Does Jow Forums believe in free will?

Voting ends Sunday!

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I think we have half free will, if that makes sense. We do many things out of emotion and because of hormones, so to say we have complete free will would be considered incorrect, as well as taking genetics into account.

why isn't i don't care an option loser

Spooky link.

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The poll is asking whether you believe, not whether you care.

I took that option out in order to limit your choices, thereby proving my point.

Am possibly possessed, might not have free will atm.

Niggers btfo, free will is ours

You are right, I believe. But it is much more complicated than that.

Good point.

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You do not obtain free will till you are born again.

Learn to not be a faggot, no when gives a fuck about what you care about, faggot.

Do you decide what you want in life? If your answer is no then you have no free will, and the fact is that no one can decide what they want, they just want something, and then they act according to that desire, or don't act by using self control, but even denying yourself something isn't free will because you desire to control yourself and you cannot control that you desire that. You feeling me?

is that right?

We can do whatever we want, but if you want to play the life game intention of any Human being is still passing on their genetics, so I think emotions, impulses come here to play

dont faggots and women act on emotion rather then reason and logic user?

>I feel like a woman so im going to become one! it was'nt my choice to become a trany i was born this way, i feel like a woman.

>inb4 muh fake science

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If we're talking about Getting flat out drunk then it's a mortal sin agaist the holy ghost user, because it clouds your judgement, you will still be held accountable for your choices while drunk user.

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Continues to amaze me that even secular retards think free will exists. Even the existence of chaos wouldn't prove free will.

assuming we both believe in a purely materialistic world, the notion of free will as most people think about it cannot exist. i mean, if someone had complete knowledge of the state of the world, that person could predict every future state of the world. except for quantum randomness, but randomness cannot give you free will either

on a social level free will is of course still a useful conceptualisaztion of human behavior and also intuitivly matches the character of how we experience our conciousness.

>assuming we both believe in a purely materialistic world

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How does physics explain free will?