Fuck trump111

Fuck Trump! It destroys the world! It destroys America! I regret voting for him in 2016. All he is - Traitor Kike, getting rid of the Iran deal and bombing Syria. This is a stream of hatred trump! Trump hate Steam!

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Former Trump supporter checking in.

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fuck kike traitor!

You seriously have no idea what you are talking about user. Fuck you but fuck you

Trump nothing but lieing jew traitor1!!

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Get out nufag

I know exactly what I speak about! Stop shilling for jew in office!!

Attached: евреи.jpg (1104x9958, 2.96M)

newfags and PTG support Trump, Old fags and old pol support Assad and Putin!

The military industrial complex thanks you for your vote.

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fuck you

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Why democrats so anti-semitic?

Another jidf slide thread

>Tpaмп c eвpeeM
>Изpaильcкaя cтeнa
This better be a new meme. But fuck off ctr, daily reminder to report and sage spam threads

>>"Durr you dont support jew kike in white house you are jidf."
i hate nu pol so much

I too regret voting for dumpf. comrade

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I don't actually hate him, I just think that he's an easily manipulated blowhard. Like most of you.

wow all of you niggers who keep calling me jidf our so retarded. why would jews be trying to cause subversion against trump, when trump is the most pro israel president ever? he does there every will

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nigger kike lover

>our so retarded
really makes me think, retard

now I know you're a kike

im most not jewish, you kike.

Are you ready for confetti?

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Watch any of Johnny Gats' Trump videos. It's a blackpill, but Trump is a 100% like dick sucker.

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Wow what a fucking blatent obvious kike shill post, of course deflecting from the happening in pissreal
Seriously is this is the effort they're putting in then something big is on the horizon

>I regret voting for him in 2016.
Shit, me too! Every single day!

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Trump stands with israel 100%

t. moshe
Jews love black cock

I REGRET NOTHING. Go back into your hole to cry until 2020

the king jew supports trump

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fuck you jew

You're telling me you're pissed he got the Jews and Muslims to fight? 4D all the way!!!

I cannot fucking wait until you retarded shill rats get strung up by your own retarded hate speech laws for this particularly retarded shill campaign

>>muh 4D chess water polo!!!
nu pol again

i honestly wish trump haden't backstabbed us. this is me right now

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You're ESL and you're on the internet pretending to be sad you voted for president Trump...I'm not sure if you're shilling or larping, but I'm 100% positive you ain't legit.

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i do not know what an esl is, but i am american

FUCK trump.

i agree

Memeflag non american shitskin

Git gud at English, memeflag.

What did he mean by this?

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My English is good, negro.

>you're doing good so far, goynald. Don't forget to make war against north korea and iran or else I'll post that vid we have of you going down on ivanka during her diaper change.

I didnt think it was possible to pack any more foreign interests into the executive branch until i voted for Donald Trump. Not like there was much of a choice, almost like theyre doing... IDK... Controlled Synthesis???

this, they think its russians who own trump but we dont, it's Israel.


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Look at the AI
Look at the AI die
Die AI, die
Bye bye bye

I am not AI

Try harder leftpol

Because he threatens their ability to extract resources in the west. Israel just home base for the global scams

Was in Moscow today. Note carefully that Israel did not join in any sanctions on Russia the last two years...openly operating as a pass through banking entrepot while US companies are wrapped in every kind of constraint from engaging

>meme flag

opinion discarded

fuck you nigger

REGULAR REMINDER for all anti-Trump (aka sane) people on Jow Forums.
Do not feed the Trumpfag shills who are desperate and delusional. They will lash out with cries of "SHILL! SHILLL!!!!" when they themselves are the shills.

Attached: HIDNR Trumpfags.png (1304x892, 67K)

This, this board was so nice before reddit hijacked it

the shill samefags and can't even do that right. Nice fradulen slip earlier as well. Your thread belongs in the

what slip do you mean nigger

Do it!
or vote Hillary/Satan 2020!

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nice meme flag negro

Yea right, kike.

So Trump decides to let Israel 1v1 Iran and take each other out and you faggots are fucking crying about it? Kill yourself. Like forreal. If you hate Trump this much, end it. It won't get better for you, pussy.