What does Jow Forums think about antinatalism?

Is it morally justifiable to bring sentient human beings into a world where pain and suffering are inevitable?

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>is it morally justified to to do have kids
>is it morally justified to own property
>is it morally justified to take a crap in the toilet
Bloody hell, why do I need to morally justify everything to you people? You don't even think morality exists, why does it matter to you?

this is what happens when you get your philosophical education from pol jpegs, you mix up your strawmen and don't know which one to respond to

No it's not. If everyone just stopped having children then humans would no longer have any problems. But people are going to do it.

The point is the makers of these threads are retarded, we don't need to morally justify every single freaking nook and cranny of our existence

is it morally justifiable to morally justify human existence?

i am against bringing humans into life

dont trouble myself with the logistics of the arguments, simply know its wrong. i see the plot arc of the human species, and it pans out thusly: 90% of the time humans exist was pain and horror to build a system where the final 10% of humans lived free and easy. not worth it.

Don't you feel sad when people you love suffer?

>Where pain and suffering are inevitable
That's... debateable.

If you can afford to feed, house, clothe, and educate them then this inevitable suffering is actually pretty minimal. (Except for the whole death thing... but we're comming up on technology that might just change that in the not-so distant future.)

I would definitely agree that having kids you can't support is absolutely degenerate behaviour that cannot be morally justified.

Ha, Jesus would have welcomed undocumented immigrants. That argument won't work on an atheist like me but it will work on you.

They're fucking commies and they are the rot in our civiliztation.