If you're one of those people who identifies as "white". Or speak of "white civilisation", congrats! you are a good slave. You are part of the problem.
You wouldn't talking about asian civilisation as "yellow civilisation" would you ? Heck, even "asian" civilisation is pretty vague. The Chinese Empire, language, culture are quite different from the Japanese or Vietnamese or Korean ones.
Remember, words have a lot of importance. and when you use words like "white", you are giving sophistic ammunitions to your political, cultural and ultimately racial enemies. You are using their language. playing by their rules.
octoroons, hapas (or mongrels), albinos, asians can all have pale skin.
It doesn't mean shit and only shows that we Europeans have lost our roots. You people are letting "the other" describe what you are. And that's how they can pull their marxist tricks on you.
Ever wondered why it's impossible to subvert the jew ? Why it is always and invariably the Christian, the Atheist, the agnostic, who gets tricked ?
Jews have a strong identity. They know what they are. Nazis used to say they were part of the master race, jews say they're the "chosen people". what's the difference ? none !
In other words, they don't think they're shit. and they certainly don't see the rest of the world as their equal. (good for them).
This is how cultural marxist fuck you in the ass. This is how they can put you all in the same basket, demonize you in the media. dehumanize and essentialize our entire civilisation.
Simply by calling you "white".
Nobody would be talking about "white privilege" if you fucking idiots still had an identity of your own.
People with strong identities are immuned to subversion. Corsicans, Poles, Iranians, Japanese, Armenians, Turks, Basques...(among others) are immuned to the type of mental illness you see in the dying West.
British children were sexually exploited,raped, tortured by Paki invadors. None of you did a thing about it. Ask yourself why.