Patrick Little General /PLG/ - Let Freedom Ring and Traitors Hang

>Who is Patrick Little?
Check out his Jow Forums AMA here
or skim the highlights here

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[email protected] (send sock e-mail here to help as a volunteer on the server)

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>How you can help

Attached: California.jpg (2480x3508, 1.77M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Does the (((alt-lite))) support Pat?

>Does the (((Californian GOP))) support Pat?

>Does Pat support President Trump?

>Will Pat protect the 2nd amendment?

>Will Pat name the Jew? (Arabic)

>Should Democrats support Pat?

>Are (((They))) are terrified?

>Spitting on Israeli flag after getting kicked out of GOP convention
>On the holocaust
>He really is risking it all

Please help spread the message of Patrick Little.
This is /ourguy/ and he needs help to make this happen.
Fire up the twitter accounts, tell your friends, make memes!
Ask everyone with a Youtube channel or podcast to interview Pat!
Hang up Posters and share videos!
Vote and support Patrick Little for US Senate on June 5th, 2018 and Save America!

>Previous Thread

Attached: MyCoutry.png (1137x1488, 1.54M)

I fucked that up... sorry spelling and grammar are not my thing but at least I did better than that Kike that started it. Please help!

Attached: NationalizeTwitter.png (800x1024, 51K)

that image on the OP thread is fucking glorious. please more.

Attached: this_is_what_america_will_look_like_in_2050.jpg (980x599, 662K)

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just going to cover this now

Attached: final word.png (1121x501, 37K)

Flyer Idea, Posting without text below for smarter people.

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Attached: GLR.png (1200x802, 1.19M)

Attached: Pats Nose Dance.gif (320x180, 1.55M)

highlights of AMA with pat

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Attached: revolution.png (400x720, 43K)

Attached: the problem at hand.jpg (676x351, 100K)

Attached: StandingOnMyFavDoorMat.png (266x479, 255K)

Vote for Patrick on june 5th if you want to get physical.

Attached: PatrickLittle4.jpg (2506x1180, 424K)

Attached: Shut It Down PLGedition.png (245x433, 179K)

did you make this? adding it to my folder. glorious

Put your own text in the Space.

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Logo Bump

Attached: PL Logo Good Skewed Gv.jpg (1000x1000, 109K)

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Not bad.

Attached: PL Logo Good Skewed.jpg (1000x1000, 188K)

this makes no sense. sounds like your going against little in the red sections

I still think, image number 2 enlarged, without freedom is the best image.
Nope. But I did make this one.

Attached: PatrickLittle5.jpg (800x533, 80K)

that info needs to be added to the copy pasta wiki entry the shills were dropping in older threads.
where it said patrick was a white supremacist

Attached: patrick little.png (1180x1174, 769K)

Perhaps flooding Black Twitter with this tidbit? It's a pretty masterful way of obtaining the black vote by taking from the Jews:

>"Put to rest the issue of slavery in the US by introducing a bill ending all foreign aid to Israel, and giving the US population of blacks descended of African slaves in the US a one time payment. This payment will be equivalent to the next ten years of aid to Israel divided by the number of recipients. Enshrined in this bill will be a permanent ban on providing foreign aid to Israel, including a death penalty for any politician introducing a bill that would lead to foreign aid to Israel."

So maybe meme that he wants to give out free gibs because whitey is evil and he's a good boy that wants to say sorry? I know I for one would always prefer giving a one time payment to nogs over an eternal payment to the jew any day.

Extremely Normie-friendly version of Flier here (nothing wrong with the original, but it's good to have options).

Attached: PatrickLittleFlierEdit.jpg (2480x3508, 538K)

add this to the archive, with timestamps from skipping to 53.20 for start, and listen through to 118.32 when it ends, to listen to patrick little on this epically long radio show if your interested. . i had to endure the first 50 odd minutes so you guys didnt.

Nice. Twitter banner.

Attached: pat gab fixed4.jpg (2560x1500, 1.06M)

I am a proud, patriotic, pro-White American half Jew whose ancestors have been here since Jamestown, and I will defend my birthright as a United States citizen against any who attempt to impede on those rights for collectivist reasons, through deadly force if necessary.

Sorry I missed that one fighting with (((Wiki)))

Attached: ItsOkaytoVotePat.png (800x1024, 48K)

Have you noticed that the shills have all but given up? Little's message is so pure and so many anons realise it that they've scurried away to their discords without a single clue as to what action to take.

nice larp

Attached: Anti Patrick.gif (220x165, 930K)


These are good.
Now let's try and make some that appeal directly to Asian demographics, using these images or others of Chinese, Filipino, Korean and Japanese families, along with some of the templates that are here:
BONUS: Try to find a way to include talking points for specific Asian demographics from here:

I feel like this is 2016 all over again except this time our candidate is the real deal. It brings a lot of warm feelings. Hopefully we can win the meme war a second time.

No one cares. You will simpy take up the ass whatever the white man serves you.

Attached: Cuck.jpg (886x862, 193K)

Here's something I made although I'm a bit of an amateur, feel free to edit it or use it however you want.

Jews have been successfully expelled from 109 nations in the past two millennia.
What makes you think that you rats will be able to avoid the 110th?

Attached: JewishExpulsions0.png (627x458, 31K)

I'm not larping. Get rid of the Israel lobby all you want. No one would miss it who genuinely loves this country. For me, however, it's freedom or death.

Asian Friendly Flag.

Attached: bear BBB.jpg (2560x1600, 655K)

if your doing the wiki, make sure you note the suggestion i made here
read this one to understand the point im making,

then use this one to correct it. i fucked up the one above

Jews are weak, we aren't afraid of you.

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Mfw hoteps and black israelites drop everything they're doing to support Little.

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The Energy is Rising.

I'll serve you a bullet if you invade my property.

where do i register to vote?

It's super aesthetic but it makes it look like japs are in collusion with Jews since the Jewish star is over the jap flag.

This one's kind of crazy, but I like it.
I'm not sure what the exact meaning is ha ha.

theres still a few, but we dismantled, and made people aware of their original posts/content. i actually said directly in reply to one of them, we can see them because its like a brands image, all their input is a clone, because they are so retarded, and to genuinely try and make it look like its loads of different people talking lol. they probably felt fucking retarded and are regrouping heading the advice of the winning side lol. what they have not realised is a very simple image, depicted in
instantly destroys them when dropped

I feel it too my man.

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Brilliant. I love it!
Sending to Patrick Little now (he's been replying to my Gab messages).

I'm not afraid of you. That majes neither of us cowards, but only one is a savage: the one who initiates aggression.

You dumb faggot, that was literally George Lincoln Rockwell's platform.

/ourguy/ undeniably.

Attached: Rockwell3.jpg (540x540, 84K)

get behind patrick, before your own kind wipe you out

Your side initiated aggression when you took over our government for Zionist interests.

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Patrick's platform would disenfranchise me from holding positions within the United States government on purely collectivist terms. Why would I support a man whose policy would be to not recognize me as a full citizen?

Why am I the only one tweeting today?
Literally the only person in the world tweeting

It's a Senate Campaign for Gods sake grab a flyer and fight for Pat!!!!


Attached: Vote.png (1222x733, 83K)

this is like 2016, but a just war. it has all the banter, but 100times more the content. and the best part. this is a global effort, so no russia collusion meme lol. i have every faith pat is going to come minimum of 2nd, because his policies are genuinely good. its not even like were meme'ing crazy shit. its all easily searched and verified. it also helps hes not a retard, and fucking switched on. anyone on pol, who thinks he somehow isnt our guy, isnt a true member of our thing

first one to roll a 110 gets confirmation rights

Don't underestimate the SS kangs division.

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A good propaganda/flyer concept would be to state how much foreign and military aid IsraHELL gets and compare it to how many schools/hospitals/gibs etc. that money could buy for Californians.

What, do you just assume I'm in on the zionist anti-white agenda?

oh shit

are you crying as you strike?

You said you're a Jew and it sounds like you don't like Patrick Little based on your original post.

Yes. I remember fighting beside you. It was the same old shit they pushed against Trump, only this time there isn't the ambiguity of the new york sleeziness (which, let's face it probably taught 2016 Jow Forums how to fight his very similarly sleezy opponents). They literally have nothing to grab onto. They will try time and time again like the pitbulls they are, but they will find nothing.

You fucking know they would. Hell with the free gibs even some Lefty Blacks might jump on board. How do we promote that one talking point? Anyone got a black Twitter account? We need to meme and spam this shit. Might make an account myself later if good memes can be produced out of it.

True. Don't vote for him then.

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Don't listen to him. He's concern trolling and already admitted he's a half Jew in this thread.

>Why would I support a man whose policy would be to not recognize me as a full citizen?
you mean, why would you support a man who would have you equally represented, instead of unfairly represented in government? gee, i wonder. your jewness is fucking oozing bro. you should be fairly represented like every other member, not have special rights. cant wait for june 5th hahahahahaha. oh i can see it now

because im banned. permanently. no account i make, even with VPN will work

I am not anti-White. I am pro-USA and pro-keeping my rights, property and self secured.
No, I do not like people attempting to strip my rights away for crimes that I didn't commit

I'm too retarded for twitter. I'm 27 but I've never been able to figure it out.

all of these need more RED WHITE AND BLUE ( these colors dont run )

its amazing we havent joined up with them already. they are wild as fuck aswell. if they knew the truth, and joined us, fuck. its time to unite. its not ideal for everyone, but its logical. they have the people force, and there is nothing worse then angry blacks looking to settle a issue. especially when it comes to their treatment

I need more interviews. I can barely wait a day for my next fix I don't know what I'll do with myself if I get 5 months straight of this I might go full ahegao and end up broken

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this is frogshit

I'm not a Californian, so I won't regardless.
I am only verbally defending my constitutional rights.
Why haven't I benefited from the Jewish nepotism? I've just been spat on all my life for being a White man.
>durr youre not White you have Jewish blood
I am half Jewish, half White. That makes me both. Learn genetics.

Nothing would represent the right's LBJ moment more than making the blacks see that first we would absolutely rather pay them, keeping cash within the west's economy than send another dollar for the jews; and second demonstrating the true "elite" of the US in one fell blow.

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Yeah, it's on Little site too. Anyways, I'm gonna read up on Rockwell now. Sounds like a swell lad.

I agree, but these are made for Mass Printing.

I don't care about your "rights". As far as I'm concerned, you're scum.

its really nice to see people from countries outside US coming together on this. if pats successful, australia could use aspects of his platform against china, brits could use it against EUs refugee shit, and EU members could use it against EU. some may not understand this, but his senate run, really is important for alot of other countries to get the signal to just risk it and go for gold. pat seized on the user phonecall polling figures. he has an extremely high attention to detail that has either been missed, or blatantly ignored. should he win, where do we go from there? where does he go from there? what we will see is little'ism. and alot of people with the thirst, will have the nod to act. we cant win any other way than democratically. even if he doesnt win, the damage is already inflicted. as stated in the previous thread, this is a win win situation.
the elephant in the room, is the truth. trump didnt really have this on side, as he was using smoke and mirrors, and dog whistling. patrick has named the jew from the get go. wtf can anyone try smear him with hahahaha. and if they question him, and he responds, its an instant redpill, because pat actually knows his shit. its really mental when all the stars align, and there is literally no offense that can be launched. i reckon in a few years they will make action figures of him. fuck action man. this is action pat.

Attached: action pat marine edition.jpg (169x400, 17K)

USS Liberty.

Never forget.

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It's disgusting how the media won't give him a proper interview in a proper setting. It's not that hard.

Attached: StopIt!.png (676x1202, 541K)

then have american symbolism. no this is not optics cucking. he IS the american archetype

>Learn genetics
you are "jew", but not as the bible depicts hahaha. take your own advice you fucking imbecile. you should be pro equality for all citizens, instead, you are focusing on nepotism. cry more. the train is stopping, and its not in a seaside town, i think you know where its stopping

I can kind of agree with this but I still like the current posters as well.

Bon appetit.

Attached: RockwellRare.jpg (236x283, 16K)

It gives me immense pleasure watching their dogmatic view of the world collapse in on itself within minutes during interviews. You can tell what they want to ask but they know they can't so they just stand there speechless and let pat speak

As far as I am concerned, I am completely within my rights to defend myself and my property from people like you who can't be reasoned with, using deadly force when necessary. For all your candidate has spoken of the dehumanization of Whites, which is an ever present reality in this country, he and his are sure quick to dehumanize me regardless of my actual patriotism.

This. Also need to bomb the 43rd District with Little fliers. Bus stops, liquor stores, wig and barber shops.

If you were patriotic you wouldn't be okay with dual citizens having power in our government or billions of dollars per year going to Israel instead of the United States. You're just a kike who wants special treatment.

holy shit. i remember there being donald trump, bernie sanders, and hillary clinton figures in the 2016.

why dont we try get pat to make an action figure, so people dont dox themselves donating, but buy the figures.
"action pat, comes with isreali flag doormat, and ar15"

>my late night shitposting became an integral part of Little's anti-shill defense

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Very true about the china point. South China Sea sitution combined with Chinese marxist university organizations running unopposed(thanks tranny leftists) in our universities mean we need ex commandos and SAS with balls of steel and quick wit to occupy all levels of government. Just like what Thailand does every few years, purging their government of globalist influence with their military. We might not like to admit it, but god damn every statistic you look at shows unambiguously we need it.

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