>israel is censoring number of israelis killed in attacks
>israeli international cant handle the pressure of israelis escaping israel
>israelis are panicking , hiding in bomb shelters all day
Israel is censoring number of israelis killed in attacks
Other urls found in this thread:
>due to lack of bomb shelters israeli citizens are hiding in the sewers
A rat's natural habitat
I would also hide if I was surrounded by inbred scum rat fink fucks your country calls "people"
im scared Jow Forums i dont wanna die for ZOG , if i get order8'd (calling reservists into active service) they'll probably send us as cannon fodder into syria
cut off one of your toes
Iran was barely even in Syria. Israel overhyped the "Iran inside Syria" bullshit because in reality they are shitting their pants by the thought of Iran really being inside Syria. They literally blamed a Syrian retaliation strike on Iran and then killed a few Iranian advisors that were stationed in Syrian military locations.
Typical tricks shlomo. How is his cellphone working underground?
Israel is blowing the shit out of Iranians. Like usual. All is well.
how will that help >?
you think the army cares ?
how heavily propagandized is the actual people on the ground, i've heard most israeli don't even know the facts of gaza
The end is near user
They do. Don't even need to cut it off, just fuck up some ligaments in your foot until you hobble around like a rapper.
didn't iran already say they don't want anymore drama?
just remember, the jews shot first
This is G*d's revenge for twisting his message and being evil to gentiles and you know it.
I will pray for your cursed soul
fucking cringicus kikekus maximus
Well, cutting your dick gave you your jew powers.
Maybe keep cutting stuff and it will unlock some super-jew final form or something.
Wear a b-proof p-shawl and a lil metal yamaka ur all set Torah Torah Torah
part and parcel
Complete silence in the media here. Is there anything going on over at yours?
k, don't keep me posted
get out JIDF
reported to the proper authorities
why kikes always distort our memes?,, it's like they can't create nothing by their own hands, always the same history, in music, in films (jewllywood) in art, they can't create a single thing, they only steal and distort our memes
Nah, It's a pretty blatant shitpost.
How many memes have you created mr nazi?
looks like they pressed the red button in their tel aviv office. Oy vey!
Oy vey
Despicable. Even kikes don't want to fight for kikes.
Defend your country, coward.
Their dick cutting is a Faustian sacrifice in exchange for worldly gain. But the devil always stabs you in the back in the end. hehh heh heh
good riddance
No israeli has died, ahmed, but keep dreaming while we preparing second nakba, only this time it will be real
ערבוש מטומטם
its funny because it's true.
Don't fall for Jewish shilling.
Jews want you to think that they are in a weakened position so that you, the goy, will see them as a lesser threat.
Jews always lie to the goyim. Never trust Jews. They want you dead.
To die for your country, culture and race is so nazi and CIS scum, fucking nazi biggots.
not an achmed senpai
not an achmed
אני ישראלי
i posted
Speaking of inbreds