How does Trump do it?!

Every time it looks like he's in the shit, he rolls out the way of danger and comes up smelling of roses. Victory from the jaws of defeat, defies the odds, turns the tables, the Trump curse, instant karma... whats his mystery power?

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His power is called, "Democrats will be leaving him unimpeached in order to crush Republicans in elections for years to come".

Israel, greatest ally

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The Tribe looks out for their own.

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his kung fu is strong


So Democrats let him win then? InfinityD chess?

So Democrats are actually even more stupid then they appear? They have to be if this is their hope and strategy (not saying that impeachment would help them).

>when we are losing so hard we win

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>Decides to meet with Jew-Killers.

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God determines the outcomes of battles


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Excellent attempt at mental gymnastics. A Trump shekel for the good goy.

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He does play nice with the Jews, is he playing them? “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

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I love how you were chanting WW3 when he threatened Noko with Fire & Fury
I love how you were chanting WW3 when he bombed some buildings in Syria
And after all nothing happens, it must be sad that your life is so shit that think that a War is going to improve your life quality.

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checked and keked
>if your enemies let you lose, you win

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Prayers and GOD

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And ignore the subject as always.
Poor leftyfaggot thinking that he is actually doing something to turn this place in leftypol 2.0

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>"The Tribe looks out for their own."
>Hes not bombing Noko right now after they killed Otto.

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divine protection

happy day of ascension

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The GOP has been conditioned towards abject partisanship. That's all. Trump didn't start it, Trump himself is easily swayed by the propaganda that the GOP markets it with as well.
He just exposes this truth because he's not intelligent enough to maintain a pretense for very long.
The truth is that the GOP machine would work just as hard for a piece of rebar, or a dead squirrel.
As long as they can weekend-at-bernie up signatures when they need them, nothing else matters, at all.
Trump's not even the best example of this fact, GWB and Reagan are the posterchildren for how the GOP has no values and therefore does not hold their own accountable.
Trump is nothing compared to GWB for example. Trump tells lies to run down the clock or to get applause.
GWB for example told one lie that got well over a million killed and sunk an entire region into anarchy, and pissed away trillions of tax dollars to run it through his buddies pockets.
Wait until somebody smart gets in and really takes advantage of this.
Then we're all going to see some truly crazy shit.

God Bless the President of the United States and the United States that he Protects.

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Trump is either a genius or he has something like divine protection. If he actually achieves world peace he is pretty much confirmed for antichrist. I kind of look forward to the end of the world at this point.

4d chess is real

What a pussy. Young man needs to learn commitment. That gap is nothing.

So far we have,
Hes a good goy
Hes god emperor
Dumb luck of a GOP puppet
Dems letting him win so GOP loses... eventually
and Kung Fu

I thought it was time travel.

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is this famous aussie shitposting
or you just being cucks?

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Swede calling Assies cucks, get fucked mate.

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inept opponents

time travel

standards of the country have become too low. trump is unironically going to be credited for the downfall of America, which is very close. He has led us down a slippery slope and i dont think theres anything that can change our course

He's attained CHIM

We're just dumb NPCs in comparison

Muh boo hoo wave.

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God has blessed him

It's called the trump tactic. He does this shit everytime, first does something controversial then comes out with some nobel peace prize shit.

Because God is not a God of "love", he is one of righteous favor and Trump brims with God's favor to the lament of us all.

It's called joke country.
Not that in Italy would go in a different way.

His mystery power is simply not being what the media portrays him to be. That's all.

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aussies continue to be the best posters on Jow Forums day in day out

wow, absolutely wasted


just looked this up
the King of Rape sounds like an okay fellow

It's called "Jesuit Theater" would you ask the same about Bruce Willis in Die Hard(1-4)?

>toddlers against trump
If only the mother knew how right that is lol.

He is the closest thing to a real god this world has seen in a long time.

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So how to brim with gods favor please, asking for friend.

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so far so good

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God. Trump was chosen for this role, user. Should have been obvious considering God has a history of using the most unlikely of people to do His will. In fact, I'd argue it's one of God's favorite past times to pick people who others look down upon to humiliate them.

It's quite entertaining to watch.

If you impeach your enemies, they win

Literally being a sleazy salesman.

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That is intentional. He just mumbles something muddy, media reveals his opponenets' position regarding the issue, he just chooses the most acceptable response and corrects his original stance.

The same approach is good in business, but it's not really good for the government. Because it prevents useful discussion, it's always "us" against "them".

The old bait and switch, so how come they keep falling for the same simple trick over and over?

There are ways to avoid it in business, but there's not really a way to avoid it in politics, that's why I think it's not healthy to use this method in government.

In business you can just be as cryptic as the person you're dealing with. But in politics you need to create a consensus to make things work, that requires effectively communicating your position.