Time to shut this thing down

2 AM tonight we flood Jow Forumsthe_donald with full racism, anti semitism anti Islam, and holocaust denial.

the reddit fags will ban it and end the cancer for us and at the same time the Jow Forums complicity will attract people looking for a laugh who may actually learn something from it. Win-win really.

Make your memes look like its a coming out party for the the_donald and you are real one of them so it looks less suspicious and thus easier for reddit admins to ban. Also move PTG to Jow Forums. See you at 2 am, have your holohaux folder ready.

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Also dump your best content here. dub s gets to be most upvoted post of thedonald tomorrow morning.

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It's 4 AM you stupid.

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Timezones exist

OP is a NYT Columnist. Worse than a faggot from plebbit. GTFO, kike.

Is Jow Forumsthe_donald full of neo-cons? I never been on there before.

So that everyone from there will come here? No thanks

>redditspacey wants to flood reddit


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>inb4 r/the_donald gets shut down but everyone who disagrees with you still exists
>mfw /ptg/ still exists

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I think that's a great idea. I've FUCKING HAD ENOUGH of these boomers

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Yes, and civic nationalists.

kill yourself shill rat

Not your personal army, leftist wall street shill.

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>French education

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2am eastern or wesrern

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r/T_D is a gateway redpill, we shouldn’t do this until natsoc gets at least 10% of the vote. Hell, we could even make magamutts our brownshirts and kill them once we gain power.

>totally not tomorrow’s CNN oped that will result in 4chans shut down and killing of organized MAGA
Kys antifa shill

>wants to shut down r_donnie so that they all come here
fuck off, piece of shit OP

You may not realize it, but anyone who unironically supports maga is a brownshirt to be purged... but first let’s get rid of (((them)))

They're already here though, the board is filled with kikes from reddit and shitskin civicnats.

Shutting down t_d will just mean that every last one of them migrate here... it will mean the death of Jow Forums as we know it.

I got banned from their sub for using triple parentheses. Confirmed jew mods.

I was going to sage but instead I’ll bump, I want Jow Forums to see this garbage shill op
also this boomerposter reads like a 4chinz post from that episode of Homeland where the chick shows her tiddies

They are going to end up here you fucking idiot

Jow Forums is not your personal army. Cuck

>flooding a 400k+ strong community of useful idiots to get it banned

I don't think so, schlomo

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It's against the rules to call for a raid on another board or site.

National socialism doesn't have a rat chance in hell in the current political climate. This stuff takes time.

Let the civic nationalists have their voice. It will shift the center of gravity in US politics to the right.

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>Anyone who dislikes Trump is a shill
Yes, yes. Good goyim, all of you! You get shekels. They're the kike shills not us, #MAGA

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First of all, NYPA.
Second of all, use UTC you fucking mong.

Yeah, but until then 56% is going to keep going down. Are we going to have to be at 5.6% until whites finally wake up? I don’t want that.

t. shill who’s With Her

It's actually 600k+ now

reddit's administration will never ban /the_donald/ because its existence allows them to claim that they aren't massively biased towards the left while simultaneously making Trump supporters and right-leaning people in general look retarded due to the uncritical zombie dipshits that populate that board

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So they purge all the natsocs and only leave behind mouth breathing civnat mutts. And then they have the audacity to call that “right wing representation”.

This isn’t Shareblue. KYS for a laugh

What about Indians?
Also don’t touch Texas Paco.


I wonder how many people are stupid enough to follow the direction of this jidf shill. There are some stupid people here, as the data mining threads always prove.

2am what timezone you autist?

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>shutting down our colony
>implying we want a bunch of normies here


its not a raid its posting Jow Forums memes onto a sub reddit htat only posts Jow Forums memes.

All feilds

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Organizing a raid? That's a ban right there.

so white people don't get a single good beach? If we want to go vacation at a nice beach, we have to choose between being surrounded by niggers, mexicans or gooks?


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Full of Jews and retards

It's already my dude
Leave while you have some integrity left, before the corruption gets to you as well

I dont go on plebbit and I certainly dont go there to destroy the one faggoty thing that pisses off the rest of that nigger site. OP is a full on kike

Im OP.

Im not JIDF or ANTIFA or a NYT journalist.

I'm going to kill myself if I see

>fellow 'pede here
>frog posting
>that stupid hand symbol they make
>trump themed cakes
>fat morons repeating republican talking points
>lauren southern

ever again.

The sub reddit has to go. its ruining Jow Forums.

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600k idiots who can't think for themselves... I really hate you Pol for doing this...

>'Special' Lieutenant Shekelschmidt

saging this retarded shit

Why not raid PTG instead?

We'd still win. One hell of a fight, but we'd win.

Go away.
No more redditors.

I assume once those fags on reddit see Jow Forums is not the same as T_D they will just stop coming to PTG to shop for content tot post on reddit.

fuck PTG too. embarrasing. Move it to bant. ITs not politics its just stupid jokes and memes.

Based baguette

>yfw when you hate racists so much you go on their boards and try to get them to falseflag each other to get banned but in the end you're just posting nigger hate and kike memes

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What's wrong with that?

MIGA tards will never amount to something as great as the nazi party

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besides, Jow Forums is a Jupiter board.

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That's stupid, the cucks here are refusing to assimilate, soon enough the redpills will become semi redpills, only half truths will come from these civ nat boomers

Not neocons. Most hate intervention just can't say

Bump for OP's ability to enthrall Autistes to do his bidding.

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He thinks French time matters, what a faggot

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I see you Reddit faggots are still butthurt over their existence. Reason enough to leave them be.

Needs the hay ass "awoo" to he accurate

get the plebbits out!

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No man, it'll be even worse, full of old boomers refusing to assimilate, let's just keep making MAGAPEDE cringe threads and dropping redpills on PTG

Yep, great idea op, then they will literally never leave here.

Wee wee, faget!

I wouldnt be butthurt if they weren't spamming that shitty general all day, I once saw 4 PTG generals posted at once

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>get r/T_D banned
>all the reddiors flood to Jow Forums

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Still waiting for boots on the ground in Syria, faggot

nope can't do it. These PTG and T_D fags make me cringe. destroy t_D and they'll all go back to facebook once they realize Jow Forums really is anti-semitic

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You all might hate r/T_D but the rest of reddit is much worse. Leave them there to antagonize the tards across the rest of reddit.

reddit basically shadow banned them. they aren't annoying anyone because nobody sees them if they dont subscribe to T_D

>hello fellow le pole

Sit your ass down and let capitalism sort out TD

not your personal army.
Nobody wants it shut down. it's containment.

But they get mentioned and linked to often enough across the site to still have a presence.

OP is an obvious kike. r/the_retard sucks but there is no benefit to anyone but plebbit faggots in getting it banned. I've never seen such a clear example of "what are you doing rabbi" then this thread

Divide and conquer amirite? Sage this cancer

>Jow Forums really is anti-semitic
I think a lot of the Ameribros just want us to quit sticking our dick in the Middle East. Let the rag-heads kill each other over their deserts, we have more important things to take care of domestically.

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Raiding le_cuckold will just cause more of them to flood here, you idiot. What needs to be done is to go full /mlpoltrash/ and just flood the fuck out of the board with porn and gore. That will scare the boomers away.

It is a gateway redpill, keep it until whites are truly woken up by the black sun.

>r/the_donald gets shutdown
>they all come here flooded while all the mods are redditors themselves
you really are stupid aren't you.
that will just have the same effect.

This is the only option OP

Also we need more gore and “___ Hate Threads” to scare the boomers back to Facebook, where they rightfully belong.

name one reason the_donald should go on. What good is it doing?

Lenin had to purge the moderates in order to create an effective political movement and so did adolf Hitler when he told Strasser and Goebbels to fall in line or leave.

the_donald is totally useless in any political or ideological sense and annoying cancer.

Attached: Gregor Strasser.jpg (471x796, 71K)

>>fellow 'pede here
>>frog posting
>>that stupid hand symbol they make
>>trump themed cakes
>>fat morons repeating republican talking points
>>lauren southern

now kys

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Hitler got rid of the Strasserists AFTER he took power. Then again, Strasserists and Natsocs had common ground, do we have that with t_d? They seem to see politics as a game of trigger le libtards Xd