I have begun to take shelter under the Lord

It is an awkward, stumbling path to Him, for I have lived in darkness, and the ignorance, arrogance, self-pity, demonic fear, agitation, deceit, that it implies. But let it be known that even invoking some simple orthodox rites (I spend 4 1/2 hours per day in prayer according to the canonical hours of Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Compline) has alone had a profound affect. And I feel the manifestations of my soul begin to rise, rather than descend, toward higher orders belonging God’s grace.

Men who believe in Science, though they do not even study its inner-workings or its domains, or partake in its practices, invoke a powerful spell upon themselves. I would state that the direction is downward into the lowest domains, which are the purely material. BUT even the ignorant can invoke the name of science and be affected by it.

And though I stumble awkwardly along this path before me, I believe, and thus am lifted UPWARD.

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Other urls found in this thread:


There is nothing. Only you and the cold dark universe stretching away for trillions of light years.

If there is nothing then you are nothing. Thus there is nothing to believe in what your oily words have to say.

>Men who believe in Science, though they do not even study its inner-workings or its domains, or partake in its practices, invoke a powerful spell upon themselves. I would state that the direction is downward into the lowest domains, which are the purely material. BUT even the ignorant can invoke the name of science and be affected by it.
I'm a Christian Computer Scientist who also has a great deal of Physics under his belt. What are you talking about, how is science screwing me over?

It is not. As long as you recognize it in its proper domain and nothing more. I was hasty in my thread, I apologize. It would be more thorough to say: taking Science, which is in the lower domains, and believing it to be the only domain, unaffected by higher domains. This would be the idea behind pure materialism.

A science that does not recognize its proper place, that is coming from and belonging to the higher orders, is a profane science.

Then here comes your first temptation.

Basically the trick to having a hands free orgasm is to learn to manipulate your sense of touch. This can be done in four easy steps.
[Step 1] Feel an emotion or your heartbeat and attempt to spread the feeling or pulsing sensation throughout your whole body.
[Step 2] Focus your mind on an area you can feel.
[Step 3] Change the sensation by imagining a feeling while you're focusing on an area.
[Step 4] Once you've mastered changing the feeling you can apply pleasure to any part of your body. Do it to produce a pleasure feeling in your private parts.

I get random feelings of touch when there's nothing there, probably because I studied Physics and got possessed by the Physics demon.

Hello friendo,

Welcome to Christianity. A few starting points though: the King James Bible is the only authority, not a church of any kind. Orthodox is basically catholic lite. The King James is also the only Bible post-1700's that hasn't been strategically corrupted. Also, we are saved by faith, see Romans 4:5 and tens of other verses in the new testament.

With that said, please watch this. It will strengthen your faith in the Bible ten fold:


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careful, folks. this is satan himself, and with a rainbow flag to boot.

Retarded larper

Jesus wasn't even a real person, you numbskull. It's like taking shelter under the Tooth Fairy.

>pic related

Forgot the fagging picture yet again.

>Oh well

Attached: jesus.jpg (333x499, 35K)

>And I feel the manifestations of my soul begin to rise, rather than descend, toward higher orders belonging God’s grace
also, ignore the ignorant here that don't understand the nature of your post...
I'm in a similar place, and I've learned that those that still buy into the illusory world created by reductionist/materialist science, can't possibly understand, as they completely lack the reference points...
It needs to be a lonely, personal journey, esp in today's world/environment.
The feeling of ascent is very real, and in fact nothing feels *more* real..

Author of this book for reference.
If i dig some more i'm sure i'll find his nose ancestry hidden somewere but i'm bored now.

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I can save you the bother. He's not a kike.

britanistan is an atheist cesspit, No wonder islam is taking over.

Why do people have to overdo religion?
That much prayer seems like hard work.

Thank you for your words.

Good for you, but be careful not to develop a holier than thou attitude, which is not a virtue.

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Jesus jerks off dogs. He waits until 2-3am on a Wednesday night, and quietly slips out his back door, and in his backyard he eases himself over the fence into his neighbors yard. Creeping through the darkness guided by the pale yellow beam of a penlight, he approaches his neighbor's doghouse. Once he gets close enough for the dog to hear him, the german shepherd-boxer mix emerges from the doghouse, tail wagging. He knows what is about to happen.

Jesus crouches next to the dog and cradles the dog's massive sheath in his hand, gently gripping. The dog's breathing quickens and it begins to bump it's hips as jesus rocks his hand back and forth. Jesus groans in ecstasy as the dog's thrusting intensifies, and loud dog grunts fill the night air and jesus's other hand begins rubbing his small penis through his jorts. The dog latches onto jesus' upper arm with it's front legs and the dog begins jackhammering the air, his massive swollen erection flopping freely as jesus grips the huge red knot. gouts of hot sour dog semen launch into the moist night air in steaming loops and jesus adds to the grunting as he approaches orgasm. jesus's leg shivers as he unloads the holy ghost into his underroos. Satiated, cowardly jesus scurries back to his trailer to clean himself in his ugly yellow stand up shower. The dog stands there in the dark, confused but satisfied.

That's what jesus does.

Jesus does that.

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I love dogs, and Jesus.

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with the influx of ((shills from a certain nation)), the anti-Christian and anti-Christ posts have skyrocketed... always brimming with their trademark style of hatred. Rev 3:9

This thought only soothes the wicked.

Congregation is important. The trick is to read the Bible so you know when they are preaching the actual word of god. There are great churches out there. It depends on the preacher.

WOW you are so edgy. I would almost say you could be called an edgelord or something like that.


God isn't real. You were just brainwashed be your parents. Read a book. Be free.

>The trick is to read the Bible so you know when they are preaching the actual word of god
How would you know what that is? All the biblical texts have been redacted so many times that it's no longer possible to know which words were written by the original author.

said a prayer for you user. also prayed for the edgelords to find the true faith as well.

Well this isn't a religious circlejerk board, and this thread looks a lot like preaching.

KJV is consistent.

Hello newfag

You think the KJV is a good, reliable translation do you?


no trying to be a dick but the biblical text is by far the most researched and vetted text in existence. it does still have questions in places but from a purely research/academic view we have good ideas of where everything came from. many other accepted secular texts have far fewer originals to work from. i get your point and all but look into it and you'll be surprised.

The mistranslated phrases have been addressed and can be looked up online.

>thus am lifted UPWARD.
KEEP GOING UP. Stop when you run out of oxygen. Then plummet back to Earth. Splat.

>it's true because it's written on THE BOOK!!

Attached: brainlett.png (621x702, 56K)

Hello newfriend

That is one of the most brainwashed, mentally imprisoned statements a person can make.

those of the ((atheist)) religion, which seem to be the most aggressive/dogmatic/angry of all religious groups, ask good questions about biblical history, Jesus, etc, but never apply anywhere near this same level of questioning skepticism to their own religious fervor, or thoes ((intellectuals)) so aggressively pushing it... it turns them into pompous, pretentious, self-righteous buffoons, and I'm not yet evolved enough to deal with them without becoming angry... arrogant ignorance makes me see red.

Tell me ONE single argument in favor of Crhistianity

I'll wait

>seem to be the most aggressive/dogmatic/angry of all religious groups,
Those are Christians

Did you write like a faggot before you started sucking circumcised dick or did that come afterwards?

Repent now, and Christ will still defend you at the day of judgment.

I'm not a christian my point is that you have come to premature conclusions and people guided you to them very aggressively. What you accuse your parents of others, who care far less for your well being, have been doing as well.

are you projecting your fantasies?

No shit dick and aids babies

You get to know how you can live a fulfilling life. Sin is simply anything that will hurt others and/or yourself at some point if you keep doing it. If you don't believe in God, you can at least do it for your loved ones.

Nobody influenced me. I came to this conclusion, which the only logical one, all by myself. Every person with half a brain knows that all religions are just bullshit.

>Men who believe in Science, though they do not even study its inner-workings or its domains, or partake in its practices, invoke a powerful spell upon themselves. I would state that the direction is downward into the lowest domains, which are the purely material. BUT even the ignorant can invoke the name of science and be affected by it
there is no condratiction between the two. "non-overlapping magisteria" my brother

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With half a brain you might want to consult a doctor some day.

praise Him

Are you sure you came up with the modern scientific explanation of the universe all by yourself?

All that you have said can be easily attained without being Christian, just like billions of people have done for thousand of years before the come of jesus.

God bless you brother. May the Lord give you strenght.

And why are you militantly atheistic? We let you fags alone and this is what you do. Try to turn people away from God.

>Men who believe in Science, though they do not even study its inner-workings or its domains, or partake in its practices, invoke a powerful spell upon themselves. I would state that the direction is downward into the lowest domains, which are the purely material.

Seems to be that religion offers nothing but feels and aesthetics these days to counter "Science's" materialistic nature.
Honestly, you're stupid if you think religion has stemmed mankind's materialist nature with religion ever. Not even puritans of the Lutheran Church could stave off materialistic wealth, even tho proclaiming to be against it as it was seen as a "Catholic" thing.

Attached: LutherenChurch.jpg (275x183, 18K)

The existence of God can be easily disproven without needing to know what is the origin of the universe

Enjoy blinding yourself to the truth sheep

>And why are you militantly atheistic?
Because close minded people make me mad

exactly this.
its the illusion of independent thought that causes these mediocre intellects (sorry) to be so arrogant in their dismissal of the possibility of a higher power... they take in hints from ((dishonest actors)) from all sides, for years, by design... and then 'make up their own opinion' on the matter accordingly, and the deception is complete.

>The existence of God can be easily disproven without needing to know what is the origin of the universe

A simpletons idea of what God is can easily be disproven. Especially if you think the bible contains observable science and not behavioural metaphors.
Someone with any sense and a need for God cannot be disproven.

rainbow flag is the type of fellow that walks away from the idea of a higher power completely when he discovers it'd be difficult to put two of every animal in a boat... their abilities with regards to deductive reasoning and critical thought is essentially non-existent

This is why I worship forests and nature and cool animals, at least they do useful stuff to keep us all alive instead of dressing up more of people's flaws with the same failed reassurances.

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You think you are smart but like it or not Christians are the only reason you are allowed to live. Muslims throw you off roofs.

1) I'm 100% sure that I've accomplished more in life than you burger-flippers will ever do. I am also sure that my IQ is higher than yours.

2) I'm still waiting for your argument in favor of the existence of God

>This is why I worship forests and nature and cool animals

Behold your nature you worship. Is it worth worshipping such indifference?


you're gay, fag. wrong board.

It can't be proven or disproven this isn't how you have a discussion. You're just parading around talking about how smart you and right and humble you are.

and this is the hallmark of your ilk. You read some Dawkins, Hitchens, etc, and cannot shut up about it for the rest of your lives... not realizing you've only seen the tip of the tip of an iceberg, and have naively swallowed propaganda like some wide-eyed child

Yes it can be easily disproven. He has never been observed. Occam's razor. Bye bye God!

All you do in your posts is basically to judge people left and right, and yet you say WE ATHEISTS are the arrogants. Projection much?

God is merely the ideal version of You. This ideal version of you exists and wants to be real through your actions. Hence, the bible is behavioural metaphors, not a science textbook. This conflict kills God since it makes one who takes their faith too seriously ignorant and retarded.

>not understanding what a razor is
what a flamer

why Christians always do this? When they are proven wrong they retreat and say "a-actually it was all just a metaphor...!!"


I'm actually an atheist. I just think I understand what God and religion was and is a little better than you, faggot.

no joke: 1st take the pascal's wager (might as well pick a religion because if i die and no god, no loss but if i die and there is a god then i'm in trouble) - the add the christianity is the only major religion that seems to say you are either in or out (you die a believer or not). all the others give you some wiggle room. thus best choice is be a christian. if no god, no loss. if is god, but not christian, no problem because you'll still be accepted for being "spiritual" blah blah.

Jesus Christ was observed being resurrected.

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Pascal's wager is a non-sense since there are thousands of religions and the probabilty of choosing the right one is next to zero


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The one that saved the human species and gave you everything is the right one. You can choose life or you can choose death.


Posting in a boomer thread

Disprove this.

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Read a book - the bible

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oops forgot something in the options

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>KJV onlyists
Stay away from these retards. If you want a great expose on how fucked up they are with their worldview, watch this:


The Bible’s account Of history and places are being proven real the more they are studied. There are many reasons to believe in the Bible.

I’m sure you think you are smarter than this man just by listening to you talk the same exact atheist talking points every one of you try to use to disprove the Bible.

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In the early years after Jesus there were many religious interpretations of his coming, many sects developed around these interpretations, and hundreds or thousands of 'holy books' written describing him and his relationship with God and with man. Christianity was just one of these sects.

Seeing the situation, the Pharisee-hearted Jewdemons co-opted or created Christianity to push their interpretation of Jesus, and to use his message for their own benefit. They wrote and/or selected the texts they found most beneficial and perverted and changed them over time, while using their firmly-controlled Catholic church to destroy all true adherents to Christ and the true teachings of Christ.

Gnosticism was the true religion of Jesus, and all branches of Christianity in existence today are perverted offshoots of this Jewish evil.

what you mean is pascal's wager is not very helpful. i think logically it is still true but (if you take the 1,000's of religions as true it is agreed not all that helpful). However there are not thousands of religions - may a few hundred. of those you have four major choices. pick the one that gives the worse consequences. this is not why i believe but someone asked for "one single reason" and i think some version of pascals wager is some what convincing.

Were you expecting a respectable discussion about your faith?

>t.kike faggot

Attached: atheism not even once.jpg (1115x2600, 1.06M)

good for you, burgerbro
keep your faith, it's what separates us from beasts

indeed. edgy kids out of school early should at least see this. even if you think it is bullshit it is better for a non-degenerate world that no Christianity.

>namefaggot and a hippie to boot
opinion discarded

Almost every (if not every) "Christo-Gnostic" work dates from long after the days of the Apostles, subjective retard.

>even if you think it is bullshit it is better for a non-degenerate world that no Christianity.
this, I can't even begin to fathom why is this so hard to understand for these self-proclaimed euphoric faggots, if you want to be a non-believing shitstain keep it to yourself
they're the pride parade of theology

Also, the facts destroy your LARP faggotry. (Pic related)

Attached: Essential Evidence for Resurrection.jpg (2550x3300, 990K)

Anyone who think's pascal's wager is logically valid is so fundamentally stupid that they ought to be sterilized, have their tongues cut out, and have all communication privileges of all sorts revoked for all time.

For every possible religion, there is a possible religion that requires the exact opposite behavior and offers equal punishment for failing to uphold that behavior. There is no empirical basis for preferring one possible religion over any other, in the absence of evidence. It is just as likely that you will burn in eternal hellfire for following your religion as that you will be rewarded for it, because it's equally likely that the religion opposite yours is true.

If you understand this, please immediately sterilize yourself, rip your tongue out, and enter into voluntary silence for the rest of your natural days. If you do not understand this, may God have mercy on your soul.

No they don't, liar. Many of them are contemporary with works that made it into the New Testament. And the New Testament books as they exists today are massively different from their earliest forms.

If the Gospels themselves were Jewish perversions and intentionally did not accurately portray Jesus, then their agreement with one another cannot be used as evidence. Many different Jews today agree with one another on a variety of Western-Civilization-undermining-points. Does that make them true? It was physically painful for me to read that you think you've made a point, when you're clearly completely ignorant of what is even being asserted despite it being written for you in plain English.