Fucking WRECKED, how will Jow Forums ever recover?

Fucking WRECKED, how will Jow Forums ever recover?

Attached: knowsalotabouthistory.jpg (1200x777, 101K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>gender history

>historical events very american/eurocentric
>views history as a linear process
The image itself is contradictory. And you saved it because you're a moron

Attached: 1523731564641.jpg (1156x2031, 1.1M)

>gender history

Attached: image.png (640x400, 268K)

>not going to a liberal arts university with a mandatory gender history class in order to graduate

Attached: 1447898528663.gif (500x333, 2.92M)

Well, most important things in history were done in Europe. Of course anyone who is educated in history will have an eurocentric view of the world.

Also, Jow Forums is retarded but for the most part doesn't think history is linear at all.

>gender history
I will never understand how so many grown ass people suddenly, all at once, developed a complex where they were confused about/obsessed with what kind of peepee they have between their legs. Fucking idiots.

>views history as a linear process
That's the commies, not Jow Forums

>gender history
The absolute state of Western academia

Attached: 1520953871067.png (574x298, 121K)

>gender history
What the fuck is it about?