At least they admit they can't defend themselves...
funny, we were just about to say the same thing about germany
Protect from who? They let everyone in.
The biggest threat to Europe is itself.
Implying we want to protect Europistan
I'm sure they'd be more than happy to stop. That's less tax dollars being dumped into the military.
Oh no then we'll have to spend less money on protecting G*rmany from itself what will we ever do!
>2142104201432131321 replies
0 replies
This is so pathetic. Europe should defend ITSELF in the first place! I don't blame Americans for seeing Europe's contribution in NATO as shitty
So the only thing standing in the way of world peace is ass-blasted (((liberals))). Sounds about right.
You mean The Holy Caliphate of Europistan.
protect them from what exactly?
they already let in the invaders in the front door
Good, everyone should fend for themselves.
It's not our job
How many jets have Luftwaffe? Around 4? Zero subs in Kriegsmarine?
It's will be easy af
The biggest threat to Europe is Merkel, and the pig should be hung.
Protect your own nation you dyke shedevil. Holy fuck.
Inb4 big if true
This cucked country will finally have to spend more money on defense and that’s a good thing. The German military has gotten very pathetic recently. Half the main battle tanks aren’t operational and recently had to use broomsticks during training instead of actual weapons.
Stupid hag. It's not our damn job to protect Europe. Europe isn't going to protect us, are they?
>The killing of Alexandra Mezher occurred on 25 January 2016. Mezher, a 22-year-old worker at the center, of Lebanese Christian origin, was allegedly stabbed by a male asylum seeker at a refuge for unaccompanied minors in Mölndal, Sweden. The attacker was initially identified as a 15-year-old male from Somalia, but he ...
>recently had to use broomsticks during training instead of actual weapons.
not even good enough for mopping up after the real militaries
All I ever hear about is how German tanks are the best. Now they aren't even operational. Not surprising.
4th Reich. Except this time Merkel will be exterminating native Germans to let all of the semetics in.
How did they get so brainwashed? Sad.
Their men probably said the same thing.
We can't protect you from bad government policy
we have no business there
another push for EU army, AKA german attempt to takeover europe no. 1242525142
Sounds like a cry for help from within, good riddance.
Luftwaffe? Kriegsmarine? You are an idiot. Stop talking about this stuff. I was US intelligence, I know more about your military than you do. It ain't shit. Half of your men are addicted to Heroin.
OK cool
So we can close all the NATO bases and bring those troops home?
That is some peak shame Schland.
Fits her so agenda so nicely that she must be crying over how good this is. Fuck merkel, and fuck the eu.
>I was US intelligence
my dad works at nintendo as well
Ooohhh noooo, that suuuuuucks
NOW what will we spend our tax dollars on?
Hope that bowlcut bitch gets her fucking brains blown out.
Too bad we're deliberately destroying ourselves. Thanks Merkel!
Angela Merkel thinking we owe them something.
We should ask Israel to protect Europe. That should do the trick!
I guess the Iran deal looks pretty good when you know your country will be gone in less than 8 years.
America has how many military assets in Europe? The EUSSR will start for real when the Americans either leave of their own accord, or get pushed out.
Eurocucks might be mad about me being Pro-Brexit, but the EU could easily turn into a very grim dictatorship. I don't want to live under a Commie dictator any more than a theocracy. The EU has no respect for its citizens.
>us intelligence
Choose one and only one, mr.LARPer
I love when euroniggers and euroniggerphiles bitch and get all hot and bothered about the $3B in defense subsidies we give Israel while we’re LITERALLY the military for Europe.
Euroniggers REGULARLY express disdain and hatred for America
Your day is coming EURONIGGERS
eurocucks got btfo
>implying the US ever lift a finger to help europe
Chinamen knows. What are you doing outside /his/ tough?
>Euroniggers REGULARLY express disdain and hatred for America
This site has made me hate them
They have 4 jets let them defend themselves.
so much this. Fucking germans, when will they ever learn?
Usually europeans get their enemies from association with the US since the last great war
There's no Soviet Union anymore, NATO should've been disbanded in 1993-94
The sky is blue, Merkel
Germany is supposed to be a sovereign country. Defend yourself.
>t. Muhammad Muhammad bin Muhammad Al Swedey
Ameri-pigs go home.
didn't we protect Europe from the Germans?
Can't say the same.
We hated you long before.
>Marshall plan
>lend lease
>bailing you lot out of two world wars
Hmm, makes me think
I hate Muslims so much
>try as hard as you can to get america involved in two world wars
>stand apart from europe and work to keep europe divided
>"ameripigs go home, (((us))) europeans don't want you here!"
The American influence literally lasted like what, 50 years? Fucking pathetic. Another 50 years and you will be irrelevant again, just like before World War 1.
I know who can: Luca Traini
Read Nietzsche to understand exactly why you’re an effeminate weak miserable cuck.
He completely nails the European ethos
It's pathetic it lasted that long. What's wrong with Europe?
>go home
>I won’t and can’t make you
As much as y’all bitch about American bases and American tourists one would think you’d grow the sack necessary to get rid of us. Then again you’re the same folks who are importing rapist murderers who are diametrically opposed to your culture, so I suppose you can’t be expected to do much.
>911 Terrorists lived in Hamburg
third post best post
The feeling was mutual from the beginning.
Remember, we were founded as their bastard children and then became more successful. That's a hard pill for any father to swallow.
is it 4th Reich time yet?
This. It's ridiculous that it's even a point of discussion right now.
True, but in the event it happens, we can just use lefty tactics to shill the fuck out of it and compare it to Nazis. It's never going to get proper traction that way. Maybe at most a couple edgy kids on 9gag will support it.
And you've been irrelevant this entire time. Stfu bitch. Your women like it brown.
Wasn't 15? Wasn't Somalian? Or just a deranged cis white male? It's Sweden I heard they love to bend the truth to not hurt their new alpha males
>rebuilding stuff you bombed to shit
>giving commies heavy weaponry
>interventions when most of the fighting is already over anddestroying the final chance europe had against international kikery
Wow, thanks, America
The way to feel comfy about the EU and their hate is to realize it is their own inadequacy that makes them bitter. They are pissed they actually need us for things like trade, and that without us having been there for so long, there would have been another world war starting there. So just relish in their hate.
>He completely nails the European ethos
please tell me about american ethos...
It's hard to stay influential over a continent undergoing a transformation into an Islamic empire t b h.
>What is Marshall Plan for $100, Bill?
Yikers, mad your country will go down in History as a failure?
>All major powers literally blow themselves up
>Be the only superpower in the world
>can't even beat Vietnam with all the money and weapons in the world
Pathetic. People will compare you to Rome, British Empire, Ottoman Empire and many others and laugh.
>destroying the final chance europe had against international kikery
Yeah that's thanks to Britain. They dragged America into both World Wars, created Israel, worked hand-in-glove with Jewish bankers to attack Germany, and have consistently been working to undermine any European solidarity.
But blame America. That will make the Somalis in Stockholm leave.
There's a reason why 1776 commenced
Ok, mr José Mbutu
>Let me tell about your continent
What are you talking about, mutt?
Why should America defend foreign nations that hate them and wants to see America fall?
Unironically this
Uh oh! You guys better go find a new body guard that you can talk shit about. Euros are pussies, well, the western ones anyway.
sorry dumbass, since Brexit you're on our team now
Don't be a dividing idiot, it's more about globalists vs nationalists than anything. Europe hasn't really been Europe since the Napoleonic wars and the bankers.
>rebuilding stuff you bombed to shit
Well that sure was nice of us.
>giving commies heavy weaponry
> >interventions when most of the fighting is already over anddestroying the final chance europe had against international kikery
Europe had against.....HAHAHAHA! Do you even have the slightest concept of what the EU actually is? LOL! Holy fuck. Standing up to international kikery. Sweden! HAHAHAHAHA!
>I never expected they would! Only cuck nations would expect that!
Lol, the only place anyone will be able to see a native Swede in 20 years is in a special "Extinct Species" issue of National Geographic. Face it, you were lab rats.
Mmmmm delicious irony.
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