He does have a valid point, you know. You don't "need" a gun in order to defend yourself...

He does have a valid point, you know. You don't "need" a gun in order to defend yourself. If people in this nation would just get past that misconception and get some martial arts training then we would be much better off.

Personally, I have extensive training in karate and have taken a few classes in jiu jitsu. I have NEVER felt the need to carry a gun on me in public because I know I can handle any situation whether the person is attacking me with fists or with a gun.

The idea that you need a gun for self defense is absolutely absurd and it's about time our nation stops buying into the rhetoric of the NRA and others and starts hitting the gym.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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a few jiu jitsu classes don't count for shit. you need years just to develop a good guard

If you care that people think you're a "pussy" more than you value staying alive then by all means, let yourself be killed.

Nice spam asshole
He’s a faggot and so are you
Fuck off

ok, that would work out as long as the martial arts guy really stood there completely still and didn't just rush the gun guy who is only 2 feet away in 0.5 seconds, locking his arms, grab his gun, and then beat the shit out of him.

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motherfucker probably has a delusional fantasy of kicking a gun out of some criminal's hand.. he's just gonna get shot.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>Why doesn't a wheelchair-bound cripple just backflip over the 200lb burglar and stab him in the back with his katana?

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What about five niggers with guns?

Is this tool actually aware of what he's proposing here? He's basically saying, that weak people don't deserve to protect themselves. So if you're a 100 lbs female and a 220 lbs rapist wants to hurt you, tough luck. Shouldn't have been weak.

Don't worry he will just kick their guns out of their hands... delusional fuck.

Take guns away from minorities and women.

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t. Glorious Chinese Boxer rebel

sage daily shill thread

"Rollins is of Jewish ancestry through his father."

Brains invented guns.

Good go suck his cock faggot and worship the celebrities that tell you what to think. Fucktard!

Yeah tell that single mother living in an impoverished neighborhood to karate chop those three home invaders who want to rape her

Super progressive

Hey look at me, I scowl all the time, have tatoos and tell lyrics... I'm a badass and because I said so you should listen to me...

Fuck Rollins band and fuck this faggot

Operation Seed of Doubt
time to plant a seed of doubt in the shills' brains:

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Henry Rollins ran like a little bitch when he was young during an armed robbery. The criminals ended up blowing his friend's brains out while he ran like a coward.

So the guy that couldn't defend himself from rape wants to tell me how to defend myself?

Quick OP tell us about the 7 year old girl in your "Dojo"

It's already illegal for felons to have a gun. Problem solved.

Rollins sucked. Maybe someone more relevant, like marky mark or some shit.

>guns beat hand to hand

sure. as long as i run in a predictable pattern over a long distance and you don't miss. and you don't just graze me. and if you do hit me and it stops me. and your gun doesn't jam. and you don't run out of bullets.

knives don't run out of ammo. knives don't miss. indoors, or over short distance? I'll take my k-bar every time.

Lots of people don't know this but the only reason Germany lost WW2 was because they used guns. If they power leveled their hand 2 hand they would have prestiged and increased their k/d radio

Rollins isn't retarded it makes a lot of sense

Rollins murdered his gay lover and blamed it on blacks. Look it up, Henry didn't want to come out of the closet so he killed his boyfriend from exposing him.

People started using sticks and stones thousands of years ago. Get with the times and get a gun.

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Lol go back to jiu jitsu. Have my black belt in karate long time blue belt in jits.
Karate is mostly useless.

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I live in commiefornia, at one point a spic gang banger here really didn't like me. He drove by my house on one occasion and fired multiple rounds from a handgun into the front of my house.
Now give me a scenario where your martial arts skills can somehow "return fire" when being shot at by this level of fuck up?
I'm learned in a martial art, wing chun, and the fact of the matter is it won't.
Fuck you kike.

>Guns are tools of the weak.
Exactly, which is why more women need to have fire arms and training, you fucking rapist monster.

>I went and got tatoo's on my arms to look tough.
>I wear a black shirt and have a constant scowl on my face cause grrrr im rough and tough.

Henry Rollins supports the West Memphis Three can fuck of with his edgy faggotry.

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says the douche that rolls around with armed security. who lives in a gated community with armed security.

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if melee weapons evolved in the place of guns, what do you guys think they would be like?
this includes knife tanks bc you guys are going to be like muhh chemical warfare, muh bombs.
everywhere else on the internet is like omg there wouldnt have been hitler tehee

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He's right - he's much stronger than me. The reason I need a gun is because of this fact. I'm a very small, weak, person. I need a gun to keep off such large attackers as himself.

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>Kids get blamed in something a pedophile did and got away with.

if the other guy has a gun, then, yes, you need a gun. this is possibly the dumbest attempt at gun grab shilling I've ever seen. sage

Have you ever heard of the monks that foght in the Boxer Rebilion?

I hate how he has this look on his face like he's always sad and about to cry

Guns are tools of the weak, unless you're in a gun fight or dealing with an armed intruder intending to harm your family, in which case they're pretty fucking useful. Never give up your guns, for the love of god, NEVER BECOME US.

Are you going to post this every day for the rest of time? I lived through Henry Rollins' better years. He was decent during My War. Now he's a flaming faggot and he has been for decades.

You realize that trained melee fighters are literally what ranged weapons were created to counter, right?

Roll em lads

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gif related

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i am a BJJ brown belt and a gun nut. Henry rollins was the singer of a shitty punk band and a faggy poetry writer. there, ad hominem for you

Martials arts surely will help me against the drug cartels here with their machine guns. Thanks for the tip, I'll man up now.

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condemn me

the Gun is the ultimate equalizer

if you are against firearms, you're against equal rights





Is any attempt being made to prevent this particular shill from spamming this same exact thread 24/7/265 or is it just the owners views expressed directly?

Also, who is this guy? Why is anyone supposed to care? Is he famous?

Saging this shitty thread since the idiots they gave the power to do something about it simply won't put down the cheese pizza long enough to anything

>you don't have to agree with me for me to be objectively correct, despite not presenting any sort of rational argument with which to justify my bold claims!



it’s ok for the strong to victimize the weak?
What makes all people equal?
Pic related

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2 body shots and your done, sorry bud

Henry Rollins, his tough guy bravado didn't save his friends life when they were mugged and the nigger shot him. He's a washed up punk

I see this thread every day lately. Figured you shills would go back to posting blacked threads by now.

True, you don’t “need” a gun to defend yourself. However if the other person has a gun, you do. If there are multiple attackers, you do. If your family is also in danger, you do.

He’s literally a Neanderthal, leave it to him to dumb down even a simple issue to something moronic.

He needs to take his spiritual pseudo-masculine faggot self to a third world country and never come back.

There was a guy that actually did that against and active shooter and took the shooter down with nothing but his body.

Most people would not do it though

Op is a fag and epitome of people without any cognitive abilities.
>> I have training
>> I took classes
>>I don’t need a gun

Therefore, YOU don’t need a gun either.
Fucking idiot

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>this same fucking thread again

also Henry Rollins is a faggot, it's just his faggotry is dwarfed by OP's

I may not need a car to get to work, but it's more efficient than walking to them.
I may not need a box of matches to start a fire, but it's more effective than a bowdrill.
I may not need a phone to contact someone, but it's more effective than two tin cans and a string.
I may not need a firearm to defend myself, but it's the most effective way to do so. Technology has advanced to the point where I do not need to endanger myself by closing with my enemy. Why should I restrict myself to technology that is inferior?
Why should I make myself less effective in a combat situation by disarming myself when I know my opponent will not do the same?

Yea Henry

You pal really defended himself real good when he got shot in the head.

Saying any "tool" is for the weak speaks to his already weakened mindset.

The smartest of us would use the most effective tools possible to achieve our goals.

Tools are one of the symbols of our intelligence, and they're the reason we rule the planet.

What a bitter, washed up faggot.

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This is a troll thread. Sage.

You don't NEED a gun.
Much the same as you don't NEED a 500 horse-power vehicle.
Similar to the fact that you don't NEED stuffed crust on your pizza.
Also, you don't NEED a television, computer, or any type of entertainment.

If the main argument is that we don't NEED guns then why allow anything that we don't technically NEED. We should only be allowed the essentials to live, food, water, and shelter.

>I know I can handle any situation whether the person is attacking me with fists or with a gun.


Yeah sure.

>Guns are tools of the weak

Exactly. So he does understand why people feel the need to own guns.

Okay I want to see him against a bear with no other weapons than his fists


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He looks like a buff Jim Carey.


so many one and done OP post... you stupid fags

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I'll just accept this for the sake of argument. All we have to do to defend ourselves from any number of potential armed attackers is watch some kung fu movies and do cross-fit, gun owners are dumb no dick hitlers, sure. but what about people who are actually weak? What about my Grandmother, my Sister, my Niece, my Nephew, the sick, the elderly, the crippled, and so on and so forth. Sure I could probably wreck some guys shit, hell maybe even a few guys at once, but what about them? I guess they're weak and just deserve whatever happens to them, as long as Tyrone doesn't get hurt trying to rob and rape.

>ITT Leftists are so neurotic about guns and self defense that they unironically adopt the philosophy that the weak belong under the boots of the strong.

Fuck yeah chubby redhead titties with a tight pussy

So literally come and take my guns you colossal kike faggot nigger. Oh right, your a fucking coward.

Oh yes, Mr. I go to places where people are violent and then make friends and leave

“I wish it to be remembered that I was the last man of my tribe to surrender my rifle”.

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In high school, there was this kid that was some kind of state champion fighter. Some nigger kids were messing with him really bad and he knocked one or two of them down, and then the rest mobbed him and kicked him half to death.

I'll take my chances with my guns, thanks.

if anybody else, including the government, has a gun, than you need a gun.

Rollins is such a cuck he gets fucked by Niggers while his wife jerks off.

Niggers can listen to his advice. Keep the White race armed.

You retarded faggots take this bait ever fucking day.

>weak people should die because their attackers are stronger
Nice try Henry.

He says he just walks through cities alone.


but also,

doesnt matter how smart you are or how fit you are, if the other guy has a gun and you dont and he knows what hes doing, you're fucked.

The gov't will be inspired to stay in its lane and respect our freedom because of the threat of lots of little baby slaps from a soi-infused public, of course.. we don't need guns.

Did you and his friends at least jump them in revenge later?

Less cars
More walking
Cars are the tools of the weak
Its ok if you dont agree
Your wrong.
Fucking dipshits you can do that with anything.
Less utensils
More finger foods
Utensils are the tools of the weak
blah blah blah

Fuck off commie, kike scum

>1 post by this ID