Womens place in society

How would you tell your daughter that she is inferior to men and that she needs to obey a husband from a list of your choosing

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With my penis.

i would tell her shes a woman who needs to do womanly things like cooking, cleaning, raising the children, home schooling the children in tradtional catholicism, fulfilling her role as a woman, home life is a woman's life a very very feminine and womanly thing.

And when she says she doesnt want to?

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Then I convert to Islam and honor kill her, obviously.

My wife would teach her how to be a woman. I would just love her, and be a positive protective father figure. I wouldn’t go around shoving my dick into male anus, like some people would in this thread

Right, so your wife teaches her and she wont listen and she asks you for your help being a firm father figure instead of an abscent one, now what?


First off, you're assuming you have authority over your family when you actually don't. You can try your best to keep her on the right path, but ultimately it's a coin toss whether our toxic society corrupts her, and if that happens there's little you can do to save her.

Well, I would have to gage the seriousness of the situation. If she’s becoming a slut I would take more drastic measures. If she just wants to get a job, or something feminist, then I tell her she can do whatever she wants, but I hope she finds a husband

well thats a hypothitical arguement but to answer your fantasy senerio, i would say, ok just remember what i taught you remember the faith.

>Womens place in society
To serve BBC of course!

The picture posted here shows the African American population by US county (left) and the suicide rate by county (right). As you can see from the picture, it's reasonable to conclude that less blacks = more people offing themselves. The true redpill is that the suicides are almost entirely white women. Why? Because of the lack of BBC for the white women to enjoy in the area. For the few white boys who do get laid (usually because of the lack of a BBC alternative), you know how much you enjoy it. How would you feel if all you had to have sex with were gross, smelly, hairy, loose, dry, 80 year old woman vagina? Well this is comparable to how white women feel when there's a lack of BBC. No woman wants to be restricted to small, blue veined, pink, smelly penises. You can see in these rural areas in Idaho and Montana which have very few blacks yet the elementary schools are 50% mixed race. The few blacks there DROWN in white pussy. I therefore support a more evenly distributed black population across the US (and all white majority countries for that matter) because it really isn't fair that BBC can only be enjoyed by white women in the South or the big cities.

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Decent strawman.

show her a cat lady

Are you a woman or just the bottom of the gene pool?
This is a thought experiment. Please assume you have authority over your daughter
What is strawman about it? Are there parts you disagree with that most of pol would agree on?

You don't make much of an argument so there's not much to disagree with.

Different doesn't mean inferior and most people do not support arranged marriages.

>And when she says she doesnt want to?

Tell her she's wrong and bring happiness stats and the current pitiful state of our societies as evidence. If she still doesn't want to she is out of the home at 18, so she can be as independent as she wants whoring herself on the street for pocket money

She would be raised in a household where she can observe that being a housewife is a rewarding lifestyle that has meaning. This is predicated upon having a good housewife first.

>you didnt make much of an arguement.
Correct, i made a premise
>women arent inferior, theyre just different!
Most of pol does not agree with this, you are welcome to form your own opinion but something being essential to your existance does not make that thing an equal to you.
>arranged marriages.
Are you out of touch with most fathers? Men do not like shitty boyfriends that their daughters bring home, now imagine they finally had a real say in their daughters future?

My 6 year old daughter is already planning how many children she'll have and what to name them as a homemaker (despite her mother being the 1 in 1000 successful career women feminists wish they could be but always fail to be) with no prompting from us since surprise surprise that's what comes naturally to girls.

>raising a daughter
Did you know raising a daughter is the very definition of a cuck? You're raising, feeding, clothing and educating a woman for another man/group of men to fuck.

>Are you out of touch with most fathers? Men do not like shitty boyfriends that their daughters bring home, now imagine they finally had a real say in their daughters future?

Yeah, it would be like the 50s, when we didn't have arranged marriages...

Thats only a nuisance if you are stupid enough to only have 1 offspring.
In order to establish a proper household you need at least 5 to 6 from 1 to 3 women.
If she is the first, she learns her place by taking care of her younger siblings,
If she is the youngest, she learns her place from her older sisters.
If she has only older brothers, she learns her place by attending their (and the fathers) needs.

It comes and goes, the premise involves a girl old enough to understand most of the ramifications if inferiority rather than one who cries when she doesnt get ice cream still

> Nigger says something in a thread about fatherhood
> Literally advocates abandoning his child.


Keep her out of college and moniter who she hangs out with or else

Okay Mexishart. Have many girl kids. The porn industry is always in need of fresh 18 year old pussy getting BLACKED.

you can "tell" your daughter anything, but whats the point? she will not listen anway

do you remember all the stupid stuff your parents "told" you?

its almost as if people have their own minds.

Believe it or not there was a time when parents could brow beat you socially and politically well into your 30s

Being a woman doesn’t necessarily mean she is inferior. Traditionally women in society provided some extremely valuable contributions. raising and caring for children, maintaining the domestic front, etc. traditional gender roles play to the strengths of both sexes, a woman completes her man, a man completes his woman. There simply is no better alternative to the patriarchal, nuclear family. Sadly, the sexual revolution subverted and corrupted the very fabric upon which our societies were built. The word “patriarchy” was perverted and used to convince women that they were somehow being shortchanged, that the world of men somehow owed her something. Her delicate nature became fragility, her feminity became a weakness, her life-giving vessel became a burden, her sexuality became a carrot to dangle over weak men. I do not believe that women are inferior to men, I believe that they are our counterparts. They are weak where we are strong, and they excel where we do not. Truly a tragedy that so many of them today have been led astray. And there is no doubt in my mind (((who))) is to blame.

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No italian food, this is an american diner thread. Take your pasta wih you

raise her for 15 years and marry her off to a decent man
no public education, all she knows is how to clean and cook and be a loving housewife

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Should be pointing to

No problem.,i'm looking forward to nigger grandkids being house servants in my late 60s

Women trade freedom for security. Give her a very strong feeling of security and she'll be loyal to you and obey you.

>hi daughter you are not a full person and thus are property for whomever i choose good night *kiss*

Brought a tear to my eye

This. If you have done your job right, she should want to be a SAHM. Just in case though, you should also have set up a college fund that you can dangle like a carrot on a stick.

If she still insists on being a strong, independent woman, kick her out and disinherit her.

Conversely, if she gets married and has kids give her a house, etc.

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This doesnt work for fathers unless you engage in degeneracy sadly. Interesting angle otherwise

when you think about having children, you have to be clear that your children have their own mind.

what do you do if your child doesn't follow your prefrerred political philosophy? bully it into submission?

getting children is like a dice game, what you get is pretty much random.

Agree with you 100% brother.


>Right, so your wife teaches her and she wont listen and she asks you for your help being a firm father figure instead of an abscent one, now what?

This avenue of questioning can be applied to anything. e.g:
>your daughter turns 18 and decides she wants to run off with some guy who's a bad choice for her
>legally you can't stop her
>what do you do?
"Oh well, user, my wife and I would try to sit down with her and explain why we'd prefer if she didn't"
>and if she disagrees, and still wants to run off with the guy?
"Well we'd try to reason with her...."
>but what if she doesn't agree with your reasoning?

You might think you'tr being clever with this thread, but you're not telling anybody anything they don't already know. Raising children is a challenge, and there's no guarantee they will adopt your values. Parents will (ideally) try their best to instill in their children values they think are important and good for them - knowing all the while there is a possibility they will rebel against them.

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Can you shills please leave?
Women are not equal to men. None of the things attributed to their nature (easily influenced, stupid, weak, willing to sell out to others, politically inept, unable to survive on their own) are made up by the fact that they do a job so easy men cannot be asked to waste time on it but are provably better at it anyway

It's not about being inferior or superior. It's about having different and equally import roles in society that shouldn't be mixed up

Legally you can stop her. Thats he point of the thread datboi

Lying is always an interesting choice

Where's the lie

Where’s the lie?

Not pasta you fucking faggot, not sure what you think you can contribute here, since you are no doubt the end of your genetic line.

nice thread point. probably better suited for a law forum though.


>Legally you can stop her.
Not once she's 18, you AIDS-ridden power-bottom.
Hardly anyone here (with the exception of the odd muslim) thinks women should be forced into arranged marriages by the parents. This is a strawman you've constructed.

That's your opinion man. I never said men and women are equal. We are different and both have fields in which one performs better than the other due to how we evolved.

>How would you tell your daughter that she is inferior to men
By telling her that outright. It's not complicated.
>she needs to obey a husband from a list of your choosing
What the fuck are you saying "list"? I've arranged my daughters matches, they have no say in the matter.

> not once shes 18
Are all upside down fags so brain damaged by kangeroo beatings they dont know what a hypothetical situation is?

Don't do this. Women aren't inferior, they are just different.
Focus on the unique qualities of women while discussing their weaknesses. If you can frame it in a positive way you might get the point across better. Explain what the ideal feminine qualities are and try to develop a good bond with her while being a good role model.
You're not trying to build a strong female conservative, nor an independent woman, you want her to grow into the ideal female. Try to figure out traditional female activities she would enjoy (song, dance, etc.) and get her involved. You want to guide her first and develop a bond, while also preventing negative influence. Control and punishment should never be your first thought as that will only turn her against you.
Women accept your authority when you prove that you deserve to be respected, when you are an obviously real authority. If you have a bond with her and she respects you then any serious conflicts where you need to put your foot down will also be resolved much easier, and with less chance of splitting up the family.

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Do you really have so few friends you havent found more than one boy youd be willing to marry her to? I guess quality over quantity

Name something women can do better than men besides be a fuck toy and have a womb

>>How would you tell your daughter that she is inferior to men
>By telling her that outright. It's not complicated.

"uhm, jessica, could you come over for a second? yeah i just wanted to tell you that women are inferior. you got that?"

Amen brother

>thats right goy, women arent inferior, you can trust them, they never rebell when theyre happy house wives, the 1950s never happened

Why are there so many shills in this thread trying to push the idea that childlike innocence and the ability to be pregnant makes you equal to a stronger, smarter, wiser person?

Care for children
Empathise with others
Provide emotional support
They’re more beautiful in the aesthetic sense

being a mother and raising children. Which are pretty much the basic building block of any society, hell any lifeform in fact. Without that we can have as much an advanced civilization as we want, but it will all disappear in one generation,
Plus there are some empathy based jobs in which women perform better like nursing.
Basically women are far better caretakers in general

>they dont know what a hypothetical situation is?
The boundaries of your hypothetical situation - like your sphincter - keep getting stretched.

So now we're in some fantasy land where 18 is no longer a legally autonomous adult, and we (the people you are addressing the question to) are supposedly in favour of arranged marriage (even though the majority of us aren't) and think that women are inferior to men at everything (again, most of us don't think that).

Well you've answered the question for yourself already: If the law is on the parent's side, then the parents can simply use the law to force her to comply.

>muh 50s suburbian utopia

>Name something women can do better than men
Be a mother.
>name something men can do better than women
Be a father.

>care for others,
Men abuse less children
>empathise for others
Women have less empathy and regularly destroy lives for their own selfishness
>provide emotional support
Men are also better at this, and women need more of it than men
>theyre better fuck toys
Well _yeah_

>the idea that childlike innocence and the ability to be pregnant makes you equal to a stronger, smarter, wiser person?
again you seem to think we imply equality. No one is suggesting that, we are suggesting that we have different and secialized roles in which each one performs better.
You wouldn't use a Ferrari to tow some cargo much like you wouldn't use a truck to do Formula 1 racing

Dark Math is a CIA faggot nigger jew

Men are better nurses and better childrearers than women. Women are mothers because of the womb, thats all

>actually caring about anything
that was your first mistake

Most nursing homes are ill run hell houses

OP why don't you get a grip

No they havent. The hypothetical situation is obvious. Anyone who can find a list of people to marry your daughter off to that would accept that kind of patriarchal behavior is a completely different society than ours. The goal of this thread isnt to make fun of you, but aks for your answers, of course retarded muh seperate but equal shills are slowly eroding that possibility

>Men are better nurses
Not really. All labor data points to the opposite being true, at least here. 95% of nurses are women, there might be a reason for that.
>and better childrearers than women
Not necessarily. Both parents are fundamental to a child development. You can't properly raise a child with just a woman or a man. Single parents are always inferior to stable couples in terms of upbringing

>muh 1950s suburban utopia
Thats the point jackass. It wasnt a utopia and it didnt last

>no one is suggesting that
Get the fuck out of here you illiterate upside down bong

You have peasant education

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meant to add to my second point that however, motherly figures are historically more present in the day to day routine of raising a child compared to men, which are generally associated with working and thus being more "absent". However both parents are needed

ugh peasant vomit

Not an argument. You have to resort to insults because you can't properly argue. Sad

> at least not here,
Interest doesnt mean performance
> singleparenting is shit
Doesnt change the fact that women are the worse of the two, the topic is better than men at something not necissary,
Necissary!= equal

It's a TRAP

You don't tell her that stuff. You SHOW HER.

have your wife do woman things with her. TEACH HER HOW TO SOW. I fucking hate that millenial women don't know how to sow. They isntead go to their grandmas to fix their clothing, like they're gonna be there forever to fix their long pants.

Teach her how to PROPERLY COOK. And by properly I mean stuff nobody wants to do, yeah the stew stuff. It's easy to do, you just have to prepare in time. Long cooking is delicious and she'll feel proud of it, which is what you want of your son/daughter, to feel proud of what they do. If you tell them to do X or Y they'll tell you to fuck off.

I swear this societal crisis of millenials behaving like spoiled children is just a lack of good parenting. I blame boomer's kids for that. They had kids and teach them how to be liberal and free spirits, like their own equals and then wonder why their own kids don't respect them at all. Parents end up despising their own kids and they're left with antisocial personalities.

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You guys need to ask the Chinese how to run a family, i swear to god they know how to maintain strong family values.

>t. tried to date with a Chinese girl before

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>eu shill pretends giant pasta with manly tear polfags doesnt exist

>The goal of this thread is to ask for your answers
...to a hypothetical situation only you and a small handful of Muslims want.

Your question contains the answer within it already:
If the law says that parents can legally force offspring even over the age of 18 to marry people of their choosing, then parents who want to do that can simply use the force of the law.

This is possibly the most retarded thread I've seen from a fag-flag (and that's some tough competition).

>Interest doesnt mean performance
but number of job erollements and job retention does
>Doesnt change the fact that women are the worse of the two
again, there is no worse or better when it comes to parents. It's different gender roles that can't be compared. You cannot compare the job of a father with the job of a mother and vice versa. You can claim that there are shitty mothers and that is absolutely true. Like there are shitty fathers

>im all of pol
I dont want any of this shit, this is what pol wants, sorry youre so out of touch skinner

Why do fags flock to these threads when they aren't interested in women

well im a millionaire so the little bitch would either do what i say or be a poorfag for the rest of her life.

>giant pasta with manly tear polfags doesnt exist
I genuinely don't know what you mean with this. Sorry maybe it's a language barrier. I'm not a native english speaker

No it doesnt you moron. Ever heard of journalism?
Job retention only implies anything in highly competitive high turnover fields.
> theres no better or worse
The science disagrees with you, women do more bad things to children, they are objectively worse parents

>what is a lesbian?

Silicon Valley Millionaire, hardly something you want to admit in public is it.

I can walk ten metres and meet a millionaire.

Someone that won't have kids.

See the above link