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Would be a fun poster to stick around African areas, but maybe stick the good old 6 Gorillion figure in and specify "Jews". Just for laughs, of course...

because nobody gives a fuck about niggers, memeflag faggot.


pick one

no one gives a fuck about niggers

the only monsters here are the jews who pulled 100million people into ww1 and 2 for thier world domination plan.

Missing the point, this is to target AT blacks themselves. Just another little way of undermining the official story, and just in general throwing a spanner of chaos in the works, just to see what happens.

Niggers have no substance beyond farm utility so what Leopold did could be considered a blessing for humanity or comparable to reducing the population of bears as to appease the mother nature.

Attached: Neotny and chimps.jpg (348x145, 8K)

Specially Israeli Jews which come from Germany and Poland, even Netanyahu looks whiter than your average Spaniard or Greek Arab mongrel shitskin.


15 million Africans died in the Congo. #neverforget


pick one

Why dont we learn about these faggots in school?

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My grandfather fought against Hitler.

My town was bombed.

There were air raid shelters in our fields and gardens.

When I go to the coast now I see WW2 fortifications.

That is why we are taught about the European War. We have a personal connection.

Many brits have personal connection to the attrocities committed by leopold. Why are you so ignorant?


Attached: TwoHeroes.jpg (720x794, 56K)

>20 million Russians don't count

Literally no one notices the Trips of Truth

they were squatters unwilling to leave, like migrants today, a parasite that you couldn't get rid of.

>both are white

It's almost like white people are violent savages that can easily be manipulated like chimps into performing massive crimes against humanity.

Eleven million Holocaust victims, but we only hear about the precious six million Jews. It's like the other five million didn't even matter.

>15 million africans
Lol where do they get these numbers

So one killed Europeans and one killed niggers but they're both heroes.


Attached: TwoHeroes.jpg (720x794, 56K)

Blacks aren’t human

Hitler did nothing wrong
Leopold did nothing wrong

I fixed it nigger.


>10 million europeans
make it 6 million jews and send it to the presses

Because nogs don’t own all the media

6 million isn't very accurate.

jewish lies to fume out stormwhenies. fuck off elsewhere, you disgrace what Hitler accomplished.

Doe het opnieuw Leo!

Attached: congo negers.png (995x757, 537K)

The only liar here is you.

Because the Africans probably would have died soon anyways.

Nailed it. I would have round up to 0.6 Million

That Leopolds genocide is a complete anti white lie:

Attached: 1475862646627.jpg (1024x776, 229K)

dunno bout you but I was taught about leopold and his brutal regime in the belgian congo. Shit would make the chaos gods proud. Basically he was cucked by being a constitutional monarch and his colonial holdings were the only place he could truly rule like a king, so he went a little overboard. A little.


Attached: TwoHeroes.jpg (720x794, 56K)

based Leopold. Truly a National hero, up there with Degrelle.

Attached: safasfasfawafwaw.png (590x929, 251K)

they admitted the 5 million was made up to increase sympathy for jews

This will trigger absolutely everybody

I was taught about leopold. Maybe you guys didn't pay attention in school.

Attached: Returned_From_War_Gondolas.jpg (1048x1080, 270K)

Africans are just rioting animals. No one cares.

thanks lefties, you just given us a new hero. you faggots will never get it.

I like Degrelle, but Leopold was a legit monster. Stop being an edgelord. The Belgians would amputate the blacks' limbs for not meeting production quotas.

I'm a right wing shitlord, but that's too much for me. Sorry man. And he did a lot to sully the good colonialism did for Africa, particularly the British who did a decent job at bringing some civilization to the continent. South Africa lasted as a first world country and nuclear power well into the 80s.

>15 million niggers
Tbh honest it was the africans that he enlisted that killed them and would chop of hands as pubishment so...

The ultimate truth to Soviet question.

Nice. Subtle redpill. Post that shit on black twitter though. This is a board of Zionists and Jewish Supremacy

>The Belgians would amputate the blacks' limbs
It was nigs you moron

Attached: the goyim know about the goyim know .jpg (408x632, 55K)

I highly doubt that there was 15 million apes in the congo when Leopold was allegedly chopping lazy niggers hands.

Only brainlets don't know about Leopold


Allee, manneke. Ga de onze taal nou verneuken?


King Leopold was pretty cute tbqh

Attached: Leopold.jpg (423x600, 36K)

Were there even 15 million people in the Congo at the time?

Meine kleine niggerslayer can’t be this cute?!


Hoeveel belgen heb je nodig om een lamp te vervangen?

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No. maybe 15 million monkeys.


I doubt there were even 15 million Africans in the Congo at the time.

Geen, want wij hebben geen electriciteit xD

I read pic related in college, they he explains pretty well why nobody fucking cares iirc

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why only 15 million? Is that all there was? Why did Loepold half ass it?

slavs are european

are you kidding? they breed like roaches

Nee 5,
1 voor de lamp vast te houden en 4 voor met de tafel rond te draaien dat de lamp eruit komt.

Attached: lachende-derde.png (181x197, 95K)

He had more of a hands-off approach with regards to the colony. :^)

No, really, all the administration cared for was to maximize profit. It's not like he gave in to his German roots to exterminate all subhumans. Probably should have, though.

Biggest joke is that it's the Eternal Anglo (practically the inventors of modern genocide) who started bitching about "outrage in the Congo!" (to divert attention away from their own dirty business, but I forgot what exactly)

Most of them were killed by other niggers that Leopold put in charge of collecting taxes
I mean it was probably a bad idea to put actual cannibals in charge of gathering taxes, but

>Black on black violence is the fault of a single white man.

You're a kike but you're semi-correct in the sense that Khazar's and Ashkenazi's have some European admixture. Although they've also segregated themselves in Europe so they still have plenty of Semitic blood and would be considered their own ethnicity. They formed a culture based around mercantilism, banking, and swindling. That's why even people like Marx (a self hating Jew himself) called them rootless cosmopolitans. And the ones that aren't interested in swindling are orthodox Jews who take the Talmud very seriously and sincerely believe that they should reign over the goys, even if they won't admit it. That's why orthodox Jews often times don't even want to talk to non Jews, because they're afraid they'll let something slip that would expose their plans.

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I pick Europeans, but your Europeans can't help themselves from picking Africans these days

By your logic, Mudslimes are European too.

Stalin (a jew) and Mao killed more people than Hitler and Leo combined.

Why are we never taught about dictators like Stalin who were jewish?

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I went to a good Jesuit high school and was taught about both. Sorry you’re undereducated.

I know this is a joke thread but I hate these “why aren’t we taught/talking about X” memes. Literally you are.


Stalin wasn’t a Jew. That’s a stormfaggot myth. “Djugashvili” doesn’t mean “Jew”.

>Caring about a bunch of dindus
Ooh your naïveté is cute.

Klassieker, nu ik.

Een nederlandse paardenfokker vraagt aan een amerikaan “doe joe fok horses?”
“Pardon?” Vraagt de amerikaan.
“Yes, paarden!” Antwoord de nederlander


Yeah and we really do not know the Mao body count.

Leopold was based. Hitler was a cryptokike

Black lives don't matter.

Because according to this image, Hitler's body count is higher by 1 million people

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But I know about both of them already...

unless you wh*tebois would man up and do something physicall about it.

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>some European admixture
The Ashkenazi have about 60% European admixture.


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Stalin was half jewish.

me on the right

The same reason this doesn't make the news?

Attached: 10 killed, 73 shot in bloodiest week of the year - Story | WFLD 2018-05-09 15-48-33.jpg (780x624, 367K)

So? Americans have about 56%. Doesn't make them white.

>ermitted on sea
mao killed 100mill we dont learn about him

Very convincing. Thanks for sourcing that claim.

Hoe maak je een nederlander gek?
Zet’m in een ronde kamer en zeg dat de kaas in de hoek staat!

Haha memed xD

The Congo was Leopold's private property. He technically did nothing wrong.

Obama is also part jewish. On his mothers side.