Serious question Jow Forums
how many of you unoronically identify as white nationalist?
You do know it was a meme that most newfags fell for, back in the day stormweenies were made fun of, then their memes became funny


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fat liberal woman

I have identified as NatSoc since birth

fuck you worthless nigger

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sure feels good to actually be white

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If you’re actually white why are you so assblasted. You didn’t even choose a poll answer that wasn’t a straw man opinion

because I've left my mums basement and have met plenty of people with excellent character that aren't white?

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Why do I have to be a neo-nazi caricature to want a homeland for my people and for whites to be able to chart their own destiny as we see fit?

I identify as a white nationalist because I think it's the best way to preserve Europeans, their decendants and their way of life.

wtf i love communism now.

You’re probably some reddit faggot who only goes on the board to troll. That’s why you’re forcing month old memes. If you actually are white, you’re a cuck. You don’t have to hate all blacks or any race to be a white nationalist.

>I identify as white nationalist because I believe other races to be inferior
Different races excel at different things. I have my own opinions based on experience and personal preference, but inferiority depends on what measure of judgement you're using.
>I identify as white nationalist because its an ebin meme
That's fucking retarded
>I identify as white nationalist as a reaction to current SJW identity politics
In a world with the hostile expansion of the Chinese, the Islamic world and the left, supporting individualism against well organised aggressive groups of people isn't just suicide, it's participating in the demise of your own people.
>I identify as white nationalist because Jow Forums told me to
I felt this way before I ever came to Jow Forums
Where's the option that I love my own people and want a secure future for them? To see them make their own way in the world, like every other race but us has the right to.

Why are you so fucking condescending?

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All races are shit. Individualism is the one true path.

I like to believe we are united by ideology and cause, not race

>free Kurdistan, free Tibet, free Palestine!

"European ethnic nationalism? Hahaha oh sweetie!"

When will this meme end?

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this thread

Agreed, fellow free thinker.

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Jews go in live this time.

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White people wont even exist in a few generations

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I'm in the southern United States, and you sound like a bitch. ive ran around Memphis openly national socialists and get mutual respect from the negros.

Also have done time and if you weren't that alpha the negros would punk you like a little bitch.

I would laugh too.


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t. Ching Chong Chink

I identify as European and am interested in keeping European nations European