Indian doctors are perfectly competen-

Attached: baby decapitated.jpg (666x768, 240K)

Another babbie sacrificed at the alter of the diversity and tolerance gods.

Attached: 465465452265.jpg (530x506, 36K)

Imagine being the mother during that. Doctor pulls the headless baby out of you, head still in your womb.

Attached: 1524184348341.png (588x529, 20K)

>then had its Head reattached
Why do I love at this hysterically?

>abort unborn baby
perfectly ok and encouraged
>accidentally decapitate unborn baby
somehow a crime

explain this leftist?


If the bab wasn't white then I don't care.

>muh en ach ess

>pay somebody else to yank your spawn out of your hole for you
>get angry when they don't do the exact way you would have done it

NHS proving every day just how incompetent they are.