How do you asses the IQ of the person you are talking to IRL?

How do you asses the IQ of the person you are talking to IRL?

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ask them what religion they believe in



Then what? cant leave it at that

what subject they like to talk about, their reasoning skills, verbal skills, to what extent they can grasp things e.t.c.

very often i find that i have to "dumb down" what i say to certain people or things will simply go over their heads. now that i'm in uni that isn't the case as often since i'm around 120 which is pretty low (my guess) for my field

See if they can adapt to the situation after being shown undisputable facts or if they are stuck in their own ways.

For instance if someone is defending blacks and you show them crime statistics. A higher iq person would adapt their stance to take in the facts while a low iq person would just keep on going and going and going saying the same thing over and over again while the facts and statistics show them to be wrong

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if they keep going back to an abusive husband (Jow Forums), they're low iq (Israeli shills.)

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see how many pop culture references they can pick up. the more obscure the smarter they are

Play a complex board game and assess how quickly they figure out the meta game.

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I ask them if they watch Rick and Morty.

Grab 'm by the pussy

>Do you listen to rap music?

>What's your IQ?

>I find abstract humor works the best
>132 IQ

Gather round kids, oldfag here about to dispense some wisdom.

I have dealt with A LOT of people in my work life. I'd say I've interacted an hour per, with about 100,000 people easily. How do you tell the smart from average and below? Here is what I find useful:

1. Diction, vocabulary and grammar are usually a dead giveaway, even if ESL.
2. Sense of curiosity and adventure (including novel foods and cultural experiences)
3. Sense of humor. A quick wit = smarts to spare
4. Quick to grasp new concepts or ideas

So drop a mix of the above and see who bites. Doesn't have to be on this order either. I find the dumber will just not engage witty or curious baiting banter.

TL;dr: smart people approach the world with curiosity.

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My iq is 156, i know because i took a test online

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Honest answer - this isn't easy to do quickly with someone who's IQ is substantially higher than yours, therefore the question really only applies to being able to assess someone's IQ that is the same as yours or lower, but even this would take some forethought.

You could brute force it by discussing abstract concepts with the person, but that would take a while. It's probably not what you want to hear, but the easiest way to do this quickly, assuming you're being honest with each other, would be to ask the person about their life. What's their educational background, what do they do for a living, what are their hobbies, etc.

Aren't jewish people the ones with the highest is? Theyre so smart

Look at the sample sizes of that test. Don't trust everything you read.

First by looking at their appearance. Do they have an intelligent looking face? How do they dress? What type of gait do they have? If they dress and walk like a wigger, you don't need to even see their face to know they're stupid as fuck.

In conversation it's pretty straightforward to get a rough estimate of the other person's int. Do they have interesting things to say? Can they tell you something you don't already know? Do they have good social skills?

Doesn't really account for autists, who seem to work their way through problems with a very deliberate pace and struggle with conversation.

I think it's because they're actually not focusing when someone's talking to them, and that they're doing some weird disassociation bit out of discomfort.

This. Coloreds music in general.

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lower ten points per liberals views

Ask about Trumps tax plan and how they think of it, or if they are on the left ask them about what they think of ACA and how it can either be good or go wrong.

You will get a pretty good feel for their ability to see patterns in abstractions etc.
If they don't care about politics, ask them why planes fly.

Do they want to fight you if you make fun of them? Then they have a low IQ.

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My IQ was clinically assessed as 160+ when I was a teen, but I've always been extremely lazy, so I'm a consummate underachiever.

This post best post. Vocabulary is literally one of the test sections of WAIS. Being able to articulately argue both sides of a subject regardless of their own beliefs is also an indicator that the person you're talking to is relatively intelligent.

>assuming you're being honest with each other,
no room for assumptions and honesty is not a common trait especially when you are just meeting a person

Body movements. The way they turn their head, how much control they have of their movements (slack jaw), how expresive their face is. That all you can gather without even talking to someone.
When talking to someone it is obvious if they are smart or stupid. But how smart? Well, you need at least two to three hours to see that. The more info they can hold at any one time, how much do they know about the world around them (politically, even if you don't agree, if they bother to know a lot of facts, then that shows curiosity). Having good manners and knowing how to speak correctly and efficiently is also a dead giveaway.

I saw what you did this summer.
Have a (You)

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Also, seeing past duality, despite my statement of two sides of an argument.

>something something here is proof
smart person

>somthang somthang mah dick
stupid person

you can spot a smart person by listening careful how they use their language and what words they use too.

never made a real IQ test but internet mensa test claims i'm at 137 so i would guess my real IQ is between 120-125


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My flag is my IQ test.

have them take an IQ test

OP was testing you guys and im the only one who's smart enough to realise it an answer the question properly

I can't really judge people's intelligence well, but I know when I meet someone smarter than me.

it's a trick question

Midwest America master race reporting.

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The affiability of their use of language to express their ideas.

Sentence structure, reasoning ability, whether or not their arguments make logical sense (which, may get a pass if their rhetorical ability is high), their impulsivity by cellphone use, aptitude and ability to learn.
Their writing style in texts or letters is also important. A game of chess is also useful for gauging their planning abilities.
I have a hypothesis, yet to be backed up, but I have noticed that BMI has an inverse relationship with intelligence in young adulthood high intelligence. It is my belief that elevated catecholamines in the brain leads to higher metabolism. Look at images of James Watson and Nikola Tesla. You'll notice, that they are thin as sticks. This isn't to say they can't or shouldn't put on muscle; they should, we see that the mind and body are one, and physical health is as important as mental.
Not that it is desirable, but myopia is associated with intelligence. Genetic differences have widespread effects and some some undesirable. Mutations are totally random, there isn't some process that says "dude we need to evolve to have this, go make it!". It could be something as simple as vasoconstriction from increased neurotransmitters or insulin sensitivity during youth that causes the retinal deformation.
The eyes are the gateway to the soul as has been said. You can see the brilliance in someone intelligent. Their eyes are clear.

The most intelligent people usually would lie about what they actually believe and state the most socially advantageous position, making this question useless.
We have seen what happens when low IQ people abandon religion, they become subject to the influence of another morality, an even more retarded one. The gospel of liberalism. Worse, they present themselves as some kind of delusional experts, interjecting into fields they have no business meddling in (muh "march for science").

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>test online

the same way you asses the color of their underwear
you listen to what they're saying and how they present themselves and then make something up based on your limited judgement and convince yourself it's truth

The smartest people will say they don't follow any religion. But they can't be athiest either.

More than clear eyes there is a spark, a glimmer. Maybe a mischievous squint. In dumber people is like looking into a cows eyes.
Also, for what is worth, if you are smarter you'll find it harder to relate to dumber people.but if you try it's possible, just won't be as satisfying as when you are hanging out with smart people.

As Tim Ferris says, if you are the smartest person in a party you are in the wrong party!

consistency of opinions.

find out they are a SJW

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I dont. I just try to see if they're genuine or not

I don't think this is useful. one of the smartest cats I've ever heard said something 'best to have firm opinions, loosely held'. Not being able to take new evidence is not smart.

>processing speed (how quickly they catch on)
>memory (how well they absorb and retain information they've processed)
>intellect (the limit to how complex an idea they can understand)
>imagination (the ability to voluntarily look at things from a drastically different perspective)
These are the pillars of "spark". Other qualities, such as common sense, creativity, and even physical intelligence to a degree, are applications of these primary qualities.

I always assume everybody is a retarded monkey until proven otherwise.

I got 147 @ MENSA

(Second answer)

Only an advantageous cuck would give a false answer in a social situation for personal gain. I used to think this was necessary too. But what you realize later is that it's always good to be honest regardless, unless the individual approaching you seems untrustworthy (for me I never trust any non-Whites off the bat. Other Whites I do.) If the place you work is full of lower IQ individuals and you are significantly above average, eventually you'll progress to a position where you work with other high IQ individuals. You just have to avoid taking up the habits of the other low IQs while you are there momentarily. It can be difficult and it is the situation I am in now, but I know it's going to pay off in the end. It's not bad to be around a lot of other low IQ Whites, it's just not edifying, so we have to come to places like here for some meaningful social interaction. But eventually, maybe we'll reach a point where we won't have to.

Oi, what IQ battery does Mensa administer, or do they have their own (((battery)))?

Only Ashkenazi Jews have high IQs, other races of Jews have below average IQ

By the way the talk and act. Introvert and shy people are generally more intelligent once you get to talk to them. Though IQ is just logical/mathematical intelligence

Facial features, body language, or vocabulary - though some people speak with a lot of colloquialisms just because so its not always a good measure

Dead giveaway 99/100 is when they have those super thin white people lips or their brow/eye area gives off the vibe of someone who is probably stupid. I don't know how to explain the criteria.

Low IQ people almost always have a distinct look


This. Never taken an actual IQ test, but I do exceptionally well on all sections of standardized tests, and typically max out the verbal sections (GRE, SAT, ACT). But I think I sound retarded in social situations, and sometimes I struggle in situations requiring quick thinking, it feels like my brain is bogged down. At the same time, I know plenty of absolute morons who are great in conversation (especially women).

TL;DR social interaction is not always a good indicator of IQ

they must be

> open minded
> good listeners (because they are actually listening to what you're saying)
> skeptical, they have a good grasp of facts and can spot when people are saying bullshit
> can see a single issue from multiple angles and understand where others are coming from
> they know what they know and what they don't know, so they are not insecure about themselves have no problem changing their minds and admitting fault

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The extent to which they cant articulate their own emotions and thoughts. You can't fake verbal dexterity. It's a great way to gauge a persons level of education and it takes a certain degree of intelligence to thread together a sentence that's grammatically correct while also taking care to choose words as best befits the context of your discussion. It's an ability that's just about extinct in your average millennial. I've known bright people with poor verbal skills but in my experience, they're very much in the minority. IQ is a measure of general intelligence after all.

100,000 work hours * 1 workday/8 hours = 12,500 workdays.

12,500 workdays * 1workweek/5 workdays = 2,500 workweeks.

2,500 workweeks * 1 year/52 workweeks (no vacation) = 48 years

assuming you started working at 18, you would be, at least, 66 years old.

why are you here?

It's pretty obvious who's dumb and who's smart after about a 3 minute engaged convo

>they know what they know and what they don't know, so they are not insecure about themselves have no problem changing their minds and admitting fault
How to spot a retard, speculating about absolutely everything is how you know you are in the presence of genius, even if what they are speculating about is wrong.

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Social skills are not included in most models of iq. Its a measure of analytical and problem skills in images, language etc

I have done a proper iq test and had a 43 point gap between my best and worst subcomponents

How does that refute the point? What I said doesn't exclude someone from speculation.

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No-one knows what they don't know and what they do, memory is a fickle thing and no-one has perfect recall, even if I come close it's still faulty, which leads me to reason instead of relying on memory too much, I do in fact not know what I know.

I mean more like if they believe 2 things that conflict with each other.

So if an atheist tells me
1. jesus never existed
and the next week tells me that
2. jesus didnt look like all the paintings because he was an arab

I know that person is full of shit.

easiest way to distinguish imo: are their opinions are copy+paste talking points? or do they show some original thought, and if so is that original thought thorough and coherent (or at least they seem to wish for it to develop into something thorough and coherent)? are their beliefs consistent? how quickly do they understand and synthesize new information with regard to their worldview?

i think it's pretty easy to filter for intelligence by belief system with relatively high confidence in modern society because it seems like it you would have to be a very thoughtless, uncritical (or perhaps just self-hating) person to buy into the propositions put forth by the modern left.

138 iq

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I don't judge people base don intelligence. I've met actual mentally retarded people who were kinder and did more for their communities than some big brain faggots who spend all day shitposting on a cantonese snake charming forum. Actions speak louder than words.

Damn of by one. The Jews pretend to be intelligent but in reality their idiots. Believe me when I say this.

whether they're good at videogames or not

single best indicator I've ever seen

You can tell how smart someone is within the first 3 words you hear them say. Doesn’t even matter what the words are.

you just do it yes

Only stupid people feel the need to speak a lie. Smart people lie without speaking.
If you understand this you have a high iq.

>only smart people approach the world with curiosity

that was supposed to be you dispensing wisdom? EVERYONE is curious. dogs are curious. Do you think stupid people just don't explore or try to understand anything around them?

If they play/watch the latest twitchbait garbage games, any games which diversity and lootboxes is the main selling point or unironically call themselves gamers is a good sign too.

Wanna know what someone is really like?

Piss them off! The smart ones don't take the bait. The stupid ones show their hand.

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Why does this cat remind me of Orson Welles?

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Most people cannot tell the IQ of someone higher than them, but most all can tell that of those below them.

If girls and pussy and muh dick is not the only thing they talk about the make it to the next level. If they don't talk to much and can listen and comprehend your talking points in any discussion they are at least 100IQ. From that point on things become quite abstract

They are master bullshitters. They come up with new contexts and new perspectives on the fly. They are less capable in seeing how these perspectives interact with each other, which is why most Jew lies crumble under closer rational examination.

135 christian master race here

Judging people by how their lawn looks and how much sugar their neighbor owes to them is not much more productive.

That's kind of how as a kid every kid 2 years older than you seemed adult-sized

>Have you done an IQ test?

For the most part, the ability to actually hold a decent conversation, regardless of topic.

>though some people speak with a lot of colloquialisms just because so its not always a good measure
This, met someone who sounded like your average truck driver, never used big words and swore a lot. Then got around some of his other friends one time and it was a completely different style of speaking with full complete sentences and a huge jump in vocabulary. Don't judge someone too quickly on speech, it can definitely be faked. Now his movements though you could tell, kinda flowed through the environment I guess.

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How liked was he among regular truck drivers? Such subtle intelligence combined with intentional intellectual downplaying could become pretty popular in some contexts.

Got along really well, everyone liked him. Was known as a good hard worker and an honest man. Would help anyone with anything at the drop of a hat. Did not flaunt intelligence and be a douchebag, I think that had a big part to do with it. You could tell he wasn't stupid, didn't do really stupid stuff on the job, always helpful. He did forget random things though like putting valvestems back on tires, constantly setting things down and losing them. Said he was usually somewhere else when he was working, very absentminded.

Mean the caps on the valvestems, not like he pulled the entire thing and left it.

Word choice


Everyone has something to teach you if you're willing to learn from them.


Honestly it's pretty difficult to tell sometimes. One good thing to go on is how they react to new information. An intelligent person will be able to recognize information they aren't familiar with or didn't understand upon first hearing. They can identify new info immediately, and they'll ask questions about it. They find abstract concepts interesting. A low IQ individual just kind of moves past new information they come across without paying it any mind. They don't see the significance in patterns that a high IQ individual would identify. Apathy is a big thing among low IQ people.

Also low IQ people, if they have any, base their convictions purely on their own personal desires and nothing else. "Why did this person tell me to stop inconveniencing them? She's just a bitch." That kind of thing. They exist more so in a state of childish impotence than a high IQ individual. They are incapable of seeing their place in the world as anything beyond being a vessel meant to receive things which provide them with immediate gratification. Pick related

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Definitely echo the second part of that post.

My IQ is high
I find if someone is speaking with me about a topic of their choice and they don’t seem interested in the conversation, it is sometimes because hey are smarter than I.
This doesn’t happen often.
In 90% + cases I am interacting with people of lesser intelligence.
It is easy to judge their specific intelligence related to context based on the subtleties of their language and facial expressions, as well as their logical progression in the conversation. This last area is what makes things interesting, since people often think in slightly different ways regardless of their exact IQ level, and have intelligence that is stronger in different areas.

t. Ethan Klein

Do you feel that the higher IQ, the less similar others of similar IQ will be to you in their abstractions, behavior and interests? I get better along with 120s than other 140s. We tend to be impractically different.