The Rape of Nanking

The Jews overshadow this atrocity, that happened during WWII, with their 6 gorillion narrative. They are so selfish as to make movies, books, shows, etc.about their holohoax, while completely ignoring that this happened, and was, in many ways, worse.

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Nankin is as much fake as the holohoax

commie lies...never happened.


It's never how it happened and yes only the holohoax happened according to Jewish narrative.

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The worse mass rape to ever happen was the rape of German women by the soviets that the allies did nothing about and nobody even mentions

The fucking chinks had it commig...


Not as much as the holohoax, but still largely inflated numbers by the PRC.

how ?


>The Rape of Nanking
*The consensual sexual intercourse of Nanking

This, somehow they had to justify their own nuclear holocaust, so they just exaggerated the first "evil" thing about Japan they could find.