Racist joke

>racist joke
not okay

>racist joke but with "trump believes" inserted at the beginning

Attached: NURXLvd.png (417x390, 193K)

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that's smart.
trump believes that all niggers must hang.

>the most recent Colbert impersonated Trump
>he went on a 10 minute tirade about how blacks are genetically inferior, even bringing out skulls for physical proof

Attached: 1487257560209.jpg (285x287, 10K)


Attached: drumpf.jpg (228x221, 12K)

Whats wrong with that?

>gets to express his deepest hatred for african americans, claims they are nothing but subhuman, once a slave forever a slave etc
>just before credits roll he quickly under his breath says: "says donald"
how does he get away with it?

>So...Trump today took credit for North Korea. Yeah, yeah I know, it’s ridiculous right? Its almost as if TRUMP wanted all blacks to be hung by their necks, like the day of rope is coming. They will have their welfare checks turn to ash in their mouth, and their children will be swung from the high rises! They will rue the day they stepped foot on our pur blood SOIL! Trump thinks that right haha

Trump is a racist though.
