The money for Trump’s payout from Attorney Michael Cohen to Stormy Daniels came directly from sanctioned Russian Oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.
Moral of the story?
Don’t fuck with the CIA.
The money for Trump’s payout from Attorney Michael Cohen to Stormy Daniels came directly from sanctioned Russian Oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.
Moral of the story?
Don’t fuck with the CIA.
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CNN = jewish tabloid media
>Don’t fuck with the CIA
Back in the day the CIA would just shoot a fucking President in the fucking head
Now they pay porn stars to make morons out of themselves on TV
Not huge
Cohen is getting impeached? Fugg
Vekelsberg is part kike. Close ally of Blavatnik " American " Cohen...sleazy sheister stuff
Article is full of typical double-talk. The firm that made the payments is first described as "distancing itself from russian firm", then is seemingly referred to as one and the same. Then there's the "the lawyers said they made the payments directly", then proceeds to claim the payments were routed through intermediaries in the next fucking sentence.
cnn is as credible as the "birth certificate" that the kenyan posted on
You probably don't realize this, but this Oligarch, and the company he represents is tied directly to Clinton. He is also a recognized Russian Military Intelligence operator. Skolkovo is part of that intelligence operation that bought entry into the US through... The Clinton Foundation.
If you really think CNN is telling you the whole story here, I got news for you bubba. This is all cover for the real treason investigation.
Fake NEWS run with it!
Holy shit
No the moral is never trust a jew
Reading comprehension much, Ivan?
Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, not CIA, paid Stormy Daniels to stay quiet about her affair with the President so it wouldn’t blow his chances in the election (no pun intended).
>receiving payment from a sanctioned Russian Oligarch
ITAR law violation.
>not declaring it during an election cycle
Campaign finance law violation.
>trying to cover it up by firing investigators
>Doing all of this with our most dangerous and powerful international adversary
Looks like it’s gonna be President Pence, unless he’s caught up in this as well.
Are you hiding behind a MEME FLAG and calling me a Russian bot?
>Don’t fuck with the CIA
>President Pence
Handmaid's Tale?
You know what Jow Forums thinks about that
>I'll take legal malpractice for 100, Alex.
IF Cohen fucked him over, it's not Trump's fault. We do have laws for these sorts of things. Trump is actually the victim here, IF Cohen fucked him over.
Fake news; didn't read
>Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg paid Stormy Daniels
Blump is finished for sure this time!
So Trump is a Clinton stooge.
All the more reason for jail.
He wasn’t sanctioned when this happened, window licker.
>it came directly from the oligarch!
>it was funneled through a LLC!
>Trump payed her!
>his attorney paid her!
>the oligarch payed her!
>it was campaign spending either way!
>Anything negative about Trump
>Fake news
Checks out. As is any criticism of a republican president during their tenure.
for the 978th time now
fuck off with your cnn propaganda, shillblue
Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor.
It’s CNN man, of course it’s fake news.
>As is any criticism of a republican president during their tenure.
If it comes from the same outlets that shielded and lionized Obama, then yeah, it's suspect.
Vekselberg is a Russian Oligarch under sanction by law for criminal activity, making Trump a person who sold out America.
You don’t read well, do you? The money went from Vekselberg to Cohen to Daniels. Cohen is most definitely gonna offer states evidence rather than be tried as a spy.
“Attack the messenger” (ad hominem) fallacy.
Smokescreen (“whataboutism”) fallacy. Clinton lost, remember?
Yet another ad hominem fallacy.
The sound of epiphany! XD
Racism won’t save you now. And once your racist idol is impeached, everyone will know you for who you are. Better hope the voices of reason are nicer to you than your hate speech has been toward them...
Pack it in, boys.
Game over.
Just like Obama coming for your guns?
Found to be illegitimate?
Hilary in jail?
Collusion amirite? You demented people have been at it for almost a year and a half on Trump. Leftist shilling just to try and get some ground back in the midterms. You still don’t realize the majority won’t vote Democrat ever again. Your little pockets of insanity are growing bankrupt and will be getting smaller and smaller. All you’ll have left is your weed to numb you out. We will slowly round you all up and deposit you in safe zones. You won’t protest because you’ll be too stoned. Then we’ll turn on the gas.
Youve been at it longer than the underahed youre yelling at it.
Funny though how peeps are already in jail against you.
Cohen’s tapes will prove the President knew where the money came from, making him a spy.
This revelation is about inviting Cohen to cooperate, rather than go down with the ship. Which he will do.
And the charges will be filed in state courts to prevent the use of presidential pardon.
>You don’t read well, do you? The money went from Vekselberg to Cohen to Daniels
Odd, because the article you posted states that V made the payment directly, which is it? Directly, or to cohen, then and LLC, then Daniels? A to B, or A to B to C to D?
deposit 2 shekels into your account
They had Stormy Daniel's lawyer on NPR yesterday pushing this. Even the NPR ancors were ask, "so what proof do you have of this."
This is either a shill's first day at Memeblue or a pretty good attempt at pretending to be retarded
Unless they have intercepted comms regarding such a deal, there is no case. Money moving around by itself is not proof of anything. If they had intercepted comms, it wouldn't have taken this long to even hear a peep about this nonsense.
No charges will be filed
No impeachment will occur
>The money went from Vekselberg to Cohen to Daniels.
That doesn't prove shit anything though. I gave my friend $50 and he spent it on marijuana, does that mean I like weed? No.
>drumpf BTFO impeachment incoming
>billionaire uses Russian payoff money to payoff whore
God these people that believe this shit are retarded. Especially after years now of these hit piece stories being retracted and clarified later down the line as being nothing even close to the original stories they aired. They dont give a shit, they know they can spin webs and lies and that the truth down the line wont matter cause all any of their mouth breather readers will remember is the original headline
Literally changed my registration to republican before the last election cycle. That how little faith i have in the democrats or their garbage policies.
You idiots truly fall for every media narrative trumps laywer himself said "yeah thats not true lol".
Guess you didnt know that and why would you you cnn watching fuck.
And you know the funniest thing about it? Even if true it has literally nothing to do with muh russia trump election collusion because paying off a whore has nothing to do with the election but then again it didnt even happen so you lose either way.
Nothing's going to happen but I will assure you that I WILL ABSOLUTELY fuck with the CIA.
I've left my as dem just to fuck with their stats
OK thanks. See ya.
What tapes?
Jesus Christ, you "people" still dont get it. He's not going anywhere.
>b-b-but my imbeachmend
Not gonna happen faggot. We won. You lost. Suck it up and pick a better candidate next time.
>president pence
He's so dreamy
Sorry to break it to you, but pretending to be a retard isn't hard. You're not impressing anyone.
Your analogy is ass. You gave him 50 and he spent it on marijuana and then have you the marijuana. That's what this is.
LMAO - you do now that there is no proof of that right? Of course you don't, you are a common core retard that believes anything that supports your confirmation bias. Funny, I bet you believed Hitlary Clinton would win inn 2016 because cnn said so. Hey - CNN ison record saying you are "stupid as shit" and for once, they actually said something that was true.
But please keep crying, you provide better entertainment than Hollywerid.
From a legitimate news source:
Stormy Daniels’ attorney claimed Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen received $500,000 from a company controlled by a Russian oligarch, deposited into an account for a company also used to pay off the adult film actress.
Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, also detailed other transactions he said were suspicious, including deposits from drug giant Novartis, the state-run Korea Aerospace Industries, and AT&T — which confirmed it paid Cohen’s company for “insights” into the Trump administration.
If true, Avenatti’s claims, made in a dossier posted to Twitter, could add a new dimension to the federal investigation into Cohen.
Avenatti offered no proof for his allegations.
Now back to red-dit for you where you can play your mental hypocritical gymnastics with other cum guzzling propaganda faggots.
And I thought the "gay muslim communist" president would be the traitor, now look what's happening... You shouldn't vote Republican ever again, they're the real traitors
>Don’t fuck with the CIA.
Care to elaborate on that?
you do know that they are targeting the wrong Michael Cohen right?
tl:dr/ increasingly nervous man swears this is it from drumpft
>Don’t fuck with the CIA.
Just wait until the CIA fucks with the American Citizens so much they finally get tired of it
What a fucking Schlomo. You're not even fucking trying, sojakike.
does anyone watch or read CNN besides their employees anymore? i imagine they just do it anymore to make themselves feel better or something. they dont get that everyone isn't laughing with them, its in their direction. lol, a hooker is going to take down the president, that's fuckin rich.
(inhales deeply)
are they still talking about russia or are they pretending that never happened?
>Moral of the story
>Don’t fuck with the CIA.
CIA had nothing to do with anything, you child raping degenerate.
of course op can't elaborate on that. it's hard to do when you're making up stories as you go.
>CORRECTION: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman could indict Trump attorney Michael Cohen for breaking state laws regardless of whether Cohen was convicted of breaking federal versions of those same laws — and regardless of whether Trump pardoned him. The article has been updated with the correct information.
> daily beast
oh, if it's on that shit-tier website it must be a legit concern!
stop trying to make impeachment a thing, it's not going to be a thing.
Happened before he was president
Trump didn't receive the money
Literally nothing on him
The hilarious part is they abandoned Mueller and now think a porn star will be the answer to their prayers.
The fact that they've spent a year and a half investigating Trump and haven't even been able to proove a crime has even been committed speaks volumes.
So a Russian oligarch paid off Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet, hoping that Trump would win. The payment was arranged through a lawyer also employed by Trump.
So a guy did a favor for Trump. Wtf would Trump be impeached for that? How is Trump even involved, legally? He could technically have been totally unaware of what was going on.
It was obviously not illegal espionage, that's just stupid. And it's pretty tenuous to claim without evidence that his motivation for firing any investigators was "obstruction."
This is going to roll off Trump just like everything does.
So it wasn't campaign money?
thankfully reddit isn't yet a court of law
Posting w a meme flag. Show us your real flag leaf. You wouldn't say no to puppies
Skolkovo! The Russian Silicon Valley. Clinton Foundation set them up with military intelligence! Is mueller flipped?
You an ABC man?
New York Times?
>a Nazi meme flag would prefer The Jew York Times
How is this illegal? Russians paid an attorney to pay a porn star. Trump isn't even involved in this as far as I can tell, other than the fact he knows the attorney.
I'm going to take a wild guess that Vekelsberg, to this day, has never heard of " Daniels " like 99.999% of the world. Did the Korean air money, " go to daniels " ? What about every other degenerate sheister sleazy kike cohen has scammed over the last few years ? Did their funds " go to daniels" ?
I don't think they know what narrative they want to follow anymore. At this point I say we let them keep pushing it.
The DNC is completely fucked because they can't figure out a actual platform other than being the party of "instead of Trump". This shit is literally how FDR kept getting elected.
It was illegal to give Avenatti that information
Someone at the Treasury Department is in big fucking trouble
If true, big!
What happened to the Muller and the Russian bot case? That happened lime yesterday didn't it? And Mueller wanted it delayed.
Reminder that nobody actually cares about Stormy Daniels. They know Trump's a poon hound and don't care that he fucked a porn slut.
Headline: The money came directly from Putin!
Story: The money came from an investment firm that Cohen is a part of. The director of the fim is a cousin to a private Russian citizen who is """linked""" to Putin.
Lol. So Trump didn't break any law. Got it.
Does anyone else rewrite CNN headlines mentally now as they read them?
>Firm linked to Russian Oligarch funneled money to Trump Lawyer!
>Michael Cohen worked for US firm which also worked with Russian businessman!
Right but how does this affect Trump? Yes it's bad optics or whatever, but at the end of the day Trump still hasn't done anything illegal; at least in respects to the Stormy Daniels thing. I feel like I'm either going crazy or people are just screeching autistically at this point.
>Trump ate a sandwich, that's illegal!
>how is that illegal?
>russian troll! it's illegal!
He's a sleazy degenerate sheister Jew. This is standard operating procedure in NY. Working his rackets as he has for many years. Send him money at your own risk. Novartis is a Swiss pharmaceutical company, were they meddling in the election by hiring this low end financial operator in early 2017 months after the US elections ?
THIS.. why are all the smart people on Jow Forums always 2 or 3 days behind the news. They pointed fingers at the wrong Michael Cohen.
>Clinton foundation pays fusion gps
>fusion gps pays christopher steele $10k
>christopher steele tries to help clinton get elected with a dossier
>she doesn't report it as a campaign contribution
This is a violation of campaign finance law
People also seem to forget that Obama was actually fined by the FCC for campaign finance violations.
so cnn main source is a hooker's lawyer. dont you commie shills ever feel shame?
(((sources))) said
Why do these sources never have names so we can verify if they are legitimate?
>Clinton actually rapes women,OP does nothing
>Trump bangs a porn slut, OP loses mind and chimps out.
Nice world you live in,faggot.
>Looks like it’s gonna be President Pence
This is complete bullshit, and everyone knows it.
The highly respected and never wrong sage Louise Mensch herself has already told us that Orrin Hatch was installed as President and Drumph was taken away in handcuffs by The Marshall of the Supreme Court back in May 2017
Also, you are a fucking moron.
>Don’t fuck with the CIA or else they will have fake news that nobody believes about you pushed out by the most pathetic news outlet ever
You reek of kike, but keep shilling. I'm WITH HER NOW!
Fuck you CIA.
didnt CNN already detract this story? why are you still running this shill.
Are we sure this isn't the wrong Cohen again?
They were hoping to hang him on a lie, like they did Bill Clinton. That was what they would use for impeachment, but they even fucked that up.