Why don’t you support Ukraine, Jow Forums?

Seriously, why?

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>le ebigg nadzees
>le haile hilter
Because those idiots were paid of by jew lobbyists like Nulland and Kagan.

Absolutely disgusting

Attached: remove yourself.jpg (640x622, 48K)

le cuck from country, than noone can find it on map, stfu and go be nigger in other place

>be jewish colony invented by austria to weaken Poland
>get free clay from Russian Tzar, Lenin, Stalin and other commies
>commit attrocities
>exist only because USA jews prop you up to use as staging ground in invasion of Russia at beginning of WW3


Why are Ukraine posters so dumb

>knowingly sucking jew cock
Pathetic to the core

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tho this guys have a good idea of white state, they dont have prominent leader, and not much people here support them, stil a lott of russkie swine here who support le midget from moskovia

[citation needed]

>muh lviv! polish land!1!
>meanwhile still occupies 30% rightful German clay

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>30% rightful German
go cry on Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill faces in Yalta
oh wait you cannot, we had nothing to say in that matter and west gave us away like peace of cloth, an made us lose more than 33% of our territory

Attached: notyetlost.png (1200x1142, 121K)

be polland
>larping as savior of white people
>sttill a third world shithole living of eu gibs
why live
>knowingly sucking eu cock
pathetic to the ass