Jow Forums called out and put on notice by the Council on Foreign Relations

A team of self described "professional media manipulators" and "Real expert ninjas" met at the CFR this week to discuss how they are solving the Jow Forums problem. [Open]
Lulzy timestamps are:
8:25 - 9:20
>the framing of Sam Hyde and others for mass shootings
11:15 - 14:25
>"nefarious actors on Jow Forums"
>we're going to stop it, casually. Because that's what we do."
18:47 - 21:35
>"we are real expert ninjas" and we've been discussing how an intelligence operation would work"
1:15:32 - end
>the presider, Richard Stengel, educates audience on how government propaganda is a good thing
>gets BTFO by old nigger in audience and shuts it down

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wonder if she has crusty rot underneath her fat folds.


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digits confirm crusty rot. CFR btfo

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Name my band.

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god what a fucking beast. what an absolute pig of a woman. fuck me.

>4 min 36 seconds into this video

These faggots do not know how to speak. Their voices are like nails on a fucking chalk bored.
My applause to anyone that made it through the whole hour n seventeen minutes of this shit.

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between two bergs

The bottom paragraphs are so unbelievable even knowing the controlled demolitions are real it is too surreal to even contemplate for me right now.

I.....I...tried. My ears have been raped!

>It doesn't surprise my (((research lab))) that ...

Fucking win

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Hahaha look at that chromosome thief try to fit into the chair

This was their first interview and some blacky shuts them down in their own interview

Can't wait to see them break down and give up

Human thumb and the heebtones

Two and a half women.

So are we going to just let this hamplanet shut us down?

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These fucks are incompetent and smug, they don't know what they are dealing with, they don't know what they are doing. They think they do, but they don't. This shit cannot be contained by some (((research))) making up fancy words and talking about it. It's literally like shills, academic edition.

Just fucking look at them, their demeanor and way of talking, weak, stupid incompetent people who think they can have any impact on this shit.

I have it on good information that literally shaking helps.


I don't think FBI will let them, they use this place as a honeypot.

Can someone tell that fat slug that we just don't know where Han Solo is so leave us alone.

jej the chair's arm rests are being used to prop up her rolls and she has to sit with her arms awkward

Note that at 9:05 she refers to Antifa as a "popular conspiracy theory", yet on her Twitter she actively promotes their domestic terrorism

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>this is what the shills posting here look like

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The Mighty Jabba says Solo and the Wookiee must suffer for this atrocity called Jow Forums.

>implying this just doesn't give Jow Forums even more power.

every single time this has happened the "challenger" ends up embarrased, doxxed, and the groups integrity of being "manipulators" is gonna be flushed down the toilet.

>tfw Jow Forums has more nationalistic pride then most countries

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>way of talking

Exactly, I only made a few minutes in and they’re just babbling over words

lucky the CFR have no real power anymore
>Clinton BTFO
>Trump BTFO
how can we feed into this beast? wait until they put up a submissions page?

>Crusty Fucking Retards
with their new album
>Real Expert Ninjas

She says saying Antifa are the mass shooters is a popular conspiracy theory, not that Antifa is a popular conspiracy theory.

Don't worry guys we're going to be handled. Their propaganda will reign and they will decide how we view the world. Nothing to worry about all is well.

More like 3 and a half women. Middle one counts for at least 2.

>that gif

fucking kek

Cancerous Fucking Rejects

The end of it is hilarious. It makes a mockery of everything they were trying to say. The host really did shut it down. Funny stuff

>every single time this has happened the "challenger" ends up embarrased, doxxed, and the groups integrity of being "manipulators" is gonna be flushed down the toilet.
yup its like shinobi.
one day there will be a final boss, i doubt it's these three stooges.

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I though like they shut us down like a week ago
instead it was leftist shills shit posting non stop. shoving more liberal nonce crap.

Useless sacks of shit can't do anything right.
The left is all lazy and winny babies ATM

I suppose she means the Soros backing is a "conspiracy theory", which she, being the propagandist she is, should well know is a term invented by actual conspirators to deflect. Pic related, first page of an interesting paper on the phenomenon that she's undoubtedly read, but even the abstract is high-octane stuff

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How do we get them de-funded?

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These aren't the left. They're the neoliberal far-right global-authoritarians.

like clockwork a kike posts pro nazi memes
fucking kikes
reminder, this fat cunt posts pro-nazi memes on Jow Forums as well
this is what they do
fucking cunts

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lmao wait this is actually real

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The Name My Band Band

Imagine Holocausts

i'm waiting for kek pods

How much money did Scientology spend trying to get rid of us and how did that work out for them?

These bitches look like they can barely pick out clothes that match.

How are you going to go to war with Jow Forums when you can't even tri-force

Do they really want to break the containment?

>mate the right are globalists
Are you high user?

hahahahahah lulz
reminder: the holocaust was a kike eugenics op
kikes won ww2, they played ALL SIDES
eastern front was a calculated massacre of whites
purpose of an entire war was
to kill as many whites as possible
to eugenics the fuck out of kikedom
to steal america
steal trillions
Now they are on here saying if you want blacks to vote for Trump then you're a reddit cuck
and they're on here posting pro-nazi memes
and the type of people using funds to post shitty pro-hitler memes and anti-black memes on pol
this is who they are

Everything was fine until Dickless shut off the containment grid....

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Guys, it's obvious they're going to come for this place sooner rather than later and I don't want to lose the only friends I have..........
>we need to clone this site and decentralise it, without it, there is no future for the human race

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Three Lampshades

Free speech is a dangerous thing when you're trying to control a population with lies.
Why do you think they used to execute people who denied God's existence ?

Why the fuck is her tongue green

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I just listened to this whole thing. What was surprising to me is that these people didn't even seem all that smart. I expected more out of the CFR.

Their job basically seems to just be to monitor Jow Forums and watch right-wing YouTube videos and try to convince donors who know nothing about this place that they're experts and justify a paycheck. They really didn't offer any solutions whatsoever to the "problem" they're so convinced that we have.

Nefarious actor here. I am printing fake news as we speak and hacking the source.

>they use this place as a honeypot
I know

Any advice on how to anonymize?
VPNs are all blocked...most proxies too

Sucking martian dick

These people represent the ruling class and everything ruling classes everywhere stand for. If you want to get rid of them, class war is the only way.

Neoliberals aka Hayek-gobblers are right-wing. They're anti-communist, anti-socialist, pro-individual (because atomization makes for easier fleecing).


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If you were a jew wanting to monitor this place, would you employ someone who can process information and think independently?

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Yeah, whatever happened to nntp chan or whatever that was.

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They completely ignore the guy at the end's question. And no one has the balls to call him on it?

>Free speech is a dangerous thing when you're trying to control a population with lies.
IMHO, that is really the biggest lesson to learn from the past few years of politics. These anti-free speech and pro-censorship types are becoming more bold with their calls for suppressing dissenting opinions.

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Pappa Nurgle loves her

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This is very true.

dat hand rubbing doe

I'm inclined to agree
Look at what they did to us in bongland
>so many workers died in the war
>we need mass immigration
>20 years later begin de industrialisation
>highest unemployment rates ever
>what were all those immigrants for again

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>Neoliberals aka Hayek-gobblers are right-wing. They're anti-communist, anti-socialist, pro-individual (because atomization makes for easier fleecing).
There's nothing inherently wrong with neoliberalism imo. It's essentially right-wing libertarian and individualism. I'm pretty individualistic myself and in favour of small-government. I dunno why everyone here hates neoliberalism so much.

I was hwacking it in the shower and thinking about how to further take advantage of msm's presence in Jow Forums. The male jew on the right has a good point - normalfaf
gs don't know shit about the internet, including how to reverse image search. Remember how crazy outlets seemed when they tried to cover Kek? Next time user comes up with an epic ruse, all we need to do is add an extra step to the plan and media will be unable to explain it to the public.
Posting this again from the last thread because I didn't get any (you)'s.

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>liberals who prefer the free market are right wing
Individualism and Communism are not opposed to each other at all.

I remember learning with shock and horror when I was young that you could go to jail for saying the holocaust didn't happen. It was around the same time we were learning in intermediate school about how silly the old societies were for executing or imprisoning people who didn't believe in God.

I didn't really understand the holocaust properly, I just knew it was a bad thing. But even back then I was amazed at how the same people who laughed at older societies "archaic" rules of imprisoning people for denying God, were perfectly okay with imprisoning people who denied the holocaust.

It's the one world government ideology. Literally communist levels of retarded.

Their end game is a small council of merchants ruling the world.

That's because the left had successfully used appeals to free speech to gain control of politics and academia from the conservative right, and now that the pendulum is swinging back they don't want the right to use the same tactic against them.

The main errors in liberalism are belief in "equality" and the dichotomy of the individual and the state.

>It's the one world government ideology.
Is it? I didn't think that was part of neoliberalism by definition. Though a lot of people who seem to be neoliberals do go down that track. I just read it was more about free-market + individualism.

>being this proud to be a product
Kill yourself you half-dicked psychopath.

She represents the Society of Fat Toads.

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>white nationalist

I just cant get head around this, so absurd that i cant find words to this. They came out the closet and now literally say that every other has right to own country, own identity, own culture but white people. And those who think that is wrong, is evil white supremacist.

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>The main errors in liberalism are belief in "equality"
To me that violates the "free-market" component and hence isn't actually part of neoliberalism. I believe in equal opportunity (as much as possible), but taking those who are naturally more successful and giving to those who aren't is not "free-market" at all.

Your very correct in your observation.
All modern morality descends from the holocaust. Take away tge holocaust and the nazis werent even evil. If the nazis aren't evil we would have to accept authoritarian Systems are not evil. If the nazis arent evil, we could stop believing all human beings are equal. If the nazis arent evil, we would have to completely reexamine modern democracy.

Best to not think those thoughts at all right? Better to unquestioningly accept all the moral implications we are being fed. Very like a religion.

and when you google white supremacist, you get this..

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>>being this proud to be a product
>Kill yourself you half-dicked psychopath.
Which part of neoliberalism do you actually disagree with?
The free-market part, or the individualist part?


dan scheider

M-molon labe?


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Stfu you meme flag faggot

What if she's in this thread reading all of this? Post yfw


Free market to such a degree that all laws interfering with the market have to be lobbied away. This includes mechanisms different nations need to protect themselves and their populace, things like border control, taxes or tariffs.
And we all know how easily subversible democracy is, especially representative democracy and especially if you are a supra-national actor with no responsibility to anyone but yourself and a pocket full of money.

>one day there will be a final boss
Jow Forums is the final boss. This site will kill itself long before any outside force can. Newfags like to "brag" about Jow Forums's resilience to raiding/subversion but they weren't here during Jow Forums Harbor when it got raped to tears by /s4s/ and other boards with a fraction as many Anons. The mighty Jow Forums even got clopped on by /mlp/ when trying to take over their board.

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She's got meth-mouth, you can tell from the teeth