I think I'm ready to end it.
Any ideas on how to go out and turn into a martyr to Europa?
An hero
Other urls found in this thread:
Killing yourself would be a good start
Take all the shitskins with you.
Take a trip to Brussels and wipe out the EU.
Do you want to go to hell?
Yeah. End it by starting a revolution. Not by a terrorist attack but rather by becoming a political activist. Overthrow the current world order and reinstate order, respect, honor and a society where the white race can be free. It will be a slow death, one that will last for decades. But that's how you'll become a true hero and a martyr to Europa.
Breivik did nothing wrong
how much of a pathetic weakling do you have to be to want to kill yourself? Just know that you made your jewish masters proud faggot.
Might do...
start the largest holocaust revisionist movement the world has ever seen.
Go all out, make videos, act out scenes, make fun of the lies.
Teach people about the word "holocaust" and disassociate it with genocide and remind people the true victims were those who died by firebomb or nuke on all sides.
That the captured records from Auschwitz said only 38,000 khazar mutt beasts died from various causes, none of them gassing or oven.
Because you are Polish you can defend youself with the past because of how long Poland fostered the Khazar (Ashkehanazi jew) and gave their daughters to them.
Set in motion the chain of events that finally ignites the race war once and for all. Please.
You posted this last week, you attention seeking whore
I'm just a weak loser wagie. All I have left is my love for our people and our history.
"Convert" to Islam. Wear all the stupid clothes and say all the stupid shit. Start preaching in white only areas, tell them what is really in the koran (redpill). Denounce local muslims for not being pure enough. Tell them that they are sinners.
You know what to do.
>Killing yourself before the world is plunged into chaos
You’re on your own for this one, Boss.
Kill yourself in a bunker in Berlin with your sweet wife once Europe is in flames, after doing your best to raise the European people from collapse and imbue them with a sense of heroic destiny and save them from eternal ruin
become a politician
You know what to do user. Good luck
>Stop posting on here.
>Get therapy.
You loser.
Don't rush it faggot. Take some time to plan.
Breivik's manifesto has good stuff in it, even though it was mostly copypasta.
OP I suggest you read some of it
But Jan, Poland is not yet Lost. Let the rest of Europe (and muttmart) fall to savages, make sure your country never does.
Please don't shoot up white people like St. Breivik. Thanks!
Go find the whitest, most libshit place outside of Poland you can, and then start killing "evil fascist nazis" for exploiting the poor rapefugees.
Just let Jow Forums rot you slowly like the rest of us. Don't be a fucking quitter.
Is that true?
If it is I bet the ones they solve are all people burning down their own shit for insurance.
I bet if you just randomly molotoved shit once in awhile you wouldn't ever be caught for years and years.
Just be careful. Make sure you are always on foot. No cars to track. Face hidden with a hoodie or skimask. Start the fire and leave, don't stick around. Wear gloves for fingerprints etc.
Doesn't take a genius.
I am not saying you should do this but you know what you should do.
What causes the most evil in the world?
Think in terms of economic damage. Even very inexpensive acts can yield huge returns on investment. An few boxes full of these or even roofing nails strategically deployed just before rush hour would cause millions of dollars of lost productivity to a major metropolitan area.
Friend, we need our soldiers now more than ever. Don't give up the fight. I myself have been considering leaving for the foreign legion. A fresh start, somewhere else. Like a reset. Don't give it all up after so many have sacrificed to give you just a tiny touch more than what little this world has to offer. We need our Jow Forumsski!
Take over a tv station Airheads style.
You're absolutely right.
Pro tip: Add as much styrofoam as you can dissolve into the gasoline for long and hot burning napalm.
Merk merkel kek
shoot the cunt
Grab an ak, dress up like taliban. Shoot up a school yelling allah snack bar. False flag jihadi.
>race war when?
What soldiers? This guy says he is actually willing to fight.
Infrastructure is a much better target than people.
kill this fucker and the cops will kill you
suicide by police, beautiful stuff
No, he wants to an hero doing some crazy shit that'll make the struggle of white preservationism look bad.
top kek
This, geeze.
You gotta better idea?
First you need to leave two white sons.
If you dont carry on with your task, you are not allowed to die.
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
Fiber optic cables
>Fiber optic cables
They don't call electricity "POWER" for nothing.
And don't bring a cellphone.
You think they are just going to GIVE us power if we vote hard enough?
Killing niggers in the desert? Your kidding right?
I guess, who knows.
Prioritize politicians. Attacking random civilians just gives them an excuse to further increase their power.
Allah Akbar a mosque
Can't start a fire
Can't start a fire without a spark
This gun's for hire
Even if were just dancin' in the dark
I'm not sure why you would target people with only symbolic power. Going after bankers, corporate board members and executives, academics and journalists would make much more sense.
For the win...
>could have killed important people who are ruining the world
>kills a bunch of commie kids with no benefit rather garnering a bunch of sympathy for lefties and resentment towards the right
these are not the actions of an intelligent man, hes a mad fool.
its always the idiots who take action
Tactical bump stock
A homeless nigger in Atlanta burnt down this steel and concrete freeway overpass by lighting fire to pvc culvert pipes stored underneath.
According to William S Burroughs riots can be incited in crowds and at protests by playing recordings of the sounds of previous riots.
Killing spree, purchase as many deaths as possible with your own in the name of whatever cause you deem righteous. Don't be a stupid faggot about it, go serial killer on that shit and do it as long as possible before you get got.
>this thread
Who would win:
>the entire Islamic caliphate and diaspora Islamic terror cells seeking destruction of critical US infrastructure
>one nigger with a lighter
>in Poland
That guy is full of shit. fiber is very easy to troubleshoot, one of the tools I use is called an OTDR, a device that will pinpoint a fault down to the foot, even when miles away. Stopped reading at cell phones, its all bs.
t. Tech faggot at AT&T Wireline
Stfu loser