/mpg/ MAGAPEDE CRINGE GENERAL Volume 7. No Pretentious Slogan Edition

Let's continue the good /ptg/ and r/The_Donald cringe thread going. This could qualify as any of the following:

>memes that imply that Trump is actually taking on the NWO
>memes that imply Trump is playing 4D chess
>memes that imply that the Jews are afraid of Trump in any way
>memes implying that QAnon is a legitimate source
>memes that imply Kanye is a voice for the right
>memes that imply that Trump is stopping the flow of immigration
>memes that imply that Trump is actually draining the swamp
And more!

It's clear that the Reddit migration has taken a shitty toll on this board. Haven't even seen a good /nsg/ or classic nigger hate thread in ages. Election night will always hold a place in my heart but it's clear that he is compromised at this point. Since nothing is being done about it, the best we can do at this point is laugh at them. Post your favorite Trump cringe material.

***Also, post Trump fails, links, archives etc. Let's build some solid foundation for this***

>inb4 JIDF shill, as if the Jews don't want us supporting another one of their puppets

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Ok boi

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these threads are gold.

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It must suck to be as gay as OP in all fields no less

You get zogged in all holes boy

and you have no economy even compared to our smallest state Rhode Island.
Go eat a potato.

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Remember to pack a sunscream when you land in Israel/Syria.

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Nice ad hominem
Still doesn't change the fact that you have been zogged and cucced by Shlomos

sys.Jow Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2Fafter-putin-meet-pm-indicates-moscow-wont-curtail-israeli-strikes-in-syria%2F

>expecting trump supporters to see how stupid they are

Men don't try to educate sheep, for they'll always be sheep.

If you recognize that Trump is an idiot, then why not use him?
Why not meme at him to actually go after people who hire illegals?
Instead of cosmetic bandaids, this would actually stop America's illegal problem.
GOP like using illegals as talking points but they never discuss the one thing that would actually stop it, because they are terrified of pissing off their constituents.
Trump doesn't give a fuck though. If he latches onto a talking point that he likes, that's that.
If he actually went after companies who hire illegals he'd be standing up for the American worker like nobody has in many decades.
It doesn't even matter if he understands what he's saying at all.
If he did this, he would (accidentally) be helping legal Americans for real because many jobs that illegals take can not be outsourced.
Why not try to use him for some actual good? Whether you're a stormfaggot or not, there are aspects of this that can benefit all.

He is not an idiot. He is self centered businessman with weaknesses that are being exploited by Jews. Also his companies conduct business with Goldman. So he is kinda without leverage

I like this thread and il bump
You should spam it in the /ptg/ constantly just to piss them off
Slight chance they fuck off from this board like a cancer patient finally getting a tumor removed

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Hillary would have already started world war 3. You can criticize Trump with some legitimate concerns but so far he has proven to be the lesser evil.

I'm still very happy to have voted for him.

Doesn't mean you have to suck him off. Disavow him

Who do you really represent?

I think the problem is not Trump/Hillary, rather that this place is infested with cuckservatives, boomers, people who unironically would go fight for Israel if Trump tells them. They still talk about 4d chess rather than accepting reality, larp how he is secretly our guy

OP is a faggot and this thread is cancer
>in all fields

>shills now reduced to proxy's
How will kikes ever recover???

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Go back to /ptg/ and get removed, faggot

one of the biggest weaknesses of Jow Forums is that they treat jews like some monolithic hivemind.

too stupid to notice how the actual globalist jews are different from nationalistic jews, have different goals, and different methods.

Notice how dodged the question. He's a shill, plain and simple.

Why should I support nationalistic jews?
Their goals might be little different, but they are still Jews

Except for the fact that they will stick to their own over the goyim in every situation.

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I represent sanity.
I was for Trump but I felt he would fuck us over. I am against parasitic corporations.

This, stop taking sides with foreign cunts you dumb burgers. That goes for /sg/ too

I still support him over Hillary. The stupid larp, how he is our guy and his support should be reduced to just hating other candidates more

because they are a useful tool.
We have here the ability to put Iran and Israel at each other's throats.

Imagine how easy it will be to redpill everyone on how evil Israel is when we start seeing them dropping chemical weapons on Iran.

Imagine how many dead muslims.

It's the second best possible scenario.
The only thing better would be Iran nuking Tel-Aviv after getting nuked by Israel.

I'm getting hard just thinking about all the dead jews and muslims.

>I'll solve a shitty general by making an even more shitty general that takes up even more space in the catalog!
Fuck off, just go spam /ptg/ if you want them gone, don't make another thread.

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Gay fag the op


We are rather their tools
>We have here the ability to put Iran and Israel at each other's throats.
I don't hate Iranians and it would only make more muslim refugees coming to Europe, not gonna convince me kike

Damn I wish you goatfuckers would piss off

So basically you can bet outsmarted usi g one simple trick:

> make a warmongering candidate. Shill him so hard that half of population is ready to vote for him
>let the peaceful option win
>peaceful candidate proceeds to do basically the same things that have the same fiscal and monetary consequences as the previous POTUS did

> but h-hey, at least he is lesser evil , amirite guys??


>Imagine how easy it will be to redpill everyone on how evil Israel is when we start seeing them dropping chemical weapons on Iran.
Normies think Iran is a evil country and actually don't have so much against invading it, it would only make extreme left and right more violent against their governments as a protest, results in taking away more freedom from the people

Yes, but my vote does not matter anyway.
I just said in case Hillary would have started WW3 as some previous American said.
If Trump does not start a war, he is not that bad. It's like choosing between dying and living, you know

If you want to beat the Jew, you must become the Jew.
Europe needs more strife and pain to trigger the revolution. If they submit to their death so easily, they were too weak to be worth saving.

>Normies think Iran is a evil country and actually don't have so much against invading it

All you need is to show them pictures of mothers who died defending their children against white phosphorus.
Women are emotional creatures, and the vast majority of men will act against their own interest to please women.

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>All you need is to show them pictures of mothers who died defending their children against white phosphorus.
>Women are emotional creatures, and the vast majority of men will act against their own interest to please women.
So what, there will be Anti-war protests, nothing else. If Iran gets invaded and more muslim come to our countries, less people care about what white woman think

That is looking retrospectively.
Right now we have to judge him as he is.
His actions are creating trembling consequences globally whether good or bad. Right now he does what every POTUS has done. Bloats U.S. budget with military spending and together with Francistan and United Cuckdom they continue to rape Middle East thus helping Saudis and Israel. Also flooding EU with shitskins.

Also Iran is one of the last anti-ZOG countries, it would be bad to give them total power

Just like Norks. But look they dismantled them.

>Implying that president of the United States is something more than a chosen canditate by (((them)))
It will always be a ZOG canditate, you can just choose which one of you want

When it comes to Trump's association with pedogate, look no further than pic related

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No. You always voice the opinion. Be a bad goy not a good one.

It's not over in the North Korea yet
Playing a good goy, will allow me to make a lot more destruction from inside
Let's say, how would you able to destruct it more
>Battle cry and attack enemies army
>Play a good goy, get some real power and destruct them

Right here and right now bad goy the way to go. Good goy comes later in upper levels or when you need to redpill reddit.

>older lady pede here

That picture is from a VIDEO GAME

So, should I support Hilldawg according to (((You)))

No? You just disavow every candidate (because like you said - Zogged) to keep Jow Forums the way it is. This is just a small battle.

Okay, you made your point, but it does not matter anyway if I vote for anyone

It does not indeed

Trump enters full scale war when?

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wow insane seeing my memes posted here

assad was an eye doctor by the way

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>I-I was never wrong

I thought he was a dentist

bumpin and dumpin

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>based shadman is assadpede

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this thread is gold!

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lmao the absolute state of kikes and wh*te people

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This same shit has been done hundreds of times in /ptg/, all it ends up doing is setting off the autists to shit up /sg/ instead.


Putin is a cuck like Trump

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Top Kek.

/sg/ was always trash sandnigger.

Did somebody say blump?

terrible shoop. i can tell from some of the pixels, and from seeing quite a few shops in my time

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i'm looking for that trump picture with his big dick where he smokes a big cig

anyone has it? Its hilarious

why has trump betrayed us? what an ass

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fuck off megapede retard

>Hey Trevor nothing is working against Jow Forums how do we turn them against Trump
>Oh that is easy Steve they are all KKK nazi anti-Semites, just call Trump a Jew or Jew puppet
> OF COURSE! that is why you are the manager here at Shareblue Trevor!

You're a fucking newfag

fuck off to ptg

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> t. shlomo shekelstein

Ad hominem is all they have. Watch out before he calls you a turbo virgin

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Says the (((europeon))) show your flag