What does Jow Forums think of refugees?

Are the majority of them sexist?

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I have no problem with real Syrian refugees. The problem is 99% coming into Europe are not Syrian nor are they refugees. Most are from South Asia, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

They are not refugees. They are invaders coming because of the welfare state. Yes, the bullshit that "they help the economy" is a lie. It is all about replacing Europeans and YOU are paying for this.

>Most are from South Asia, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

That is xenophobic and transagephobic. They identify as Syrian children. You are lucky you haven't been imprisoned for wrongthink yet.

Most of them are not refugees, but just assholes looking for gibs but only serve a double tap to the back of the head.
The whole concept of refugee has been perverted by (((them))) to destroy Western Civ.

I think Assad should put every last one of the real refugees, man woman and child, against a wall and implant bullets in their heads for treason and cowardice.

The Pakis and Niggers will be afforded no such kindness.

Fuck 'em, they have to go back.

The majority of them aren't refugees. They're just shitskins who were told white people gave free money to poor people so they migrated into their countries to take advantage of it.

Refugees should be women and children. Not young male adults.

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Every time I meet a Syrian refugee (they teach me Arabic), they always want to meet at a creepy ass park at night. Ficki ficki

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and that's a good thing

The majority of them belong back home, end of.

No one is arguing that, they are hostile forgein nationials living within your borders tho.
What kind of dumb shit is that?
At least ours kill our blacks off for us. Sure we pay out the ass in taxes for it, but if you look at the crime statistics, it's actually a next gain (blacks cost way more in taxes, and Mexican gang bangers kill enough it makes up for the ones that leech the system).
Trump is changing this, opting to simply pay Americans to remove all the gangbangers.

They have to go back.

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I would have less of a problem if the refugee status that other states give them was logical and specified that they were to return to their country once it was safe, and that they were afforded no special treatment by the state since they are not citizens. But it's not that way. Countries like Canada don't send them back afterwards, and they give them free gibs as soon as they land in Canada, all at the expense of the tax payer, and at the expense of the country due demographic shifts and social unrest due to multi-ethnicity.

The cucked "international laws" that specify a country cannot prevent citizens from leaving isn't helping. So the men leave too, when they should probably just be refused and conscripted to fight until the war is over.

Fuck off we're full.

>What does Jow Forums think of refugees?
Real refugees? Or "refugees"?

In any case, I think Paul was absolutely right:
> 1 Timothy 5:8 But if any do not take care of their relatives, especially the members of their own family, they have denied the faith and are worse than an unbeliever.

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You already know the answer, but you act like you don't.

Think about it: when mentioning immigrants they always mention slavery, colonialism and whatnot, they never once mention current ongoing wars waged with your weapons and with your blessing.

That's why for every Syrian we get a hundred niggers.

>They are invaders coming because of the welfare state.

Jesus said, "I am telling you the truth: the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a robber.

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Nazis are human being beings too.

Human beings that cause crime.

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"Refugees are human beings" the globalists parrot. Rapists, pedophiles and murderers are human too with that logic, assholes.


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They are being let in because of
>muh cheap workers
thus further fucking up the whole job economy.
Why should an employer pay you, a citizen of the country, a decent wage, if he can get away by abusing some shitskin, paying them below min wage and even get praised for being so tolerant and liberal and all that bs?
And the politicians really think that letting millions of apes into our society, won't impact anything negatively on the long run.
Holy fuck just bomb this 3rd world shithole already.

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