Why do you let Jews gas your lungs with cancerous cigarette smoke? Stop smoking

Why do you let Jews gas your lungs with cancerous cigarette smoke? Stop smoking

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Fuck off

>Decades of anti smoking ads
>Both sides of politics are anti smoking
>Everyone in Israel smokes
>They live long as fuck lives

Really makes you think.

It makes me look cool

Come home redman

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Because (((they))) are telling me smoking is bad. Ergo it must be based.

Used to smoke the fuck out of these. Now I just hand roll and smoke a filterless ciggie from some Norwegian tobacco, the buzz is quite nice, really.

>told my mom I got antagonized for smelling like an ashtray in middle school
>tells me I should stop smoking
>backhands me when I tell her its because she chain smokes in every part of the house and that none of my friends are allowed over because they carry they smell back to their house

Smokers are subhuman trash and I have absolutely no problem with them being charged exorbitant prices for their shit sticks

Good job you got gas’d indirectly by kike tobacco companies

Take your black, hairy fingers off of the keyboard and never again speak of the human race you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor

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government manipulated mind control devices for the masses = cigarettes . I still want one but I like the cilia in my lungs sir.

People who overindulge in anything are trash and you undoubtedly judge your single mother harshly for her habit while gleefully sucking down your 40th soda of the day or visiting your favorite colorful burger clown 5x a week

Why do they even start smoking?

Your mom is such a lazy shit she can't step outside, there is nothing wrong with smoking she's just a cow

nigger did you just compare a sugary carbonated liquid that can be completely inundated by doing a fucking push up to inhaling tar coated in nicotine

Only weak willed faggots smoke the cancerous jew.

All you stupid goy claiming "it must be good cause they tell me it's bad" are feeding the cancer and Pharmaceutical industry. Idiots.

>completely inundated by doing a fucking push up
I think this gives me a fairly good idea of who I'm talking to. Hey man, I'm gonna smoke while you throw your tantrum, but if you're still huffy when I get back, I'm taking the switch and putting it up until Monday.

I still thoroughly believe that the carcinogens in cigs are from the shit they put into them, with all the fiberglass and urea and ammonia in Ultra Cool 666 shitcigs it's no surprise they give you tumors
Nas blacks are where it's at

tfw tried to quit smoking by starting snus and now I just do both

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Well thats not an arguement but ok
Let me know when light exercise can reverse the effects of lung cancer.

my high melanin level brother. American Spirit is my jam

I do not have to worry about cancer since i'm surrounded by cancer everywhere i go.

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