Why are so many dumbasses here unironically wanting the coming of WW3?

Why are so many dumbasses here unironically wanting the coming of WW3?

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why not?

Good times make weak men, weak men make bad times, etc.

If I die without witnessing the violent annihilation of mankind, I'm going to be pissed.

Thin out the human waste, make some money betting on it.

It is fun, it is groovy, it is the time of our lives. Bring it on!

We need to give this degenerate world a proper reset.

Because I'm 45k in student loan debt for a shitty meme degree and I have nothing to live for anyway.

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American's are nutso fundamentalists christians.
They want the end times to come about and are either aware of this or have been brainwashed by their ridiculous right wing media.
So Jews man, Jews are winning and Americans are stupid.

what future do we have? oh that's right..

are you new here or just jewish?

Wypipo be like "peace is too spicy for me"

Too pussy to an hero also want to play fallout irl

worldwide EMP + ice age = great times ahead

>wasted my best years of life to get a good degree so that I can get a good job
>can't find job because boomers are not retiring, manufacturing is shipped over to other countries or is overregulated to death along with HR being pure cancer with diversity quotas
>girls are too aggressive if you are not a chad thundercock and even if you are, as soon as they realize you fell in love with them, they hop on another chad and ride the dick carousel until they are 30
>girls think being a house wife is akin to slavery
>inflation from FED which kills your paycheck
>rampant political correctness
>as a result family is utterly destroyed
>literally nothing to live for
Yeah, tell me, who the fuck would want to live in such a shitty world? It's no different than hell.

Pic related.
It's the state of Jow Forums, clearly.

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>Newfags not knowing that Jow Forums strives for chaos

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Whose chad thundercock?
I do fine you sound like you watch alot of porn.

Because i want to kill americunts. Doesn't matter the skin pigments, gender nor age, if the ID card says it's american then it must be killed

Poo in loo.

Jow Forums is lawful good

keep dreaming queer boy

They're called Jews.

Normal people don't want it.

The most ironic thing there is that chaos caused by 'reset' will lead only to tightening of the leash.

>who's chad thundercock
come aussie you have to be kidding me here but in case you are not, here is pic related
>watch a lot of porn
I don't, not only because it's degenerate, it's just boring as fuck.

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how so? You kill the status quo and eliminate the jews, how would this lead to tightening of the leash? I can see it happening for women, because they have gone absolutely rampant and disrespectful in their behavior other than that I don't see it.

because they have nothing to live for

>pol is one person
Although there are a lot of things polacks agree on together, such as the JQ, RQ, Feminism, Race realism etc.

Not if you win. With chaos comes order

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So we can start over

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>degenerate world a proper reset.
straigh facts also what the Fin said

This is stupid as fuck but i keked

45k isnt that bad, I make more then that a year with no college degree.

Sorry the jew tricked you into going to college instead of using your man hands and worked a real job.

That's your own fault, you retard. If you can't pay back your loans don't ask for them in the first place. Learn to manage money.

Join the bandits, fellow STALKER

[Cheekily breeki in the distance]

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When the worlds (((governments))) are your enemy, them destroying each other in wars is always a good thing and can be entertaining.

>Cheekily breeki
Somehow I think cheeki breeki boys will won this one. They have high pain resistance due to vodka destroying most of their nervous system etc.

Because I prefer a horrible ending to the never ending horror.

I'll finally get to use my fully stocked bunker while the nogs fry in nuclear hellfire. What's not to love about that?

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Because im an incel, neet, overweight, khhv, 23yo with nothing to do but wasting time on Jow Forums all day?, is that a good reason for you?

1.Real World War fix the gap of incomes
All states will rise the tax for rich people
2.exciting from wars will make you stop care about your own problem
3.More human die = more easy to find jobs
4.More human die = Good for All animals and nature around the world
5.War is old as gravity

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>With chaos comes order

It does. Governments would take all your freedoms under the pretense of fighting crisis. Any global economic shutdown is a good opportunity to impose tyrannical measures on the people.

because you'll most likely die.

Even the ugliest man alive can get a girlfriend if he plays his cards right. Or at least get laid. Grow a spine and some balls. Get a job. Lose weight you fucking landwhale, and gt off your arse and stop blaming your shit on others.

fuck off schlomo. the kikes need for there to be faux-peace to keep us goyim obedient. legitimate wars (i.e. not fake jew wars) are the best way to get the top actors to show their hands, and that's when we can strike--if we can connect the dots in time before (((they))) get control again.

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Who'd worry about such a thing

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Well since I couldn't find any college level work after I graduated I have been using my man hands working an entry level labor job. I could've done that 4 years ago in the first place and saved myself a lot of time an money but hey at least I have a fancy piece of paper hanging up on my wall at home.

Thanks genius, I already know that it's my own damn fault. I am paying it back slowly by sticking to a ramen noodle and canned sardine diet so I'm doing just fine managing my finances.

Same, I want to see the outcome

Why do dumbasses like you want the current broken paradigm to continue rather than embracing the big reset button

nah, I prefer this way, much comfy, fuck y'all failed normalniggers, see you in hell

failed lives

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>He doesn't want it to happen so he can sit back and watch it all burn from afar
It's almost like you're not from around here

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do you think slavs will reunite to the big cockroach state of CCCP Nr.2 ?

But like we can win WW3 can't we?

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Outsiders trying their best at subversion. Ignore the retard memeflags shills out in full force lately.

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They dont understand the nature of war. It seems some people think war is something artificial that happens on a screen, well its not. Its all artificial until their own neighbourhoods are bombed to rubble and they lose a few family members and start wishing the war had never started.

>lead a miserable life
>want others to do as well

Some have shitty lives who just want to watch the world burn. Some have the warrior gene and just want to kick some ass.

1. Visit Jow Forums, become healthy.
2. Apply for jobs all day every day
3. Use acquired moneys to do something, anything, apart from browsing this shitty soul-crushing site all day. Gardening or blacksmithing maybe

That's as far as I can help m8, the rest will hopefully follow

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Because nothing of value would be lost.

nobody wants it
we are just tired of waiting for it

>learn a trade
>pay it off in 6 months

The sad truth of the matter.

We got rape gangs operating with impunity and kangaroo courts for serial Twittererers. I'm waiting for shit to kick off.

Tarkovsky was truly an artist, even his Polaroids are full of feels

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To wash it all away and start over

Civilization has been here for far too long.

You have to do cleaning from time to time.

Go away shills.