Give me some certified Jow Forums relationship advice. (purely for the lolz of course)

Give me some certified Jow Forums relationship advice. (purely for the lolz of course)

19 year old girl here getting married to my 22 year old fiancé in the summer now he's finished college.

I've been browsing Jow Forums a lot lately because I love the heady mixture of serious Conservative debate and unadulterated autism. I was wondering what your advice for a successful marriage would be.

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Other urls found in this thread:

you just want to rape babies

Follow gender roles and have a lot of kids. Each of you should always be striving towards the masculine or feminine ideal - not only is it good for your spirit, it will ensure that your love and attraction for each other stays strong.

Why are leafs like this?

open bob or go away


>stay at home mom
>LARPing tradwhore
Pick one and go with it.

If not bate.

Don't expect everything to always be perfect.
Don't believe the Hollywood shit about men cheating, men rarely cheat especially if they have kids.
Things will get bad, and feel monotonous a lot, this is normal. Do not fall trap to the Hollywood bull shit that people are not in love if they do not click constantly.
Men are terrible at recognizing visual or indirect signals.
>Don't "I heard Jenny's Husband took her dancing"
>Do "Jenny went dancing with her husband and had a great time, let's go dancing"

>19 year old girl here getting married to my 22 year old fiancé in the summer now he's finished college
Congrats. (seriously)
I've only been in one relationship, so I'm not really suited to dispensing relationship advice. But it's good to see a good news story here for once.
Best of luck.

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How long have you been on hormones?

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I'm not sure why I was hoping for anything else.

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If you believe in the purpose of marriage then I believe you can overcome rough patches and let it evolve into something much deeper.
T. Someone quite a bit older than you, never married and been with lots of dirty women, but truly admires people who marry for the right reasons

Aim to have kids fairly quickly, marriages are fundamentally about children and what keeps people together past the honeymoon period is that shared goal of raising and pair bonding with children.

It'll be tough at first as he'll need a steady income but all things considered it's better for both of you. You need to be around at home for at least the first 5 years of the kids life, first to breast feed and then to ensure the child doesn't suffer in daycare etc.

Once the kids are older you can focus on a career or whatever else you'd like to do with your life.

How many guys have you had sex with? Be honest.

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pic related.
Buy a house and then go for kids. Consider sending your children abroad where the education wont cost you your kidneys.

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Thank you user. It feels good to be supported. I wish you luck as well.

Yeah I know so many people who seem to think that a relationship is not "working" if they are not in perfect bliss every damn second. Peterson actually did a pretty good lecture on YouTube about this but it's sad that people even need that advice.

Luckily I have the example of my own parents who have been together for 33 years despite the things getting what the advice columnists call "stale". I mean I don't think they've had sex for at least 10 years, maybe even since I was born (I'm ye youngest of 4) but they still love each other deeply.

>((((relationship advice))))
>reddit spacing

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>explore each other's sexual fetishes within the bounds of what you both find acceptable
>both of you dress to impress, even when going out to family functions. two reasons: it shows each of you that the other has self respect, and shows the wider family/community that you have respect for your new roles in those communities
> learn to compromise on issues/decisions in such a way that you feel fairness is observed and nobody has to fold on their core values
>cook together, but also separately and for each other. before any neckbeard incel faggot who knows nothing about it says otherwise, it is necessary for the man to be knowledgeable about healthy food and cooking, regardless of gender roles
>have a fairly regular plan for household chores and tasks with little confusion about who does what. doesn't mean you can't help the other when needed
>when you have conversation, do it without other tasks or electronics present as much as possible. you should be looking at each other and studying each other's logic and emotions to deepen your pair bond
>have some sort of understanding of spirituality together
>do not make extended family decisions without consulting each other first and being very clear with said family that this is how you operate. extended families deal poorly and selfishly with the new structure and this will actually be an intro to what parenting will eventually be like
>plan reasonably separate activities that are occasional and give you some breathing room
>keep your feet and toes well maintained and wear pretty shoes (not slutty unless in bedroom), nothing hotter than a 19 yo qt3.14 having her dainty feet up in the air while getting plowed by her chadbro

For the lolz?


Tits or GTFO

>t. married and successful
why don't you come back with some good advice you dickless vanilla sex not having piece of trash

> I was wondering what your advice for a successful marriage would be.
Suck his dick often and don't cheat in three years when you get bored.
P.s. post tits

homeschool your kids, do not let the state tell them what to think. if poss make a homeschool circle with like minded neighbors

I just got married on May 5th. It was beautiful. It was small (7 people total). We wrote our own vows. We did it for us. I don't know the details of your relationship, but we have never not been happy together. Somehow, I love her more after getting married, which I didn't think was possible.

We have had disagreements. Everyone does. You will, as you have.

Be sure you're getting married for the right reasons. Remember, marriage is not a joke. You're making a choice every morning when you wake up to give everything you are to that person. Your relationship will not be 50/50. It will be 100/100. Sometimes it will be 180/20. Sometimes it will be 20/180.

But the best advice I think I can offer you is that Disney fucking lied. Happily ever after takes a lot, and I mean A LOT of work. You must function as one. That fairy tale bullshit doesn't exist. Love is more often than not a biochemical conjob. I was lucky enough to find the paranormal side of it. Laugh if you want, I only hope you and the rest of these people find that.

My marriage, my relationship as a whole up until now, has been fulfilling. Good luck.

Any good relationship has a few key points.

>make sure you're able to work together and feel comfortable around each other
The love might fade, and at that time it'll be important to still be loyal to each other.
Teamwork saves the day.
>note that men and women will think differently and have different emotional needs
don't make your man feel like a feel like a weak cuck.
Have the expectation of him to not make you feel worthless or undeserving.
>do not EVER hold him back from a fight or an argument
If he needs a challenge, let him take it.
Make sure sure he supports you in your challenges as well.
>make him proud for your own benefit, have him make you proud for his own benefit
Support is the reason people thank each other at the end of the day.
>he's the village chief, you're the village elder
Power should be distributed situationally, based on your strengths and weaknesses.
>if you talk to another man, belittle him to your husband in private, even if you don't think that
You'll thank me when he gets you a new car, and works his ass of solely for you.
>if you have kids, you can decide the rules, but leave it up to him to impose them
Your kids will grow up healthier this way.
>tell him bluntly when he's wrong, make him tell you softly when you're wrong
Men are blunt, they work better with clear pictures. You, on the other hand, can afford the niceties and encouragement.
>this might be hard, but teach him how to tell what you want, don't expect him to hide what he wants
This saves marriages.

There's a lot more, but I can't think of it in the moment. Might add to it.

>le meme flag
>serious Conservative debate
sigh if you been lurking on Jow Forums lately you know the rules. If you are a leaf trap fuck off back to /b/ cunt

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Best thing you can do in this modern society is get on the cock carousel, go to college, join a frat house or whatever the female equivalent is , cheat on your boyfriend, get pregnant by the affirmative action student B Jackson slim who raps on the side and will really make it one day, become an only mother, grab a white beta who grovels at your feet only to divorce him 10 years later and extort money from him through the state, then settle down once you don't have any more energy left in you and die in peace knowing that you have lived the perfect thot lyfe.


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Get off Jow Forums.
Never come back.
Never let your kids come to Jow Forums.
>goodbye and goodluck

Only one. We've been dating since I we were 14 and 17 so there's never been anyone else. He did have two previous girlfriends though.

>t. footsucker

You're exactly the reason most people are unwilling to trust moral figures, you come off as overly interested and just barely concealing your own fetishized degenerate thoughts. Lord knows what you'd do to her if you were alone.

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>A Jungmädel asks advice to build a glorious family with her husband
>Instead of giving advice shitposts
Shit user you most be so RED PILLED like a true (((MGTOW)))) PRAISE KEK HAHA :DD

There is never a wrongplace badtime excuse or reasonnotto, to give your hubby a BJ

>insert generic love motivational speech on every
god this makes me cringe. what are you a fucking pooft?

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Tits or gtfo

Learn to cook healthy food, to clean the house and to suck his dick.

Just be yourself and don't listen to all these stormfags who say you have to be the perfect cookie cutter wife, just be who you wanna be.

Best of luck in your marriage!

Chill out, dude. Just offered some advice. Need a tampon?

>muh copy pasta tumblr adive
kek, is this your first time on Jow Forums, or are you fucking with me because its working, this bait is too hard to resist

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Wow. I didn't expect advice this genuine. Thank you.

You must be bored. Perhaps you should go back to bitching about Jews. Have a good day.

You're welcome.

Being a stronk empowered womyn is real fulfilling ain't it.

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And don't listen to
He's just a salty bitch, pissed off either because no woman wants his unemployed 600lb ass, or because the advice I offer is top notch, based off of experience, and far better than anything that could ever fall out of his drooling dick garage. Anyway, good luck to you!

dw cunt, its on my to do list. fucking loser
>this genuine
Im sorry sweety but if you are not larping, why dont you just google motivational marriage advice/quotes. you get the same shit most of these cucks are spitting out.
This aint even politics please stop stinking up the board.

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Well, good luck being a keyboard warrior. May your trailer park be filled with peace.

>top notch
>copy pasta from google

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im sorry but if this is bait, you got me real good

The reason we come here is to find the gold chunks buried in the pile of shit.

Don't let yourself discouraged from the 12 year olds spouting random insults.
Think of them as this site's immune system.
The normies that can't handle it quit, and the normies that do, become Jow Forumsacks.

It teaches you to ignore bullshit.

Still awesome advice.

Guys, especially traditional ones (if he's a Jow Forumstard or alt-righter himself good for you, otherwise redpill him), want feminine girl which include traits like modesty (dress simple without too much jewellery or makeup), elegance (make very simple and gentle hand gestures if any, and move, stand up, sit down, as graciously as if you were a butterfly), calmness (speak quietly as if you were always in a church and avoid using foul language or making enticing remarks about someone), eloquence (if you don't know what to say don't say anything, use silence to make what you really have to say much more worthy of being listen to), beauty (take advantage of what nature gifted you with the most and enhance it accordingly to the taste of your boyfriend), innocence (don't SHOW prejudice or any behavior that may put people below yourself unless it's necessary), purity (unlike girls who prefer experienced men, boys prefer untouched partners, so be sure to want to marry him if you're gonna sleep with him, don't let other men touch you, you're his possession and his only)

Wrong place to ask this is the board of neets and incels.

>gold chunks buried in the pile of shit.

I think you just perfectly summed up this whole board. Thanks for the support.

what race are you both?

Fed him, and put energy into learning good recipes. Good strong back and neck massages. Those 2 things alone will keep a man happy and in love. Support him. Be happy for his achievements and boost his spirits when he stumbles in life. Do these things and he'll know he's fortunate to have you in his life.

You didn’t even list the trait that any traditional man looks for above all else: fertility.

Important question.

LMAO @ getting married that young

enjoy your divorce in 5 years


>t. Roastie

I'm a WASP and he's of German descent with a bit of Irish ancestry.

>make very simple and gentle hand gestures if any

This is the most Italian advice I've ever heard.

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Both white if that's what you're asking.

Yes, she should be spending her twenties becoming an INDUHPENDANT WOMYN by doing what every whore does.

You can't tell a woman's fertility if not by her hips which she can't do anything about.
lol Actually I got that from a US southener girl named Stell Bell on youtube

have lots of kids and never divorce, make your kids strong and smart, discipline equals freedom, remember that kids imitate their parents

Kids within 5 years if you don't then divorce or cheating become probable its as if at a genetic level the body decides that there is something wrong with the partnership and starts looking elsewhere to be able to reproduce.

Designate which duties are yours, which are his, these need to be set out, not just asumed.

Don't circumcise your sons. You wouldn't cut off your daughters clit. Its the same sort of nerve damage. Also, why have your new born cut open in an environment rife with Golden Staph.
Don't vaccinate at birth. Look into the US Army standards, they wait six months to allow the kid to get over the birth trauma.
Do set aside couples time, even when you have jobs and kids. Careers are a means to fund your life, they are not your life.
Set 5, 10 15 year goals. These will change, but wothout them you will be meandering through life from pay check to paycheck and dopamine stimulus to dopamine stimulus.

Good analogy.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Lube up your butthole and spread your asscheeks for him. Have him fuck your ass once a month.

You can get a pretty good idea. Youth is the most important part. Younger = more children/healthier children. Her sexual history is the next indicator. Less sexual partners/hormonal birth control use means more fertile. Her overall health is an important aspect to note as well. Then, you can look at the feminine physical signs (hips, breasts, etc.).

Essentially, you need to marry a young, healthy, non-degenerate woman (of the same ethnicity) that wants children. Her personality/hobbies/interests are secondary to this. You shouldn’t be anywhere near a woman if she doesn’t meet those criteria.

Now this is more what I expected from Jow Forums.



My advice for a successful marriage is to not marry young as who you will be in 10 years will be completely different from now.

Actually my advice is based mostly on science and evidence.

Self reports on happiness and fulfillment show that women are most satisfied and happy (on average) in a stable marriage and raising children as a stay at home mother.

Marriages are most successful when there's children involved to bond together.

Children benefit massively from being breast fed, it's like 5 IQ points over those who aren't and the establishment of empathy starts during the mother-child interaction of breast feeding, as well as general health and good growth potential (if you want a tall son, then breast feed)

Daycare ruins children they have the same amount of cortisol responsible for stress as those children who go through maternal abandonment, and daycare is a place where your child can pick up really bad habits from other children at an early age, you need to be able to supervise your childs interaction with other children early on.

Women who have children earlier have much healthier children, their body returns to its natural shape much faster after birth so there's less chance for stretch marks and sagging skin. Odds of miscarriage are significantly less. Also it leaves time for women to establish careers later in life if they want to, entering the job market when you've already had children is a massive bonus as employers know you wont have to take 6-12 months off work some time in the near future.

Children earlier also mean grandchildren earlier which creates a large and stronger (extended) family unit.

Married 14 years here.
Keeping a man happy is relatively easy: stomach full, balls empty. Dont pick needless fights over petty shit. Don't nag. That's about it.

Make sure you give him surprise blowjobs when he wakes up, when he's tired, etc. This shit holds marriages together.
Also, be open and honest with each-other. Trust is fundamental for a long-term relationship. Hard to get past by the hardships in life when you don't know if the person on your side will always be there for you. If you can trust that person, you can get through anything together. God bless you.

>I was wondering what your advice for a successful marriage would be.

respect and support your husband. All the best girl!

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Another piece of advice, have sex regularly, even if you don't really feel like it.

There is some magical hormone shit that goes on that keeps you bonded. If you let your sex life die the relationship will suffer.

Also what this dude said The honeymoon phase will die, those feelings will revisit from time to time though. I agree with that user that fundamentally marriages are about family.

Are you both saved?

Attend church regularly

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Become BDO
black dick only

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>overly interested on Tawainese financial planning image board
>all degeneracy out in the open
>still got a nice thank you from OP
stay mad you projecting incel loser

>I was wondering what your advice for a successful marriage would be
1. Be honest with each other. Deceit only ever festers and makes things worse.

2. Remember ALL ego experience happens through projection (where we attribute to others behaviors and characteristics we can't yet see or accept about ourselves). If your SO does something upsetting, where have you been doing something of a similar style/nature? Honesty here turns opposition into partnership.

3. If you want to have a difficult talk, hold hands or stay in physical contact. It's impossible for fights to get too out of control while touching (surprising but it's true).

4. Ask for what you need.

5. Tell each other you love each other every day, do your best to never go to sleep angry with each other, and have sex often (that physical touch thing again, in the positive direction).

6. Always remember you're partners who love each other.

Good luck for a lifetime of happiness with your DH!

Not married, but do the little things every day. Welcome him home enthusiastically after work, communicate with him if you’re in a bad mood, learn to cook well, etc. those are the things I remember growing up that I wish my mom did for my dad, cause even though they’re still married my mom can still be a cold and crazy bitch to him

Damn well said. No wonder you've made it so far. I hope there's lots more to come, too.

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>3. If you want to have a difficult talk, hold hands or stay in physical contact. It's impossible for fights to get too out of control while touching (surprising but it's true).

That's really useful advice user. I've never thought about it before but arguements really are less likely to happen when we're touching.

begum orthodogx :DDD

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Still haven't seen tits, you lot are sad.

(ip has changed)
Even more important than preventing arguments is when having one (they'll happen, people aren't perfect) maintaining physical contact keeps things from getting too angry and attacking - which helps the conversation, however difficult, stay one of partnership about resolving the problem (rather than just winning a screaming match). Our bodies are very wise.

I should have added to my list a "develop a daily breathing-meditation practice." Breathing is like this idea of touch, it keeps our minds connected to our bodies. We can never get too far away from center and ourselves if we're always taking deep, slow breaths.

Your SO is a very lucky man to have you. Again, best wishes and good luck for a very long and very happy marriage.

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