He pulls out of the Iran deal. Iran attacks Israel. Israel retaliates. Does the Nobel still have the Ignorant Moron category?
He pulls out of the Iran deal. Iran attacks Israel. Israel retaliates...
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Q predicted this
Israel attacks Syria, Syria retaliates.
There I fixed it for you Rob.
>do what we want or we'll be violent
>and it'll be your fault
I literally hate jews
>Ignorant Moron
yes, that would be the Jow Forums award
Well if it does, Rob Reiner would win it.
>Iran attacks Israel. Israel retaliates.
lmao. It is always funny to see how the propaganda works. The funniest thing is that the more it is stupid, the more it is effective.
But Israel bombed Syria first and killed Iranians.
Rob Reiner fucks underage girls purchased through NEXIUM