EU sceptics, Brexit supporters, Drumptards and Putintrolls all BTFO
EU sceptics, Brexit supporters, Drumptards and Putintrolls all BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>Europe is falling apart
>this guy literally admits it
>refugees drowning in the sea
>"europe is fundamental rights"
>while cracking down on freedom of speech, right to property and gun rights
Really made me think.
Nothing but the typical, cancerous leftist political bullshit.
What a disgusting kike.
>Oi goy do not disband EU
>pay my fucking salary
>how else i would suck funds doing some made up shit no one cares about
i think we need to hire some chillean helicopter pilots
>muh history is a linear straight line that you can't change
An dropped. Never buy the trash someone is selling when they tell you making a future how you desire is "going backwards".
Another shill with an agenda.
>"Europe is the end of communism"
>As past EU presidents were Maosits
>"it is democracy"
>As the unelected and unaccountable EU commision creates the laws
This jewish puppet can't even parrot the gloablist line correctly.
He's a cuckservative from Spain's PP.
Here, (((leftists))) consider him as a far-right guy.
yes so much.
glad that pol has a tradition of opposing kikes.
imaging being OP, gullible to the point of being made to worship the parasites creating a structure to loot his nation and people, utterly. OP, you're a revolting creature, my little friend
also, this:
You guys are just mad because he is absolutely right and goes against the worldview of yours.
>Hillary would have been better
>shouted the retarded merkel voter
Hey child, let me in on you a good rule of thumb. (That's american english for listen the fuck up you retard) You will never agree with a politician out of all 10/10 issues. If you can land one where you at least get a 6/10 you better damn well take it, cause you likely aren't going to get one that's realistically better.
>follow us in our inevitable march of progress which is leading us to a shallow grave or you're backward and tyrannical!
I like how he lists being a welfare state as a positive.
There are elections next year. I'm looking forward to showing that pro-EU filth my middle-finger.
obvious strawman, is this a sport on pol?
hillary sucks, she is evil. trump is just dumb and a kike cocksucker.
but yeah let him be a kike servant but at least he will drain the swamp and build a wall and so on.
Show us how hardcore you are and kill yourself.
>he is absolutely right
Funny because you can repeat a lot of what he says while making the case against the EU.
>Europe is the pardon between French and Germans
Which is why we shouldn't have an EU controlled by Angela Merkel
>Europe is the return to freedom of Greece, Spain and Portugal
Which is why we shouldn't imprison them inside a single currency.
>Europe is the end of communism
Which is why we shouldn't attempt what the USSR try to do.
>Europe is the welfare state, it is democracy.
Which is why we should look after our working class communities by abolishing free movement of people, and get rid of the EU commission which is unelected and unaccountable.
>Europe is not a market
That's what the EU should have been. Nothing more.
Opinion disregarded
What is he even saying? The vacuousness of that entire speech is breathtaking. Can it really be boiled down to "I need this continent to be my safe space"?
In case you don't know what the EU is really about, here from the horse's mouth.
i did not vote for merkel.
you poor fat redneck, your master is a kike servant and you still think you need to defend him.
>cherry picking
>I dislike Trump
>I like Putin
>I like welfare
>I like globalization
>Most of all, I like the symbolism!
>Therefore, you must hand ME your rights
OP is a fucking mountain kike, ofc he jerks of to this disgusting shilling, kys rütli, why are you so fucking degenerate?
>There are elections next year. I'm looking forward to showing that pro-EU filth my middle-finger.
If they could get rid of the cuckservatives and Junkers and Timmermans and all that people on Open Society EU-politicans-list and all those who received a Karlspreis then the EU could be a good thing.
Those Gutmenschen argue like if the EU fails there will soon be brotherwar again.
What the EU should do:
Together closing the borders. Together preserving what makes Europe great. Rich cultural diversity in such a small part of the earth.
I thought I'd get at least some support, but... just.... Wow.
Let me ask you: do you really believe that the EU is so bad or is this simply the contrarian hive mind of Jow Forums?
just leave pol you dirty kike and never come back
I'll do whatever I want you fucking pseudo german
>Europe is democracy
this is what humanitarians look and sound like.
the EU creates the problems that it wants to solve.
like a jew that poisions you to sell you antitode.
only a fucking rütli wouldnt understand this because hundreds of years of incest in their mountains made them retarded.
Maybe we don't understand because we aren't in the EU. You jealous?