Jordan Peterson general

Why does advocating for individualism and being responsible trigger Jow Forums?

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fuck this kike puppet.

Kike puppet.

After the Current Affairs takedown of JBP he deserves to be disregarded

I wonder how much money is going into this whole "3 new anti-peterson videos a day" phenomenon.

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Did you watch this? Watch this. He's out in the world only working to convince white people to be individualists while everyone else is practicing in-group preference.

Race is primary. Primary for everyone except whites, and that will be our downfall if we let it

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he lowers stormfront's recruitment numbers.

this buttbefuddles them greatly, some currently dedicate their waking life to character assassinating him on Jow Forums in the hopes that they cab reduce his influence. luckily, they have no jobs

the most butthurt of these is known as the stormleaf. you can spot him when he posts 20 times in the same thread, often with pre-prepared posts

The collective groups (muslims, blacks) doesn't care about individualism, they will collectively slit the throats of whites. Then proceed to undo any form rules, laws and text about individual freedom

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>Because welfare states for people-not-like-me is an infringement while welfare states for people-like-me is a right.

Jow Forums is full of fags who only wish to change the world around them, but refuse to change or improve themselves.

Stormfag retards hound him all the time trying to bait him into spouting some goofball David Duke nazi LARP shit. He sometimes gets annoyed enough to respond which triggers them.

If they just left him alone he would continue to damage the left without ever counter signaling the points you retards keep forcing him into disavowing.

I'm already being a responsible individual by advocating for whites who are under attack by jews

It’s not that he’s advocating for self help and individualism that makes me upset it’s that he explicitly says that he’s doing it to prevent young white men from going to the far right.

His political and philsophical stuff is not as well founded as his self-help stuff.

because individualism is preciesely what killed us

>me, me, me, I'm triggered, I'm offended, my safespace, me this, muh that, muh gib dis

>wash ur penis; jewden persterstein

he's a faggot and everybody who finds what he says insightful or helpful is a faggot as well

Why the homophobia?

OP, you're literally a faggot.

Because most Jow Forumsacks are collectivist neo nazi larping faggots. Muhhhhhh national socialism. Fucking losers. The founders would spit on your pathetic ideology that we eventually crushed in ww2 anyway. Individualism is the single greatest achievement of the enlightenment era. It’s why we have everything we do in the modern west. Yes we have problems and we need to kick out a shit load of brown free loaders but individualism is the way of the future.

Because responsibility doesn't matter when you get denied the job for being white. Individualism doesn't matter when any law that helps you will never pass. Petersonites are a bunch of children who think if they just work hard enough they'll get where they're supposed to be. Not anymore.

>Oh it is dangerous to embrace their indentity.
>They must not ever do that
>All of them should become inviduals

Niggers, gay, muslims, jews:
>*drops a mic*
>*some liberal picks up a mic*

He only attacks whites and is scared of who he is, while he doesn't attacks actually privileged groups, because he lacks moral backbone and only attacks whites, because they are easy target

shut up faggot

Jordan Peterson is playing anti-White Marxist identity politics, with a new twist: Accuse Whites of being the ones playing Marxist class warfare identity politics while using them as the oppressor in your own game of identity politics.

The Peterstein cries out in pain as he strikes you:

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Individualism is for the goyim.

You think the Jew is preaching individualism? No, they preach a nationalistic ethnoscape, stronger connections, deep roots, etc.

>Kike puppet.

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It doesn't trigger me

Libertarianism and the slightly less free classic liberalism are the most fair systems around.

I don't give a fuck about my ethic group, or any others. Most of them are idiots.

because niggers are retarded and obnoxious

not just him, they do it whenever theres a new eceleb thats not a lefty
someone is scared and trying to divide and conquer

>screencapping your own posts
You self-plagiarizing faggot

speak of the peterson and the stormleaf doth appear

beware his sheer buttbefuddlement. he needs no rest, for he has no job. he fears no argument, for he can paste from his thousands. he is tempted not by money, for he despises it and he does it for free - peterson will pay for making money on the stormleaf's watch

The guy hates postmodernists and communism and everything about what jews have created to destroy the west. But he absolutely refuses to address it. He thinks they continue to change and push it because they just really want it to work. The fact is it has been weaponized for a single purpose. He is like a leftist pointing at a gun and blaming it instead of who fired the gun. I used to like the guy and I do think some of his stuff is good for people, but when he tells Europeans they can't love themselves or their people I can't agree with him anymore. He loves the west but not the people of the west. He is also a tool to destroy.


The PSYCHE of the broad masses is accessible only to what is strong and
uncompromising. Like a woman whose inner sensibilities are not so much under the
sway of abstract reasoning but are always subject to the influence of a vague emotional
longing for the strength that completes her being, and who would rather bow to the
strong man than dominate the weakling--in like manner the masses of the people prefer
the ruler to the suppliant and are filled with a stronger sense of mental security by a
teaching that brooks no rival than by a teaching which offers them a liberal choice. They
have very little idea of how to make such a choice and thus they are prone to feel that
they have been abandoned. They feel very little shame at being terrorized intellectually
and they are scarcely conscious of the fact that their freedom as human beings is
impudently abused; and thus they have not the slightest suspicion of the intrinsic
fallacy of the whole doctrine. They see only the ruthless force and brutality of its
determined utterances, to which they always submit.

That's cool. Unfortunately for you, other ethnic groups do care about their ethnic group, and they have no problem with colluding with one another against you until they control so much of your country that they can openly discriminate against you, or even seize your wealth African style.

Maybe if no one gave this schlomo faggot any fucking attention and not talk about him, we wouldnt have to deal with him. But no. you retards have to jerk your tiny anime dick to his shit every hour on the hour. I literally do not give a single fuck about this manlet, what he says, what anyone has to say about him, or what he is involved in. If you give him the attention he continues his role.

Individualism is a privilege that requires the monopoly of force, which requires collectivism.
You and future generations have to be able to survive to have a chance to be free.

It's literally level 10 Natsoc, bud shrouded for normie approval. Build yourself to the highest possible physical mental and socioeconomic level while voting for and supporting the far right. There is a reason he never directly addresses politics. Of course he has to pretend to be opposed to "white nationalism" when asked directly about it. How do you expect him to stay in the media cycle if he were to answer otherwise. He throws dog whistles to "honoring your ancestors". The best thing the average guy can do right now is become successful, have financial sway, breed, and be ready for the fight. How is that not red pulled?

I'll keep your advice in mind poll, but overall just listening to Peterson is pretty entertaining and relatable coming from someone who gets psychology more than the average person, wether what you say is true or not, that doesn't devalue the truthful things that he says.

because newfags took the white nationalist meme as gospel and inadvertently identified themselves as newfags

guaranteed 99% of those that claim peterson is a 'kike puppet' - have not actually listened to his message.

if you look at this post this retard interprets petersons position of anti-marxism and anti-tribalism as meaning he is anti-white, when his actual position is that tribalism is a toxic mindset, which, you know, it is.

Peterson has said multiple times that the logical conclusion of tribalism is whites banding together and winning, because they would.

He preaches individualism because it is a growth mindset, if you ignore the current bullshit political climate and just improve your own being, you will be happier, smarter and a net positive to the world.

Ignore the neckbeard white nationalist newfag incels, unless you support white nationalism then you know, go right ahead.

Tribalism can lead to being to closed off for your own good sure, but I mostly lean towards collectivism, but there are good and bad with both, like the tendency for more individulastic societies to advance faster, which is great, but I this point I would take a slow in technological advancements for a more secure and homogenized society. Makes a good point, but I would still rather live in Japan over Silicon valley.

this guy gets it. just because you give a talk at a zionist conference does not make you a "kike puppet". white nationalists just see joos everywhere hahahahaha.

Because only whites are being individualists. In the face of collective assault by other groups it's not just stupid it's suicidal. Individualism is a luxury you can only afford is a super majority white country

this also. ignore everything that's critical of jordan peterson. do not even think about it. in fact, try as hard as possible not to think about the criticisms. they are EVIL, and the sign of a diseased mind

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Because you can't have a nation based on individuaIism when you have miIIions of niggers voting aIong coIIectivist Iines to steaI money from the white peopIe whose nations they are guests in
Makes me wonder why this kike is so interested in beating down the minority of white peopIe openIy expressing raciaI reaIities instead of the majority of niggers pIaying the coIIectivist game

In short, individuaIism for foreigners that themseIves have no interest in expressing individuaIism is suicide for whites

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do you have a criticism that is an actual argument?

or just shit you read on Jow Forums?

fuckin meme flags

>Advocates for responsibility
>Isn't responsible himself
>Loaded with anti-depressants
>JQ hurts his feelings on every level

Sounds like Stormleaf needs to be the PM to save Canada.

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wtf? I'm on your side idiot. we must erase all trace of doubt from people's mind about peterson. white nationalism is EVIL and NOT GOOD. peterson is the only person in the way of the rising tide of identity politics ON THE RIGHT. NOT GOOD. BAD. EVIL. SICK. TWISTED.

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