Is marrying a Russian or Ukrainian woman worth it? They are beautiful, smart, honest, loyal women
Is marrying a Russian or Ukrainian woman worth it? They are beautiful, smart, honest, loyal women
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If you're too beta to be able to deal with the women of wherever you're from, they'll probably turn on you soon enough anyway if you bring them back though.
>They are beautiful, smart, honest, loyal women
No they're not they're gold digging whores like the rest of them, maybe even more so.
I want to marry a slav, but I'm a vegetarian :(
I have Croatian blood in me. I'd rather marry one of them.
>smart, honest, loyal
>They are beautiful, smart, honest, loyal women
you poor deluded fool
>smart, honest, loyal
also they all love the BBC
Slavs aren't white, don't contaminate the genepool. Also, nice memeflag you shill.
if you want to have free AIDS, marry an ukrainian
Post your skin colour Ahkmed.
>don't contaminate the gene pool
>USA flag
Honestly, go for a Slovenian, Czech, Slovak or Croatian woman.
>They are beautiful
they like to think so
I don't think that word means what you think it means
>loyal women
No more or less loyal than other women, but they'll constantly test you, often in very violent ways.
They can appear delicate and feminine, but just underneath the surface lurks a brutal savage that would put Shaniqua to shame.
Keep in mind that they can usually take a punch as well as any man, and most often consider that foreplay.
czech mmmmm
czech's girls are the biggest sluts in EU
Beautiful but loyal to mother Russia.
Word to the wise from someone born and raised in Eastern Europe. Never trust girls from Slavlands. They will do anything to escape poverty. From a very young age they learn how to use, abuse and manipulate men into doing their bidding. They don't understand the concept of loyalty. The moment they get an upper hand they will either cheat on you or they will take you to the cleaners.
Just lived 3 months with my Ukrainian gf and now she's going back to Ukraine for a while. Cant express how much of a relief that is.
Russian marriage and family laws are notoriously similar to US ones, and Russian females are completely aware of that and smart and adaptable enough to make use of foreign ones as well.
I've lost count of how many stories I've heard from our gold diggers who married some 1st world beta and then flayed him living with use of 1st world laws, securing themselves citizenship, property and overall well-set life for the rest of their days. Dont come crying to me and complain that I didnt warned you, and fur fucks sake dont tell me that you arent beta, non-betas arent looking for mail order brides.
>ecли я вcтpeчaю тoлькo плoхих дeвyшeк, знaчит вce ocтaльныe тoжe плoхиe
вoт здecь ты oшибaeшьcя, пaцaнчик
>Cant express how much of a relief that is.
What's wrong with your Ukrainian GF
Constantly jealous about female Friends. Makes Up conspiracies about how you are plotting against her. Overly sensitive and hung up about things I say. I think I was mostly unlucky. She keeps the house nice and the other Day she made like 15 lunch boxes for me. But having to hear "is that some slut?" Every time I get a ping on the phone is really annoying.
Most of their opinions are shaped by government propaganda. People who disregard propaganda generally have quite high opinion on US until they learn English well enough to learn more about how's live there from common people on the internet.
>Constantly jealous about female Friends. Makes Up conspiracies about how you are plotting against her. Overly sensitive and hung up about things I say. I think I was mostly unlucky. She keeps the house nice and the other Day she made like 15 lunch boxes for me. But having to hear "is that some slut?" Every time I get a ping on the phone is really annoying.
That is because she has no status of her own in your country. If she had a true job and wouldn't be dependent on you in the relationship, she wouldn't be so fucked up in the head. I also guess her English (and Swedish?) is really Eastern European tier.
First thing to do is to get her into a program to get rid of her strong accent. Second thing is to get her a good job. Third thing is to make her read Macchiavelli's prince and Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Critique of Practical Reason.
This is the way to get a gf who actually is worth a damn.
>Not strong enough to let loud, "strong", woman to control your life
Typical leaf
But your probably right that he would be too beta to handle a Slavic woman
>if you want to have free AIDS, marry an ukrainian
and russia has even more AIDS than ukraine so theyre both a risk.
>But having to hear "is that some slut?"
Why would she say this