XM/WF general

in this thread we'll discuss anything related to any races of men but wh*Toids dating white women

keep the discussion politically related and if you're a white make please get the fuck off this thread

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let's get started!

fuck off wh*Toids

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you can't stop us you have no hope we will drink the blood of your children

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kys wh*Toid

Attached: wh-Toid.webm (750x422, 2.86M)

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god got sick of the other races of man so he created the white race to fuck up you mud bloods

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we were born to destroy you. you will watch helpless as we devour the flesh of your children.

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Proof that women are retarded. They will burn coal with a guy that runs a country so badly the people cook food using their own shite as fuel

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Daily reminder to stay away from these subhumans.

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>keep the discussion politically related

This thread has nothing to do with politics in the first place


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African culture nigger monkey BBC interracial gorilla race

Attached: African culture nigger monkey BBC interracial gorilla race superior.jpg (2560x6003, 3.56M)

we will drink the blood of you slav subhumans too

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African culture nigger monkey BBC interracial gorilla race superior

Attached: African culture nigger monkey BBC interracial gorilla race.jpg (4463x2560, 3.26M)

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>if you're a white make please get the fuck off this thread
>tfw not a white make

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You have to go back, roach

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Nigger Sage time , bye bye roach roastie .

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>I hate my own race so much I refuse to fuck them, the thread.

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Seriously. Don't let your kids near white subhumans.

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Is that Eddie Abbew ?

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Stay away from the white subhumans then and fuck off

Are castizos allowed to date white women pol? asking for a friend

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you people are doing exactly what the kikes want you, yet you proclaim to be "anti-Semitic"

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I like how the media emphasises on “white” because it’s so rare.


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It's not rare you white subhuman.

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I was specifically talking about pedo rings and grooming gangs which are overwhelming done by pakis

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Someone should post this on those whores twitter

More like these op?

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