Is the tide finally turning? Are people starting to realize that ignoring and stigmatizing the problems virgin men have is actually hurting society?
Is the tide finally turning...
You do know shills write these articles. There is no 'Joseph'.
>ignoring and stigmatizing
What do you mean by that? Talking about it in the media is not going to help anything. It's going to make it worse. It'll make women more aware that there are some big losers they should be careful to avoid. The best way not to stigmatize it is to ignore it. Some virgin guys don't even worry about it too much and they don't think about it. It's for the best really.
sure, men should be treated like retards who are too stupid to buy prostitutes, so they should get state employed postitutes forced on them
that will help
These articles always boil down to blaming women for no longer being socially obligated to partner with shitty men, rather than putting the onus on failing men to be more desirable.
31 year old virgin here. I dont know what to do. I was hitted by many girls but it seems i am afraid. Shit happens to me and i think i will offer hooker.
I feel really bad for these men. Sex isn’t the end all be all but the shame of being a virgin is real. I lost my virginity a couple days from my 22 birthday.
does the journalist interject halfway to clarify that I.N.C.E.L is a terrorist group responsible for many deaths and that actually it's male fragility and entitlement causing this situation
>I was hitted by many girls but it seems i am afraid.
Then you're all set looks-wise. Quit being a fag.
Journalism is really just liberal/kike fanfic these days.
Women are to blame for most of society's ills. If women no longer want to be paired off with undesirable men then that's fine, just don't complain when these men check out of society and everything comes crashing down because the productive sex is no longer making use of their surplus labor. Any society that spits on its men deserves death.
>Not wanting to become and arch-wizard
What the fuck does this have to do with politics?
Dont fret user, someof us just arent cut out for a relationship
Im too emotionally immature/underdeveloped for one, and im aware of this, the problem is its supposed to be a gorwing process but since men today are afraid(for good reason) to try with women normally, you look the wrong way you get charged for rape, so matually as most men are, they just seclude to themselves like you and I and stop giving a fuck
I stopped giving a fuck along time ago, In order to make myself datable I meed to make several changes and it isnt worth the trouble
How is it sad? Hookup culture is degenerate and no better than jacking off.
Also this guy lost his virginity, why is he sad?
Im sorry for all these typos
>t. brainlet
The allocation of sex is just as political as the allocation of wealth, if not more so.
This is to pacify the male population in white countries till the event horizon has passed.
To be honest most women aren’t complaining it’s the undesirable men are the ones complaining. And at the end of the day these men change themselves to be more desirable.
Reminder, "Joseph" is a fictional character created to push an agenda. If he's real he was born in 1958. That means he first had sex in 1995.
Now marriage is completely destroyed what did they expect?
80% of men have no access to women, no kids, no stake in society, so have no interest in society.
But hey still... at least we have fag marriage now, maybe they can just take it in the ass.
Afraid of what
user... Free pussy doesn't exist. You must earn it.
>80% of men have no access to women
Most guys get laid dumb ass.
Have you guys started cannibalising eachother yet?
So they say...
>t. jungle monkey
Civilized societies do things differently.
Do not get a hooker. It's not worth the risk of catching something. Sex with a hooker is not much better than masturbation and it won't make you feel like any less of a virgin.
Can someone post that one "news" article about the made up gyno guy shooting the school. I swear they are trying to trigger people into doing it.
Or buy pick related and laugh at all the paypig cucks
>These articles always boil down to blaming women for no longer being socially obligated to partner with shitty men
They never do.
>rather than putting the onus on failing men to be more desirable
The problem is that women can share the more desirable men (mostly through serial monogamy nowadays). No matter how much men better themselves, there will ALWAYS be those at the bottom of the hierarchy that will be unwanted.
The "incel problem" is not solvable.
This. Most of the soft blue haired cows slouching around in hoodies and pretending to be witches are perfectly honest that they have chosen to go low effort and aren’t going to catch a man for it.
Not yet. At least not in my city...
>muh dik
>t. brainlet
This is a kike PSYOP to increase promiscuity and destroy monogamy. There is nothing shameful about virginity and celibacy. There is something very wrong with pre-marital sex. Don't fall for this garbage
Pussy is free and it's called a white woman.
Keep pretending democracy works without monogamy. See you in 50 years.
Yep 50 years of advancing in the female agenda it's finally taking it's toll in the strongest people on earth.
There is also something wrong with being attracted to some slut who fucked 20 guys her first week in college.
Modern women are shit.
>being an internet bully because you cant get gfs when you could better yourselves and get gfs
You losers deserve your fate
>men to be more desirable.
>women change
>men have to be more desiderable
Pure insanity
it's not men not wanting women, it's women thinking they are gods.
women expect magic men to swoop down and pick them up and give them a life of luxury, and when all the men promise that and don't give up, women are so obsessed with themselves being right they can not admit they have fucked up so many times so they just keep trying to find that one magic rich man who wants a whore.
if you have any good qualities about yourself, expose them and you will attract a woman
there are billions of them around, usually you find something, unless you're really repulsive
>You do know shills write these articles. There is no 'Joseph'.
To be honest, I lost my "virginity" (aka had my first sex) when I was 29. Yes, 29. And it was to a hooker because I didn't want to become a wizard. Had sex once more with a hooker.
Then manned up and chatted up girls a few weeks later and was in a relationship 2 months later which lasted several months. Dated 2 other girls since then, one of them was 9/10 beautiful aristocrat medicine student (but a very mean bitch... as it turned out).
Thinks happen. I had health issues in the past so never got around having a gf - because of those health issues I also lost a lot of weight. I still managed to graduate from uni and got a good job, but you know once you start to get into your early and mid 20s and never had a gf it gets harder and harder and harder in your mind to go on dates if you are inexperienced.
Anyway, I am a healthy 6''0, 175lbs, athletic dude now making 200k a year. And I enjoy NOT dating anyone at the moment AND not having the pressure and shaming that comes with being a late 20s virgin (I am in my early 30s now).
This. I gave in and fucked a hooker and it didn't make me feel any better. It just confirmed my belief that what I was actually after was an emotional connection
Last time I checked the "incels" are winning.
21 right now and don't give a single fuck if I die being one.
now kys
The sad thing is the woman who he finally had sex with was probably a 42 yo overweight roastie with a half black kid.
This. I think the more you wait it’s worse becuase you start second guessing yourself.
I have your exact mind set but im 20
Good on you german bro
>I gave in and fucked a hooker and it didn't make me feel any better. It just confirmed my belief that what I was actually after was an emotional connection
100% the same for me. However, having my first sex with a hooker still made me overcome this extreme sexual insecurity which made me not approach girls/use tinder before.
Men are nowhere near as bad as women.
“The study was sponsored by the global insurer and health services company Cigna, which is concerned about loneliness as a societal problem but also because it's not just making us sad: It can literally make us sick.
Loneliness actually has the same effect on mortality as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, which makes it even more dangerous than obesity, says Cigna, citing a 2010 report. And while the new findings don't draw any direct links to increased rates of suicide among teens or the opioid epidemic, Cigna CEO David Cordani says it's clear addressing loneliness will help solve other problems.”
What’s crazy is that younger people are lonelier than older, which a weird shift.
Full report
>The "incel problem" is not solvable.
The solution is to close down the cock carousel. If women know men won't accept damaged goods, they won't damage themselves for the sake of a few nights of superficial pleasure.
also capitalism, since it doesn't have a real goal, only accumulation of junk
without, at least the possibility, of sex or later in life, a family, it will collapse or become very totalitarian
maybe they will just castrate males chemically to pacify them and keep them working as gears in the machinery
I wonder if the harem society or the nuclear family society will end up more successful? Hmmmmm...
Masturbating daily keeps me away from having this thoughts.
of girls
Sexual promiscuity is the poison of society. Practice abstinence until marriage or you are part of the problem.
Wow, me too. Sometimes I think it was all the ruthless shit I had to do to force her to give me affirmative consent on camera, but really sex just isn't that special, though of course a virgin can't know this in modern society.
I lost virginity at 17, so I'm a normie, but I've always had bad relationships with women and people in general until I met my wife who helped me to normalize.
Something around 6% of people come from an abusive household. People who had an abusive upbringing tend to either become abusers or wrecks. You live with the constant threat of your parents and get hit or screamed at and told emotionally-damaging things for no reason at all, so you develop coping tactics. You can either depersonalize others, and stop caring about anyone else's feelings, then from there it is easy to start abusing other people because you think that law of the jungle is normal (having no other reference point than your own life), the strong bully the weak and Caesar demands his due; or you try to appease your unreasonable parents, and become hyper-sensitive to other people, over-polite and over-apologetic, other people make you anxious because you are subconsciously afraid that they will snap on you for no reason, so you try to isolate yourself from everyone and retreat into a comfort zone. These two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive either.
Either way, it affects your ability to form trusting, enjoyable relationships with other people.
I can only love my self.
of course they are. Its news to write about and it helps their political standing.
Well I'm 19 and still a virgin. I will probably die a virgin. Not sure why society is so accustomed to shaming people who are virgins. Who gives a fuck?
Well it might help with the insecurity part.
There are pro-male shills on the BBC?
No, society changed. It opened the workforce to women, which made them capable of independence, so you lost cold marriages out of obligation.
The. It gimped wages, so both spouses need to work to be able to maintain a family style household, so you lost men’s ability to appeal to women as a breadwinner.
Now men as a general group have lost value. They are no longer able to offer something women need, they have to offer something women want.
Those that fail this have not and will not ever capture the interest of a woman. They need to wake up and realize that if you want to be desirable to women, it is no longer enough to just be male. It is the same way that if you want to be desirable to men, it is not enough to just be female.
It is not that women changed. It is that society changed and lowered the inherent value of men. This is just fact. It’s not a pleasant fact and it’s not nice to hear but it’s fact.
>tfw too intelligent to lose my virginity
the emotional manipulation shitshow that is Love. It's strange, you get the good and the bad at the same time, just like life, and somehow, still can't make the jump. True Kierkegaardian Despair.
My negro
Same boat as you. 28 and still virgin. Really tempted to just get a hooker on my next trip in a few weeks and avoid wizard status.
Atleast my financial situation is quite good, so I don't have to worry about this.
How is this article "pro-male"?
>This is a kike PSYOP to increase promiscuity and destroy monogamy.
That's why the article is about a man who lost his virginity at 37, got married at 40, and is upset that his wife died after 17 years?
I'm from the opposite side of the spectrum being a tall good looking guy I lost my virginity at age 14 to a senior girl. I really never had to do anything to get sex until I put on weight in my late 20s. Then I had to learn how to be a man and pursue women way past the age you learn that. I had a hard few years but figured it out and got tons through my 30s. I'm married now. You just have to sack up and take risks. You'll get 10 nos for every yes but You'll fuck number 11.
I don't understand why society cares all that much about losing your virginity. It's pathetic and ridiculous and I only started realising this when I realised that I wanted to lose my virginity to please toxic people in an abominable society.
>It is the same way that if you want to be desirable to men, it is not enough to just be female.
This is completely wrong though.
Women are desirable BECAUSE they are women. It's just biology.
And now men don't really have any means to make up to their lack of inherent biological desirability, so of course there will be some extra single guys.
Because intimacy and sex are a normal part of human growth and development. To have never experienced this, or even tried to experience this is very weird, and says to other people that there is something wrong with you.
>Really tempted to just get a hooker on my next trip in a few weeks and avoid wizard status.
Do it. Not sure where your trip is to, but do it. If you are going to Germany, go to a upscale brothel rather than "ordering an escort in".
As to chatting up girls, it is much easier if you have been on a self-improvement drive before. I was building up muscle and a 6pack at the time I lost my virginity and then chatted up girls.
>No, society changed. It opened the workforce to women, which made them capable of independence, so you lost cold marriages out of obligation
The problem is the predatory female privileges.
See divorce rape, see child support, see false accusations, see double standart laws, see custory, see hiring quotas, see who pays all taxes alone as a group, see consription, see .... on and on and on ...
It's sympathetic to men who cannot get into a relationship. Have you been ignoring all the countless articles and videos shaming virgin men because only a handful of them went on rampages? Or the ones that claim approaching a woman you're interested in is tantamount to sexual harassment?
I don't care about sex and intimacy. If you want to lose your virginity, get a hooker. I don't care what "other people" think.
The problem is not virginity, it's being a limp wristed faggot. Fucking a couple whores won't solve that, although admittedly it might give you some temporary confidence to ignore your problems for a while. If men respected themselves and acted like man they would have more reasons to have a better self esteem. Men weren't made to sit around in an office 8 hours a day filling reports, we evolved to hunt, build and breed, no wonder modernity makes men feel like shit and enter a sóy spiral
You are wrong. The hag, the crone, the spinster, the suffragette, there has always existed undersirable women that no one wants to date or wed. It’s not anything new. People who tell you all women are desirable to men are lying and they know it. Desirable women are desirable because they put in work to be desired. Either through cosmetics or grooming or clothing or learning social graces, they have all worked to be desired by men.
That's why society invented war. To get rid of non-competitive males.
25 yo militaryfag here
Still havent lost it. Joining the military doesnt help you out there.
>so of course there will be some extra single guys.
There are as many women as there are men. Women like to hoe around up to their early 20s, then they get the maternal instinct and feel the need to settle down. Then it becomes a game of musical chairs where they try to snatch up eligible and reliable partners. Most guys lose their virginity in their early 20s and get married in their late 20s or early 30s for this reason. It's also at the late 20-30 age that men become established, financially and emotionally. Instead of the arbitrariness of high school popularity, men are respected for being hard workers, intelligent, and responsible.
Women absolutely need men because, regardless of what they say, they can't raise a family by themselves and they know it, neither monetarily or emotionally is it possible for them.
You're supposed to fuck guys in the military.
I blame Disney princess movies.
Heres a good documentary about some incels who go to russia to buy a wife.
literally all women in the mil are giant whores
>The problem is not virginity, it's being a limp wristed faggot.
Wrong. I had a massive chip on my shoulder before I had sex. Now that is gone, I talk like a normie, calm and interesting.
> Fucking a couple whores won't solve that
It did it for me
>although admittedly it might give you some temporary confidence to ignore your problems for a while.
It fixed it permanently for me... 4 years and running now, all is good, no chip on the shoulder any more.
> If men respected themselves and acted like men they would have more reasons to have a better self esteem
What? I always respected me. But sexuality is massively personal. I felt I wasn't a true man before I slept with a woman.
>Men weren't made to sit around in an office 8 hours a day filling reports, we evolved to hunt, build and breed, no wonder modernity makes men feel like shit and enter a sóy spiral
Tough luck. Before we "hunted, built and bred", we just picked berries and sat on trees like apes. Things change. Now we sit in offices, do conference calls and work out in gyms to look like Chad. It is the way it is. You can still also read interesting books, meet interesting people and do interesting things like mountaineering.
It's not a matter of it applying to ALL women or ALL women, it's a matter of degree. There's a huge difference between the two.
I wish incels realized that. If they were grateful for just being allowed to live (which is a very new thing historically) they might quit complaining about no puss puss.
>you try to appease your unreasonable parents, and become hyper-sensitive to other people, over-polite and over-apologetic, other people make you anxious because you are subconsciously afraid that they will snap on you for no reason, so you try to isolate yourself from everyone and retreat into a comfort zone. These two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive either.