
Jow Forums please explain to me why technocracy is bad?

It's the best way to govern mankind.

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i want to live in a vr world like the matrix
or have a customized robot body

that said, i'm going to masturbate to op's image now

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Best for who though?

The problem isn't a lack of talent among the elite, the problem is corruption.

IRL loot boxes. Kms.

For everyone?

It isn't. It literally is the best

AI waifu dictator is the patrician option

So we cant have technocrasy with corruption?

Without reducing corruption, giving them even more power is worse.

Technocratic infrastructure depends on mental capital invested to create the system over many years attempting to take out the human aspect of decision making. With the modern advancements in technology, it is possible but has to have a thorough plan for the micro and macro management of the society. You will basically be building techno-communism. I will come build the new technocracy in Ukraine in a year or so, just wait.

>Jow Forums please explain to me why technocracy is bad?
because it people grades are bought, not earned

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as a scientist myself the problem tends in my eyes to be that people who dedicate themselves to research and learning usually have a few screws loose in one way or another, being slightly autistic, obsessive-compulsive or otherwise absent minded. very often even the best are not charismatic and do not inspire confidence in anyone other than those who specialize in their very narrow field.

like it or not charisma is an extremely important trait for a leader, not constant second-guessing and laborious investigation of every possible variable at all times. there are some exemptions to this obviously, but for the most part the traits of a good researcher are very different from that of a good leader.

in my opinion the government should heed scientists and researchers a lot more than they do now, but research fields tend not to do a very good job of making their points digestible which complicates things.

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The Soviets were technocrats. Turned out great, didn't it?

Yea you probobly right...
Can't find any way around that

Research about pic related.
Yes, there was a jew inside that machine.

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For the same reason any self-appointment of leadership is bad. The "technocrats" are the judges of who is qualified to be a "technocrat," and they will assign that status to those that benefit them personally, and then they'll tell you, the pleb, that of course the decision is correct, because they are experts.

they were technocrats in an age where technology was just short of being able to implement a command economy. modern machine learning algorithms probably would now be able to implement a "perfect" system but it would be the destruction of humanity as we know it. this is what all the big silicon valley braniacs are trying to communicate - the "rise of AI" doesn't come through some "Terminator"-style robot uprising, it comes from gradual erosion of the human element by lazy and complacent surrender of decision authority to machines

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Well shit pol I though technocracy was cool
Now i'm just sad.

How many everyones

holyshit I already saved this image off of google years ago

You didn't even explain the type of society you're talking about.

I want to be syberslav, with ai goverment and shit...

>because it people grades are bought, not earned
because grades are bought, not earned

fucking typo


well desu most of the warfare that happens today is stealing information and trying to hack drone guidance systems. the movie "wargames" was from the 1980s and it was already playing with the idea of giving nuke power to AI systems

Its already happening lmao. China is a Technocracy, and the west will soon follow, no matter how much the brainlet politicians try to fight against it.

>made a typo
sorry bud but you just proved you are sub-adequate for the technocracy. it's off to the carbon recyclerwith you

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the brainlet politicians are for it
Technocracy means rule of the eduated

people buy grades user, it just means things will be worse. Technology will probably be less advanced, not more, because of the amount of people buying their way into jobs.
Its bad now, just think how bad its going to be in a technocracy

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I strongly disagree.
Yes their goverment has lots of scientist, but chinese are too traditional and conformist to be a true technocrasy.

not really cuz i already have loads of education, that's the sad part user.
I have to replace You :(

technocracy just means that those who control the technology have ultimate power.

it allows for further centralization of power. at the end of the day, in the current system, a judge can step in and refuse to enforce a law. a copy can decide whether or not to pull a trigger. a legislator can decide whether or not to sign something. yes they can all be corrupt or incompetent. with a technocracy, the only people that get a say are the ones who control the technology.

>Technocracy means rule of the eduated
Of their relevant roles. Being educated doesn't mean anything outside their field.

It is tho. Technocracy was born in the 1930's America and true Technocracy runs on free market capitalism. Do not listen to the lies of the globalists in this thread.

ignores human inhibition, easy to corrupt or pervert through subjective and bias judgement.

basically if a bias is produced it will cause massive problems, from genocide of innocents and the deliberate subjugation of perfectly intelligent and civil people.

a technocracy is easily corrupted and perverted.

so is democracy tho
this isn't a good enough argument

>Technocracy means rule of the educated
Nope it means the rule of the spreadsheet software operator

Estonia is rightful Danish Clay! Now bow before me heathen!

democracy is corruptible because it is a game of influence, emotions, and strait-up rigging the votes.

a technocracy is broken on the basis that we think we know everything, since we do not, there will always be an immoral and unjust law enacted, simply put the intuition is more correct than the data. if all of the data says to kill an innocent man, who has committed no crime against humanity, would you? will you convict people based on premonition (minority report).

>Technocracy means rule of the eduated

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I unironically hope things will stay the same desu. Honesty>IQ

because evil people are attracted to power and in reality they have it. we have a technocracy now. the technocrats are evil. they dont have even their own best interests at heart, that is how religiously dedicated they are to evil.

It will be good.

Alrighy technocrasy doesnt work becouse humsn nature i get it know.

I am thinking is there a system where ai is a government?
Would such system br any good?

I repeat my post here

But are these necessarily bad things? Often times technocracy is critizised based on "scientists aren't interested in politics", yet the saying goes that those least interested to lead make the best leaders.

Not really, they had plans to impliment technocracy but the bureocrats realised that it'd make them unemployed.

I just want my augmented reality glasses. I honestly don't give much of a shit about anything else. I just want to be able to walk around the city with my digital waifu. If that comes at the cost of an AI overlord, so be it.

the less trust to be placed in a concentrated space the better. think away from centralization and big government solutions. think decentralization, smaller government. if one government goes astray it cant take everyone down with it. different governments for different places but never the same government for all. thats too many eggs in one basket. multiple baskets are safer you understand for us eggs.

Ah no, even during mid 20th century command economies showed that they're actually more effective than free ones. The issue is that ussr post stalin was quite corrupt, something which technocracy naturally resists as scientists and machines aren't known for hedonism.

an AI would be best used as an aid rather than the sole governance. AI are created through a system of creation and destruction where they are bound to grow only within the limits of the questions asked of them and awnsers provided to them, meaning they are manipulated from inception.

AI are created through a means creating thousands of programs,killing the ones that are unable to "correctly" answer the questions asked. then variants of the survives are made.

remember those capita with road signs, we (humans) were creating a database for correct answers for GPS and Navigation AI.

Technocracy (and any atleast somewhat meritocractic oligarchy for that matter) is far superior to democracy. Stop listening to defeatists.

Dood, captchas are just neural networkds aka. glorified linear algebra. Check out three blue one brown for a nice explanation, it's more simple than you think.

top technocrats today are engaged in debauchery so sick its not even legal, things we cant imagine. and technology will enable new levels of degeneracy and dehumanization you can bet on it. sick shit.

evil seeks out power, the greatest evil seeks the greatest power. evil always finds that power, its inevitable. so dont put it all in one place.

they can be, not all are.

I don't think that we're talking about the same people. Do you use the alex jones' definition of technocrat by any chance?


gay frogs are real
filter your water

they control the top technologies. they have a monopoly on classified shit decades ahead in key areas. and they own the public faces of technology as we know it, and they control the education systems as well as the media. they are technocrats by any technical definition of the term, they are the ones with the ability and they have seized rule through it.

But corruption will eventually destroy such fragile system.

Me too.
Also I want to be a cyberslav

corruption is outbumbered so it need centralization to rule, a place where power is concentrated. decentralized power spreads the corruption out too thin for them to function. republics of small governments only loosely connected.

Because the kikes will be the one governing

There is no everyone when you lose your humanity

Dony care about "everyone".
Would gladly lose humanity to be stronger, smarter and immortal

This dude gets it.
Low empathy and made of flesh=shitty person
Low empathy and made of metal=superior lifeform

I remeber I read something interestinh about technocrasy and energy consumption, but i cant find it

I'm actually a supporter of a fascist technocracy. DNA tests, intelligence tests, societal goals, mandatory higher education, isolationism, strong regulation of businesses, etc.

This. /Thread

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You forgot eugenics

>mandatory higher education
Good luck with that

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>trust us, THIS centralized system wont let you down or quickly become corrupted
>we're not like those other governments, OUR government will be somwhow uncorruptible despite all powerful and involved in intimate aspects of peoples lives becuase your government knows best.


What the fuck does that even mean? You so called "technocrats" never answer that. Does it mean that only scientists can vote and run for office? How will scientists seize power? Do you have an army of Cylons in your pocket? Will psychologists and economists be considered scientists as well? What about “womyn" studies majors?

I would kill myself under ZUC technocrasy

My family are all bankers and lawyers and i plan to be a banker and a lawyer, and in a technocracy I'd be at the bottom of society.

>those digits
Pic unrelated

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Technocracy is the same old popularity contest but only nerds get to win. No thanks, greasy fuckin nerds.

who funds the technology, who finds the legal loopholes, who writes them. of course bankers and lawyers are part of the technocracy. unless youre not in the club. you dont actually want to be in the club unless your more dedicated to evil then you are your own self interest.

>Do you have an army of Cylons in your pocket?
Well if he does he's got my fucking vote desu

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the dumbocracy we have now is just a smoke and mirrors show for the most part. the public face of a larger entity. behind the curtains the global titans of education, media, politics, technology, big food, big pharma, big bullshit. the technocrats are already in power now and it sucks. it sucks because power so centralized invited centralized and potent corruption.

Low IQ individualis like ukrainians are useless in technocracy. Therefore it is not that bad, as long as universalists are not in power. But somewhy high IQ individuals tend to lean left.

>who funds the technology, who finds the legal loopholes, who writes them. of course bankers and lawyers are part of the technocracy
I thought under a technocracy all resources would be nationalized and owned by state bureaucrats who would be scientists?

>you dont actually want to be in the club unless your more dedicated to evil then you are your own self interest.
Ever since I read "The Secret of Jekyll Island" when I was 12 all I ever wanted to do was join the deep state. I wanted to join the CIA since that's a career route into it but i know you need better eyesight. I'm going into banking to hopefully join the establishment.

The definition is lose.
Basically only specialist can rule in there specific fields.
Yes psychology and economy are
considered to be sciences

unless you enjoy evil for evils sake youre making a mistake. its not about profit or gain, and power is only to serve evil and you will have all personal freedom removed. you will be a slave to the great work. however there are elements in the deep state who are more self interested, not always good, but against the full evil satanism anyways. people who want to rule over a world that hasnt been made to go to shit.

why would a competent theocracy even need to reveal itself when it can hide in plain sight?

>governance by an elite of technical experts
but how does one apply technical expertise ethically? who watches the watchmen?

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preceedings of parliament are mostly technocratic so we are getting there eventually. scientists can be wrong, and sometimes you have to make human decisions that contradict them, sometimes you have to pay your cousin. idk if this will ever change

Yurope is a Technocracy.
look at the fucking state.

Fuck ethics

Do you even know what technocracy means...It already means something and it doesn't mean what you think it means you fucking ukshit retard
For fuck sake I hate pol plebs.
You fuckers are disgusting I hope you all die it's impossible to deal with such subhumans.

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>t. Ukraine
yeah, sure, whatever, half-state

Other examples.
This word should never come out of a christkek's mouth unless he speaks of breeding. Other than that nop.

How many retarded burgers and french cunts think they're in a republic.
A republic = the nation before the people.
That's what the core of a republic is.
You're all liberal democracies you fucking illiterate plebs
I hate you all as much as I hate niggers and the next pleb.


what is a federal republic

What the fuck does an engineer know about the social sphere? Why are technologically capable people suddenly able to make political, diplomatic etc. decisions?

It’s a trap by dark spiritual forces to annhilate humanity. Mark of the beast is as far as normies are gonna get.

no, wait, I think I got the pun, my bad

>govern mankind
psycho fuck