WTF is wrong with assad that he thinks he can fuck with israel (OUR ALLY) like this?

WTF is wrong with assad that he thinks he can fuck with israel (OUR ALLY) like this?

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Shit like this make me realize that I live in the evil empire, but things are pretty good in the evil empre, all in all.

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I've tried to tell my wife we are the big evil empire who fucks up entire countries for basically made up reasons because we're bored and need an ass that needs kicking. God help me, 100 more explanations over 10 more years and she might fucking understand.

>goyim you can t attack us , you need to bend over and take it in the ass

Fuck Israel. Glass the kikes. Mideast war now.

Well that's an interesting ID.

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Just to be clear. Is officially whats happening right now is that Iran and Israel are blaming eachother for strikes? Are both confirmed to happen? Do they both admit to them? Someone give me a quick rundown please. Because unless I have evidence otherwise Im just going to assume that God's chosen people are lying again

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Iran helped syria and now Israel wants us to die for them in classical rat fashion.

Kikebart is reporting that Iran launched 20 missiles into Golan Heights. RT is reporting that Israel is running bombing raids on Iranian positions in Syria and shelling Baath. Did all of this happen? Or did Israel just make up the 20 missile thing?

Not sure. I'd guess it's a mix of the two, iran probably responded with the missiles.

>Israel attacks Syria
>Tells Syria it will face dire consequences if it defends itself

They're technically attacking Iranian positions in Syria. But yeah its bullshit. Also theyre crying about Iran striking Golan Heights which is literally Syrian territory occupied by Israel. You could call it self defense

>You could call it self defense
No you can't.

No Syrian ever called me Goy

no Syrian ever called me black

Why in the blue fuck are you discussing politics with your wife? She's your wife; not one of your bar buddies. Retarded egalitarianism like this is why women cheat

T. Nigger


Why not? Israel is the expansionists. Not Syria. Left unchecked Israel is going to undermine Syria until all that is left is a handful of bickering Sunni terrorist states

Golan Heights is rightful Syrian clay

from doctor to dictator
he's mad with POWER!!!!!

shouldnt of lost the war then.

God I hate kikes so much

suck a toddler dick you filthy fucking kike.

>but things are pretty good in the evil empre, all in all.
Dumb ass. They're dehumanizing you lot just like us and gearing you fuck boys up to the minority status they plan on putting on ya.