brain cant even come up with a response. kek. Nobody here is listening to you muttboi

Identifying as "white" misidentifies the issue. The real issue is identifying as non-black and uniting against the blacks to rid them of our society. Once we do that, we can focus on finer-grained group levels, but for now, the most crucial difference between people is that between blacks and non-blacks, and everyone hates the blacks. If we unite, we can rid the world of them.

Attached: genetics and race.gif (690x1025, 73K)

>Nobody here is listening to you muttboi
You have been focused 100% on my every post.


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I caught the tail end of this and it was black-pilling as fuck. Russia is 20 percent non-White? Is that true? Jesus fuck!

The thing about jews is a lie.
They are extremelly paranoid and exert social pressure on their member to not mate with the out group or get identified with their culture.

What are you talking about limited? I identify with what I know and can feel. You live in the fantasy world where your mixed blood somehow gives you greater identity. It is laughable. The idea that you can remove your ethnic identity and replace it with a multicultural version of American 'whiteness' is precisely why you have an identity crisis in America. You live in a fantasy world where you tell yourself your Polish-Lithuanian-Danish-Anglo "American" identity exist as anything but a bunch of people adopting mainstream Anglo culture. It is multiculturalism for Euromutts, simple as that. Every argument you come up with against multiculturalism will be true for American white nationalism.

>Still cant refute my posts

Low IQ mutt kike BTFO

That's not true. I know that from personal experience.

He was talking about ALL European civilizations one by one. Did you expect him to make a 40 world long title, or are you just so autistic that you want "white" to be replaced with "European" like it makes any fucking semantic difference?

He's doing better than Andy. Where have you been?

>Russia is 20 percent non-White? Is that true?
Yes, but Russia is a vast Eur-Asian empire. The error people often make in addressing national demographic precents is thinking that "percent of X" represent each individual's average racial admixture. in reality, its very hard for governments to get races to mix. Its takes a huge amunt of wealth and effort, for little results. All of the US, despite being "56%", is only 6% mixed race. Whites tend to average 99% European in genetic ancestry tests (for whatever that's worth). Its simply true that people don't naturally mix - -even across ethnic boundaries. The Britih Isles took something like 400 years of the Church and Crown working together to get Saxons and Celtic subgroups to admix, and they're more than 80% the same genetic origins. The only barrier was culture and language, not even race or faith.

>What are you talking about limited?
ie, "limited to" ethnic identity. Europeans are some of the most extensively de-racinated peoples on the planet since the 2nd world war; this is the legacy of "de-nazification", was the de-racialization of European population from the 1960s onward. That's why modern European nationalism is so allergic to talk of race. This goes beyond mere anxiety of anti "hate language" laws, or prohibitions against Nazi identification; the de-racination is deep, at the level of ontological and epistemological identity.
> I identify with what I know and can feel.
Precisely, if you live your life with race censored, and ethnic identity elevated, you try to treat ethnicity like race. You are told disinformation like "whiteness is an American racial construct", but clearly, writing on race prior to and up to 1945 said otherwise. it was quite common for Europids to identify as Aryan until the post-war labotomization of the West.


Attached: canada_macdonald-Aryan.jpg (600x727, 273K)

>it was quite common for Europids to identify as Aryan
*as Aryan and white

>It will only become easier as it becomes more of a necessity.
but its going to be too fucking late by then. We will have lost our governments, schools, universities, armies to them. "Damn dude shit sure sucks ass when you're 20% of the population maybe we should do something about it".

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Best scandi laying it like it is, good post my dude
Aryan and white as concepts were created from anglo autism during the colonial era to boost up their plebs' pride and moral, and then co-opted by germanic autism to justify their expansionism
It was already a meme back then, it's an even bigger one now and using it unironically is justification for you to be mocked and ridiculed by people in this thread
Your shitty infographs won't change a thing, too

He's supposed to be doing a stream with Kai.
When does that start?
Anyone got a link?

>Aryan and white as concepts were created from anglo autism
de Gobinaeu is an Anglo name?

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Racial classification were a thing before Gobineau came up with his book my dude, and anglos were particularly fond of them
Read up on that shit or kindly fuck off, you're embarassing yourself

The most white country in America will truly become Argentina if this keeps going.
The problem will be we have such a huge country, and with a specific shape, guarding our borders is almost impossible.
Include black market from both the north (fucking Colombia), and from the sea (China, and some random ship from Europe).
What a weird future.

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>Racial classification were a thing before Gobineau came up with his book my dude
Obviously, but your argument was that it was confined to "Anglo autism"; clearly, it was an idea developed into it's modern form by a French intellectual. Nor was it confined to Anglo intellectuals; nor did "Aryan" originate with Anglos at all. That's just bullshit people like angrily assert around here, but can't source or prove.

I can prove what I claim though:
">We document a southward spread of genetic ancestry from the Eurasian Steppe, correlating with the archaeologically known expansion of pastoralist sites from the Steppe to Turan in the Middle Bronze Age (2300-1500 BCE)."
>In India, members of higher ranking castes are genetically more similar to Europeans, while lower castes are more similar to Asians.
>A study by Hellenthal et al. (2014) on the DNA of the Kalash people showed evidence of input from modern day Germany and Austria between 990 and 210 BC, a period that overlaps with that of Alexander the Great...

Attached: Narasimhan_et_al_Fig_4_Tale.png (1500x772, 150K)

Some quotes from the Rigveda, the oldest Indo-European text.
>"At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair. He, Lord of Tawny Coursers, Lord of fleet-foot Mares, will bear his Bay Steeds safely over all distress." Indra - 10.96.8
>"Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard." Indra - 10.23.4
>"The swarthy skin, the hated of Indra" - Rigveda IX 73.5
>The Rig Veda praises the God who "destroyed the Dasyans and protected the Aryan colour." - Rigveda. III 34.9
>"Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin." - Rigveda. I 130.8
>The Rigveda thanks God for "scattering the slave bands of black descent", and for stamping out "the vile Dasyan colour." - Rigveda. II.20.7, II 12.4
>This choice sums up the Aryans opinion of their non-white subjects: "Black skin is impious" - Rigveda. II.12.4

Attached: aryans_rig_veda.png (1007x1237, 260K)

>People with strong identities are immuned to subversion. Corsicans, Poles, Iranians, Japanese, Armenians, Turks, Basques...(among others) are immuned to the type of mental illness you see in the dying West.
I agree 100%, the western cucks have been told to feel bad about their country, we werent

meant to quote OP

I guess the Kai stream may or may not be happening tonight.
That or it's super late and will be a short run.

Another map

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Thanks, those studies BTFO so many shill misinformation memes being pushed here. We see that the 3rd Reich really did get racial origins surprisingly correct, even without molecular genetics genealogies to work from. Just to further refute the notion that "white" or "Aryan" as racial concepts were "nothing but Anglo autism", let's look at Russian anthropological literature from the 19th century, on the subject of "Russian colonization of Turkestan as a revival of the ancient White domination in Central Asia":
> B 1885 г. пpи oткpытии [в Typкecтaнcкoм кpae] мecтнoгo apхeoлoгичecкoгo кpyжкa выcшим пpeдcтaвитeлeм pyccкoй влacти в кpae кpyжкy былa пpeдлoжeнa зaдaчa изyчить дpeвнюю apийcкyю кyльтypy кpaя, yничтoжeннyю вapвapaми-тypкaми и пoдлeжaщyю вoccтaнoвлeнию пpи гocпoдcтвe дpyгих apийцeв – pyccких.
Translation in English:
>"In 1885, when the local archeological circle was opened in the Turkestan Krai by the highest representative of the Russian government in the region, the circle was asked to study the ancient Aryan culture of the region, which was destroyed by the Turks, barbarians and subject to restoration under the rule of other Aryans-Russians."
The specific source is V. V. Barthold. 'The tasks of Russian Oriental studies in Turkestan. Report on the activities of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the Physical-Mathematical and Historical-Philological Departments for 1914'. Petrograd, 1915. Pg. 12

Russian State Library:

So, clearly, "Aryanism" isn't an "Anglo autist" racial concept.

Attached: Aryan-and-White-were-Russian-racial-identities.jpg (2500x1197, 1.58M)


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>white just means skin color

Honestly, it's our fault.
We're the reason White has become a catch all for European. I am White, I don't know where most of my ancestry comes from specifically. My dad took a DNA test years ago and it came back with results all over northern and western Europe.
Very few of us here can trace our lineage back to a single European country, and that used to be considered a good thing. That was half the point of being American, we thought we could become what a United Europe should be. We used to think becoming American meant leaving the old world behind and becoming a part of something new and united. Put the old hates and feuds behind you and be American.
English, French, Italian, German, Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, Irish, Welsh; we didn't give a shit.
Then we freed the slaves, let women vote and they voted to let anyone in. Then American began to mean something different. It no longer meant people from European stock but anyone born between Canada and Mexico. by the time this happened many of us had lost our histories completely, we knew we weren't black, Asian or mestizo but we shouldn't call ourselves Irish, or German or Italian (though some still try). we just became White.
Unfortunately, or culture has spread through media and infected your countries. Our lack of identity has been imposed across Europe.
It's our fault.

>tfw North America will be less than 30% white when I die of old age
Feels good man

The stream had a bunch of valid points and is correct on the fact that European-descended whites will be a minority in each of their homelands before the century turns. We already see that happening and there isn't even a rumbling of that ever changing. The more push there is against it, the more taboo (re: sexy) it becomes to your own women.

Whites will be gone to the superior breeders, just as any other thing in the animal kingdom. Whites will be remembered as Neanderthals are today; inferior and outbred.

Sorry, you aren't stopping this. Your own people want it.

agreed. My dad's sister took a DNA test and came back with areas all over the British isles and Balkans, and my mom is Polish/German/Swedish. My brother and I are just mutts, plain and simple, but we are 100% European. We can't identify with any one nationality so we are just huwhite.

So many redpills here. Very nice work user, OP utterly BTFO.

Attached: this.jpg (494x531, 32K)

>Slavs and Finns more Aryan genetically than rest of Europe
We have been trying to tell you this for years.

Attached: yamna-migrations-indo-iranian.png (2115x3042, 1.17M)

Maybe Western civilization or European civilization would be more established terms than white civilization?

I prefer the term indo aryan or simply aryan

Thank you. You have said what so many people have wanted to say but didn't have the language

Attached: (666x400, 29K)

I don't know, that seems obscure. Who uses that?

This is great, good job researching. Maybe there is a hope for Burgerfats.

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Yes, this surely will stop the declining white birthrates and the rapidly growing nonwhite ones in America. Now that they know the proper delineation between words like Aryan, White and European, what can stop them!?

>The Chinese Empire, language, culture are quite different from the Japanese or Vietnamese or Korean ones.
They're actually incredibly similar.
>octoroons, hapas (or mongrels), albinos, asians can all have pale skin.
That's not what "white" means, you fucking retard.
>Nazis used to say they were part of the master race, jews say they're the "chosen people". what's the difference ? none !
This is entirely semantics.
>This is how they can put you all in the same basket, demonize you in the media. dehumanize and essentialize our entire civilisation.
This is the dumbest thing I've read all day. You can create an arbitrary category for anything and define it however you want. People don't have to agree with you. Words are just vehicles for ideas. Instead of saying white, you could say European, or you could say Nords, Celts, Slavs and Mediterraneans, or you could say Northwest Eurasians, or fucking anything. It doesn't matter. No wonder postmodernism came from your shit hole of a country.
>Nobody would be talking about "white privilege" if you fucking idiots still had an identity of your own.
Yeah, they'd be talking about that other identity's privilege instead.
>People with strong identities are immuned to subversion. Corsicans, Poles, Iranians, Japanese, Armenians, Turks, Basques...(among others) are immuned to the type of mental illness you see in the dying West.
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Your entire argument is, "I place myself under a smaller umbrella, and that protects me from insults!" No it doesn't. Not unless that specific group wasn't responsible for anything ever. And yeah, you can call the nips out on terrible things they did, the reason they don't care isn't because "they have Japanese identity" - that's ass-fucking-backwards - they don't care because they're biologically completely different from us, and they don't care about anything.
>None of you did a thing about it.
Genes, not words, stupid cunt.

baguette has a point

Pre ww2, it was common. Hitler referred to aryan people's but got mixed up and simply referred germanics as aryan. This is not the case. All europid groups are indo aryan, along with northern indians and iranians.

pretty blackpilling desu. Seems like a good way to wake up people if you force them to sit through the whole thing.
the Kraut and tea drama has brought more intelligent Jow Forumsacks to the forefront

I think the point is for Europids / Aryan whatever to have racial identity. It's a fact that shills on Jow Forums and youtube in general, like to spread this psyops that there is not a race to call ourselves. Don't say "white", don't say "Aryans", don't say anything it's all the jews tricks, yada yada. Of course, this is the same message as SJW promote, only you have re-framed for it into your own anti-SJW mindset. Anyone with common sense know that "white" means "people who are from European RACIAL and cultural extraction". You must be autistic to fall victim to confusion. its so simple, everyone knows what "white" means, except cucks in the West who let kikes confused it.

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His country has dropped below the US in national IQ and the capital is basically a foreign country. He shouldn't throw stones when he lives in a glass caliphate.

All the good French left. The ghost of Charles Martel can migrate here.

oh, you

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>Our real enemy are non-Europeans.
Not true. Most whites actually don't agree with you on very fundamental points about race and nationhood.

Cool post kike.

Was it common before Hitler and before 20th century?

I think it is just Europeans trying to distance themselves from america. Regardless this video is about each individual European nation falling.

Bismarck or Wilheim talked about a Yellow wave overtaking the white. So it is used, but it's also shitty and inaccurate. The Nips tried to pass themselves off as yellow saviors of the yellow race. Pan-Asia confederacy or whatever it was called. It was just a mask for Japanese dominion of the yellow race. Germany did the same thing, pass it off as white supremacy and white crusade against Judaism and it's just German nationalism with useful idiots.

Guess what the Soviets did with the global proletariat? Isn't it curious how all the good little commie nations obeyed pappa Russia, with the bad commies being the ones who left the plantation, like Mao or Tito?

>it is just Europeans trying to distance themselves from america
If you've been here long enough, its obvious that that agenda is part of a psyop. Why do so many modern nationalists still harbor "brother war" hatreds of fellow Europid nations? Obviously because they lack a unified racial identity. "Aryanism" is suppressed, and so "whiteness" must also be suppressed. That way we all default to petty nationalism, and don't achieve racial solidarity as the Jews have.

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You see I would believe you if they weren’t mass importing different races and with those races, cultures and living standards into ONLY white countries to change the demographic. Then on top of that interracial sex is force fed through the media. So in the case that works towards the white genocide agenda, race is true and in the case where the white genocide agenda is ignored or considered non existent , white racial identity is considered fundamentally wrong. You can’t make this kind of double speak and contradiction up, it’s all over western culture. What this contradiction, which is essentially a truth with two lie insides of it tells us is that white racial identity exists and it is absolutely under attack

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I see it as a form of blatant D&C to pull this bullshit where white doesn't exist and we're all just individual ethnicities of swedish, german, russian, etc.

Yeah, as if the difference between a german and a swede is no different than between a german and a somali. This semantic trickery is all about trying to invalidate the fact that, while there are individual european ethnicities, they're all part of a larger european culture and spirit. Keep everyone feeling more isolated and separate. God forbid different WHITE EUROPEAN people start putting aside their differences to help each other fight off existential threats.