He pulls out of the Iran deal. Iran attacks Israel. Israel retaliates...

He pulls out of the Iran deal. Iran attacks Israel. Israel retaliates. Does the Nobel still have the Ignorant Moron category?

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Q predicted this

Israel attacks Syria, Syria retaliates.

There I fixed it for you Rob.

>do what we want or we'll be violent
>and it'll be your fault

I literally hate jews

>Ignorant Moron
yes, that would be the Jow Forums award

Well if it does, Rob Reiner would win it.

>Iran attacks Israel. Israel retaliates.

lmao. It is always funny to see how the propaganda works. The funniest thing is that the more it is stupid, the more it is effective.

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But Israel bombed Syria first and killed Iranians.

Rob Reiner fucks underage girls purchased through NEXIUM

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>ignorant moron award
Is that tweet Reiner's bit for himself?

Nobody over here gives a flying fook if the Israeli kikes melt under Iranian hellfire, you're in the wrong corner of the internetzz boi

self hating jews are the worst

>Iran attacks Israel. Israel retaliates

Offer Iran the choice between being belligerent idiots or normalizing relations with the western world. Iran follows DPRK's example, and learns to behave.

>still doesn't get Nobel

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You can tell that Reiner's fucked a few kids in his day.

I wonder if they have a chomo category for this loser

Israel struck syria almost immediately after. OP is a JIDF shill. Don't let them hide that Israel struck first. The jews are out for WW3

I believe you but can I have a source on them striking first?

how does the conflict have anything to do with Trump.
All those people wanted to kill each other before Trump even got elected.
Trump is your leader, Trump is your savior, Trump is your Emperor, Trump is your GOD

Israel attacked syria the moment trump pulled out. Israel is the aggressor. Make no mistake, Trump forced (((their))) hand

This fat faggot is the QUINTESSENTIAL boomer retard.

plus the whole canning the Iran deal was at the request of Israel, bibi gave a big speech showing "proof" that mossad "obtained in iran" detailing iran's "nuclear ambitions"
hence, usa pulled out of iranian deal at israel's request, so that israel would have cover to escalate its already- occurring attacks to higher levels.
totally trump's fault.

This fat fucking kike forgot the part where Israel has been attacking Syria for days.

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

Well see. Israel is treading a thin line woth world opinion these days. And crying out as they strike Iran would ring rather hollow once it's clear they are waging war America style. Either we will capitulate and lose international clout and a decade blood in that shitpit, or Trump will get the chance to Rebuke greatest ally for the first time since... Ever? I have a modicum of hope

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It's like that 'Thanks Obama' meme but literal

All of you need to start saying this in other places than just here. Just hint at it on Facebook or Twitter or wherever else. "But Israel has been bombing them for days? How do they think this 'retaliate' thing works?"
Turn on the radio or cnn. These fucks are itching for the war. The time to wake up your friends is quickly dissapearing.

Actually don't count yourself out mr loo, I'm sure you're itching to push the Pakistani border into the plateau yourself

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is obama still a recipient?

the Nobel is a lib prize...he won't win it, they only give to the gibs and commies..even if he did win it (which he won't) he should tell the committee to shove it up their obama's...

thanks archie bunker

>Iran nukes Israel


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Pooo.. lol

Thanks for posting what the tweet said, I can't read so it really helped

It’s like a bad reality soap opera show that keeps getting new seasons. No one cares what happens anymore.
What we do care is that best Korea is joining the outside world so we can meme with them. That is what the peace price should reflect.

>Israel is so small that it would only take a single nuke to destroy most of the infrastructure

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more like : drumpf pulls out of the nuclear deal, Israel attacks iran on syrian territory, syria retaliates. Jews cry.

>twitter screenshot
>repeating the screenshot word for word
the absolute STATE of threads on this board

>copy and pasting what some kike said on twitter
you are gif related

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>Iran nukes Israel
What if this is the plan? Trump knows they did 9/11 and have corrupted everything...what if his plan is to let Iran nuke them and then we nuke Iran in retaliation. Punished Trump's friends avenged for 9/11, Jews fucked, Iran gone, and none of it looks like Trump directly did anything or can be blamed. 6969D CHESS

straight from the jew post- if you search for israel strikes on syria you can find several pre-withdrawal of the iran deal. This strike was carried out Tuesday night- so literally the day Trump says no deal Israel starts bombing.

Boo-fucking-hoo. Go fight for your homeland, faggot keyboard warrior.
Oh, you can't you're too busy being a pampered, virtue-signalling pussy.

Iran deal is retarded.

Iran should be paying the US not to get its ass kicked, instead the West cucked out and pays it.

Iran should be sending ships filled with gold, spices, and free oil to Washington D.C.

Attila the Hun and Celts got Tribute from Romans but they were dangerous to them. Both of them invaded Italy and were tough.

Iran is fucking weak compared to the US and the combined military power of the west.

Why is Iran getting paid to not create nukes?

>trump pulls out of Paris agreement
Same shit, different liberal delusion.

Literally. He did.

>I want the USA to behave like subhuman pagan tribes.

Quintessentially amerimutt.

you should screenshot your post and make a thread about it

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Israel cries out in pain as it conducts airstrikes.


can we stop using that word for conflicts in the middle-east, that war's been going on for decades.

>iran attacks Israel
Typical kike bullshit. Can't believe Trump caters to these bastards

Iran didn't attack shit

It was between SAA and IDF in the Golan; Israeli tanks fired first

>A meme flag urges America to war with Iran.


The Iran Deal was an entirely monkey shit shitshow deal.

It emboldened them...made them feel important and powerful enough to demand tribute.

Obama and the rest of the hen house in the EU were the ones who acted like pussies and sent in the ships(airplanes) filled with free gold, spices, and concessions in exchange for promising not to plan to kick our asses in the future.

Why does America have to bend over and spread the butt cheeks?

Fuck that. It should be Iran doing that. Iran should be the one on its knees begging for its life.

SAA fired a retaliatory MLRS barrage against some Israeli bases in the occupied Heights.

threat of a Persian Genocide. That should be going through Iran's collective mind... the thought of an entire people being bombed into the stone age.

It's ridiculous that Iran is getting paid because Europe and Leftist Americans fear Iran could be capable of genociding Europe and America with nukes 20 years down the line.

It should be Iran fearing we can kill every Iranian in Iran right now.

They gave one to obama so I assume so

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>The nuclear agreement was a bad deal!
>We will genocide Iran with our nukes!
>Iran cannot win a war with Israel! It's a foregone conclusion!
>Europe and America must help us fight Iran!
>t. a meme flag

mostly boys

>Iran attacks Israel. Israel retaliates
I remember when I thought "the Jew cries out in pain as he stabs you in the back" was a funny meme.

90% of the world quietly hates jews

Why, is Rob worried he'll have competition this year?

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israel attacks syria
trump pulls out of iran deal
syria counter-attacks israel
"oy vey iran did it"
israel attacks syria

Maybe this was his plan all along? What if peace in the middle east will only be established once Greater Israel is built? Based Trump, doing the right thing even by accident.

So wait....this Jew is mad that Trump is helping the Jews by re-negotiating a bad deal that can actually hurt the Jews in the Holy Land of Jewdom.

Jesus Christ. Can we just sit back and let the Jews and the Muslims kill each other all ready so the rest of the World can live in Peace?

>They gave one to obama so I assume so

Yeah, but he won it in the "Token Negro of Authority" category.

They must considering Obama got one despite ruining Libya and Syria

>Jews are being slimy Jews so no peace prize DRUMPFPH

What part of the Iran deal forbid this again?

>Literally paying and appeasing backward Muslim nationals to not attack jews.
Jeeze guys y we pull out of deal XD


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wtf u black pilled nihilistic anti semitist racist bigot anti muslim!!

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>give me gibs or i will attack you
Muslim diplomacy
