>my body, my choice =) (not your body; your choice is to not have unprotected sex) >it's just a clump of cells, life begins at [arbitrary point that changes every day] >it's legal so it's okay >the mother was raped so she should be able to kill the innocent baby out of spite >the mother's health is in danger (this almost never happens and when it does the procedures involved aren't abortion and don't necessarily kill the child) >I can't support the baby (adoption)
The ONLY two good arguments for abortion are: >severe deformities >maintaining demographics
what are the reasons why you can kill a baby when its inside the womb and not outside? Why can't you abort a 1 year old baby?
Xavier Gomez
That commie feminists like op accept that women should have more rights than men, and that murder is ever ok, just shows the brainlet tier thinking.
Only an insane cuck would support feminism, baby slaughter, and ignore that the Jews applaud his opinion.
Eli Anderson
Because rather than viewing a fetus and a newborn baby as the same human simply in different stages of development, these retards think they're two completely different organisms pre- and post-birth and justify this with the purposely-abstract concept of "personhood," the definition of which changes every five minutes.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant the cunts in my image and not me.
Andrew Wood
Abortion is literally irrelevant. Demographics is the only problem you should be worrying about. If it's not solved in the next 10 years, everybody is going to kill everybody.
The know reason I know of is if a child is going to be a vegetable or basically retarded. That should ever be the only exception on abortion.
Grayson Lopez
I think abortion is the absolute worst thing any person can do. A person who commits a murder, a rape, a genocide even pales in comparison to the woman who murders her own child.
Gabriel Russell
Some feminist are pushing for it. DESU most objective line in the sand is when the brain starts to develop.
Connor Sullivan
I think you're misinterpreting "my body my choice"
Nobody is entitled to another person's resources without their consent, so if the lady decides she doesn't want a babby mooching off her body she can physically remove it. Once you can incubate and mature a fetus outside of the uterus this will become a moot point though.