I nearly collapsed taking the MGTOW pill

Holy shit this pill is strong. I looked at life completely wrong. My god. The blue pillery and degeneracy in the West is sickening. So long, fuckers. I am officially declaring that I am no longer attracted to women.

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Congrats on becoming asexual? I like my fiancee alot and we have a pretty healthy relationship so enjoy your weird hatred of women. I dunno if proselytizing this bullshit is healthy though, go fight for independence or something

This triggers the tradcuck and roastie.

Have a gf but at times I seriously consider becoming celibate just so I don't have to deal with women.

If she is a nag, go find a different girlfriend. Jesus Christ, this board is filled with men who seem to have this all or nothing mentality. Let's have an example, if you have a car but you hate it because of the blind spots and gas mileage then you say "well shit, I know cars are useful, I better find one that fits me better" you don't just say "fuck it, fuck cars in general, I'll walk everywhere or ride a bike". You are turning all women into things rather than simply saying "this is not healthy, let me find someone I get along with better". What is wrong with some of you, Why does everyone want to become benedictine monks all the sudden?

>well shit, I know cars are useful
That comparison doesn't work.

If your gf is unbearable, it's your fault for not training her right.

yes goyim, white children are evil and perpectuate whiteness

Top Chuckle

Married men live longer and how are you suppose to have children if you don't have a stable family?

nah, it's actually because of 9/11

MGTOW are bunch of faggots, they shame men who have success banging lots of girls. The worst thing they started talking about gay and LGBT rights, there is no worse than this. I would say MGTOW is a loser dumping ground, it used to be good but it faded away and got worse.

stay safe

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More white women for me!!

Stay Mad Dr.Goldberg , No more shekels for you

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Not and argument. Neither I am a Jew, stay an ugly loser mutt.

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So you're abdicating you're responsibility towards society because you read something on the internet written by a some retard?

guess your a fag then :/

>Not and argument.
Neither is your tiresome attempt at shaming. Which I don't understand why you still bother with, shaming is only effective on people who cares what society thinks of them.

How is mgtow any different than being an ass licking faggot?

Doubtful. Youve likely never even had your first.

Me? Shaming? This dumb movement shame men like me who have success with girls and life. Shaming people for not wanting to become loser monks or give up about game is sad. Most MGTOW are ugly men who had bad experience with women, they sad fuck life fuck women do whatever you want take the black pill. Then they see men who are successful with women and shame them for that. Telling them why aren’t you like me, why you date women etc etc. Like I said MGTOW used to be good but then they started to talk about gay/LGBT rights and other dumb stuff. It went downhill, don’t you think it’s funny that the establishment doesn’t see them a threat? If they did they would have taken them down long time ago.

They do have a point though, being a male in the bottom 50% sucks when you constantly are faced with media portrayals of Chads as the highest ideal.

Having been with a whole LOT of women, I've honestly gotten to a point where I'm tired of dealing with them and find little pleasure in casual sex anymore. Seems to just be a distraction from developing myself and my own skills, not to mention a drain on resources.
But I also live in Jew York so dating is a total shit show.
I'd be happy to settle into a nice long term with a nice girl who knows how to act but they are few and far between, and most those that act like nice girls in the city really just borderliners.

I don't hate women, I just don't think the cost benefit analysis adds up in my favor with the majority of them.

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>I like my fiancee alot and we have a pretty healthy relationship so enjoy your weird hatred of women.

She will destroy you, you've been warned.

>pretending that not all women are fucking crazy
Almost got me chap

Not everybody wants to have children. If you think making children is the best way to leave a legacy, then I'm sorry to break it to you, but niggers are beating you FUCKING BRUTALLY in that regard


I've decided to become homosexual to find true happiness.

Women can never understand us white men and even if they could they prefer black guys and foreigners anyway.

With the way those jewish lawyers always destroy us white men in divorce court it's better to just be a proud and vibrant member of the homosexual community.

My new boyfriend has turned me on to his hip pagan religion and we sport Thor's Hammer necklaces as we vacation around the world with all the disposable income we have from not bothering with children.

Some retarded christcucks will tell you to find a trad girl in a church but that's all lies and their religion sucks.

Who would bother with a jew on a stick when the women there are all lying roasties anyway?

I tried that route and trust me when I say those women were all liars who had fucked miles of dick or were too ugly to ride the carousel.

We only get this one life so live it to the utmost white brothers.

>I am officially declaring that I am no longer attracted to women.
It doesn't work like that.
Saying you're not pursuing women is the exact same, women will never approach.

This. The risk is not worth the reward anymore. It's too much risk for too little reward.

>Actually knows what he's taking about.

Upset that whites are choosing an out while you'll only be surrounded by ethnicities the world over who won't be smart enough to know that you're not actually white?

You can still be attracted to women dipshit

MGTOW just means no longer on the market

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>Having been with a whole LOT of women, I've honestly gotten to a point where I'm tired of dealing with them and find little pleasure in casual sex anymore
same. It's too much effort for even a BJ which I greatly prefer to sex even though I end up having to teach women how to do them. sex was too much work so I just started getting BJs. getting bjs became too much effort even because afterwards girls are still horny and need a release. and horny chicks get angry and annoying. you also grow out of the need of bonding/validation quickly after you either realize you don't need it or that women just tell you what you want to hear.

>Duubs wasted on an ironic Overreddited post

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Ironically MGTOW are the biggest fucking betas there are

>Have a fiancee
>Posts on Jow Forums
Something's not quite right.

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>the only way to save the west is to not have kids

How is MGTOW not the most beta thing in existance? Niggers who get women pregnant and leave are unironically more alpha than any of you faggots. Sure, they may not raise the kid but atleast they keep the genepool going.

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i never thought i would agree with a jew

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>You are turning all women into things
Then he starts dehumanizing women and treating them as interchangeable things by going
>this is not healthy, let me toss this woman in the garbage and find a more submissive woman to be my servant

>Strangers are upset again that I'm not getting married

Stay very salty.

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mgtow is a cia attempt to lower white birthrates

fine faggot. you want to remove yourself from the gene pool? more women for me.

fuck off brainlet

>This triggers the tradcuck and roastie.

Haha absolutely.

I don't know why people insist on trying to live like it's the 1950's.

Traditionalism has failed because women are whores who want to race mix.

How long until some low IQ skinhead comes in here and tells us the joos control their woman's libido?

>I seriously consider becoming celibate

That's a good thing, but if you can't become a homosexual.

Sex with women is completely over rated.

If you nuked your hormones tomorrow you'd never notice a woman again.

This guy knows.

People who complain about birth rates and national survival blah blah blah just don't get it.

We won't be there to live through all that shit anyway so why bother?

I want to live for myself today and not some asshole tomorrow that I won't see.

I had some tradcuck tell me that's selfish and the world I'm enjoying right now was built by the sacrifices of my ancestors that I should honor their struggles.

Laugh. Out. Loud. Fuck that bullshit. I'm not falling for those sorts of kike lies.

The highest purpose of life is subjecting my homosexual flesh to as much pleasurable stimuli as possible.

You got a problem with proof reading buddy?

Why don't you take off that meme flag and give me an argument tradcuck?

I bet you think jewsus is kewl and are saving your asshole for marriage too.


Hello, JIDF.

>roasties actually think like this

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Let's make a bet:

We'll toss a coin.
>Head: You get to have ungrateful brats who'll resent you for not buying them the latest JewPhone, even though you're already paying everything for them, from clothes to education. On the upside: you'll get to fuck your maybe once or twice a month, if she's in the mood that is.
>Tails: You lose half your shit and have to play alimony for years on end, while not being able to see your kids.

Would you accept?

>inb4 "hurr durr it's your fault if your woman divorces your ass, beta cuck haha please someone fuck me"

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Lol who are you kidding?

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Women not attracted to you-> Disregard women because you're not going to get one anyway-> focus on yourself->focus on self improvement->become healthy, wealthy, successful->Women are now attracted to you->you can afford to hold out for a high quality woman->35 year old millionaires marrying 18 year old virgins.

I tell you, in the next 10 years, you are going to see a LOT of men in their late 30's to early 40's settling down with 18 year old girls and having kids. It's just that the current generation of women are trash tier.

>I want to live for myself today and not some asshole tomorrow that I won't see.
My life philosophy summarized in one poignant sentence. Sacrifices are only worth it if you eventually see some benefit.

It's true that you will definitely have more time for hobbies.

>How long until some low IQ skinhead comes in here and tells us the joos control their woman's libido?
yeah the evil mastermind jews, despite the fact the patriarchal muslims still have acid attacks and honor killings cause the women won't behave, despite the fact that there are girls that date and mix with arabs in the JEWISH CONTROLLED state of Israel , depsite the fact that french girls fucked the invading white NAZIS - it was the JEWZ making them attracted to white uniformed invaders

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>Would you accept?

Hell no, only a fool would take that bet.

Women will take everything you have because they are biologically programmed to gather as much resources as possible.

Even if they have to pick the pockets of the still warm corpse of their husband.

>Sacrifices are only worth it if you eventually see some benefit.


And in todays society you can gain a hell of a lot from sacrificing things that don't matter or affect you in any way.

For example you can sacrifice/disavow/get rid of:
>your race
>your heritage
And you lose absolutely nothing.

But what do you gain?
>hot guys
>tons of money
>job opportunities
So what exactly are the downsides of living life for yourself?

None unless you're a retarded skinhead or christcuck and think the boogyman in the sky will get you.


White women are destroying Western civilization by spreading their legs and running everything into the ground.

Blaming jews is ridiculous because many times when a jew is involved it is also a woman like Janet Yellen.

In fact women are now prominent in business and finance but you won't hear the stormfags talk about that now will you?

The funny thing is that asshole tomorrow you wont see is YOU because you're going to end up miserable after you fuck your life up beyond repair on hedonism.
Not my problem though since it actually benefits me if you fried in the brain children of single mothers dont shit up the world by reproducing.
>Women will take everything you have because they are biologically programmed to gather as much resources as possible.
If they're r-selected scum like you who fundamentally believes they're in an unstable environment from their childhood.

>The funny thing is that asshole tomorrow you wont see is YOU because you're going to end up miserable after you fuck your life up beyond repair on hedonism.
Never said I'm a hedonist. The most important value for me is self suffiency and you literally can't be self sufficient if you have kids. Also, if I get too old and don't enjoy life I'll just take the bullet. Meanwhile I lived the time given to me on Earth as a human for my own benefit and not for something so abstract as "the greater good." There's only two types of people: those who who accept that they're egoists and egoists in denial. I happen to be the former.

>I am no longer attracted to women.
And then OP was faggot for real. The end.

Actually, you know what? If anyone is a hedonist, then it's fucking YOU. Shitting children into this fucked up world, where they most certainly will experience a considerable amount for something as base as "MUH WHITE RACE" is more egoistic and intellectually hedonistic than any antinatalist could ever hope to do.

The issue with people on pol is that they have a few bad experiences with women and they immediately assume that’s how all women mit’s be.

They completely ignore the fact that the women that they are chasing are obviously not the kind of girls you want to raise a family with, but rather get their dicks wet with.

Yes most women are trash, but you’re ignoring or not even looking at the shy ones that refuse to give into the mind virus of feminism. And that’s exactly why you don’t see them; we know our purpose is not to be heard.

Stop going for women that regularly use social media and you won’t fall into this MGTOW shit.

>What are asexuals?
And, yes, before you ask: there are ways to actually kill your libido.

Also this Kek

I meant "a considerable amount of suffering".
t. phonefag

>Stop going for women that regularly use social media
user, what I'm about to tell you.... Look, you have to be strong for this, ok?

Why every roastie or beta just have one argument and is the personal atack?

the beta is massively invested in the lie that some women are some sort of pure being that will like him for him

his whole ego and worldview really are built up around this delusion

I’m talking about snapchat, Facebook, Instagram type shit - things where people connect their real identity in order to get social validation

Not anonymously posting on an autistic underwater basket weaving forum

>Holy shit this pill is strong.
>I looked at life completely wrong.
I did what the Jews said.
My bloodline is dead.
And only I will touch my dong.

t. Volslav (voluntary slave)

>Why does everyone want to become benedictine monks all the sudden?
Because women are so FUCKING AWFUL quality of life is greatly improved with them not around.

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If you have to "train" your gf - you are the cuck.

for the trads

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>Sex with women is completely over rated.

>If you nuked your hormones tomorrow you'd never notice a woman again.

Kek. Nuke your hormones. Self improvement still matters. Need high test to maintain muscle, necessary levels of aggression ect.

Stoicism is a better practice.

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>Married men live longer
There is no way this is true. And they're miserable

My point was that literally every woman is on social media, not that you being on Jow Forums use social media as well (which I know is bull)

>Sex with women is completely over rated.
>If you nuked your hormones tomorrow you'd never notice a woman again.
lmao after I cum I just don't want to see any woman in the world
fucking hormones, make us dumber, sometime I wish to be free of sexual instinct

>Betas and cucks go MGTOW,
>Alphas will not go mgtow
>Women thinkts its perfect because there are only chads.
>All of them at their 20's jump on that cock carousel.
>After girls going 30's they hit a wall and chads no longer are interested with them because chads now go to new generation of 20's. And they dont have any backup plan because all non-alphas gone MGTOW.
>All of 30+ women ends up in shitty social houses with vibrator and herd of cats while alphas are banging younger women and non-alphas are enjoing having money, cultivating hobbies and not giving a shit.

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If a girl has Facebook but seldom uses it I think that can be excused

It’s really instagram you need to watch out for

thats cool but if woman begs for ur benis, do u decline

Of course. Once you find that mythical unicorn, be sure to let me know.

Girls who aren't on social media are either
a) ugly as sin or
b) socially awkward rejects
Neither of them is marriage material.


I am seriously thinking of stopping all communication with women. I may even drop out of society all together. Level 5 MGTOW

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Im a pretty good looking dude who takes care of himself. Assuming im not lying to you can I still fuck chicks if i went MGTOW?

Everything about the movement sounds good, but I really want to continue fucking chicks. Can I just fuck and leave?

Yes. I still fuck girls. The only thing every MGTOW has in common is no marriage/co-habitation. That's it. And it's just a name anyway. You don't need to identify with it.

It depends. If there is no risk of spermjacking or rape accusation. Then why not.

MGTOW is not a strict philosophy, casual sex without consequencess is not forbidden.

ALso if you go MGTOW, you can go back when you want.

Probably if reasons why men go MGTOW (Spermjacking, divorce rapes, rape accusations etc.) will dissapera. Most of MGTOW will just stop being MGTOW.

Yes. Check pic related above you. MGTOW are mainly against marriage.

>this generic muh gf/wife is pure and naive
Enjoy being divorced raped while she would be secretly fucking a tyrone

MGTOW is not a strict philosophy and there is no problem with casual sex.

Some MGTOW have casual sex with real women, some MGTOW use sex dolls
some MGTOW go full celibate.

Usually any type of man has reasons to go MGTOW (Even some alphas go mgtow because even if they can get women they dont want to risk being destroyed by #metoo o similar bullshit)

Stfu, roastie. Enjoy your suicide in your 30s

Could possibly level 5 with an overnight job.
I don’t side with mgtow even though I don’t have sex. Personally, I’d like to find someone, but I’ve gotten more personal projects done, with little to no human contact, being nocturnal and intentionally avoiding society and the gross marks it’s left on itself

Because you are a kike puppet. Keep feeding ((Family law attorneys), you bugman

dude. There is no need to release so much hatred on people who shit on MGTOW. You only look like pissy neckbeard. Just wish them good luck.

Do not give a shit about them.

>I'm not a jew
sure sure

Im just not really looking to get trapped into something where in the end half of my shit if not more will be gone and If i have kids there gone too. I like the option of just having kind of girlfriends and if I ever want kids ill adopt one or have a surrogate.

do you even believe the stuff youre talking about?

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1 post by this ID
Shit MGTOW post with garbage meme.
Hundreds of replies.

Holy fuck this place is garbage.

I'm just sick of those roasties who pretend they are some chad male, while actual chads are the biggest MGTOWs(they just hump and dump those shitfaced degenerate western ""women"")

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Go back to fapping to your 2D shits

why not both?

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