LOOK at China's growth records. they outclass USA in every way. We keep deluding ourselves saying they will collapse, its the same shit rhetoric from the fucking ancaps, her dur so much debt is unsustainable, eventually america will go bankrupt. NO IT WILL NOT AND NEITHER WILL CHINA.
LOOK at all the mega projects that China is building. WHY THE FUCK CAN'T WE DO THAT HERE? I will tell you why because bitch ass conservatives are too PUSSY to man up the cash, even though they are panties down when it comes to tax cuts (ooh la la.) Tax cuts will never stimulate as much growth as direct spending. Its spending that turns a third world shithole into the third reich. Its spending that has turned China into the RED DRAGON it is today. As long as we have pussy ass conservatives who are afraid to put out the cash to WIN, we will fail. While America builds bombs, China builds roads.
America has forgotten the golden rule. HE WHO HAS THE GOLD MAKES THE RULES.
You actually have to be retarded. We're going to see a reunified Korea in our lifetimes.
Nothing is more threatening to the chinks. SK already makes everything and NK already has the brainwashed workers.
They won't need suicide nets to keep people working at Microsoft in Korea. Just so you know.
Lincoln Watson
This is an amerimutt board. Don't expect unbiased opinions.
Colton Bell
>You actually have to be retarded. We're going to see a reunified Korea in our lifetimes. >Nothing is more threatening to the chinks. SK already makes everything and NK already has the brainwashed workers.
>being this delusional
mate the Norks are just playing friendly, their will be no reunion of the korean peninsula .
Hmm, ltet's scoop out all female embryos. Even though our womens are 1000x more enjoyable than are shrinky dink males.
Surely they won't go to Africa and get blacked.
Henry Baker
>Acting like this is something new You may not remember, but before 9/11 China was our #1 political, financial and military threat. our politicians have been selling us down the river for decades. We finally have a leader that sees the problem and is taking active steps to settle the score.
Zachary Green
How did it happen? Peruse the Lima Declaration How long would they last if industry and jobs were returned to the West, from where they were stolen Western industrialists created China as it is. What is given can be taken away Until trade agreements (designed by those who profit most from China's cheap labour, generous tax provisions for Westerners, etc.) the Chinese were eating grass and pork fed on human shit
Sebastian Walker
I think you are wrong. And you will be assmad.
The US is going to make, literally MAKE all the non-Chink countries in the South Pacific go anti-China. And we will do so because it's exactly what true best ally Japan, not fake best ally Israel wants.
But also, because it is in our own best interests to do so.
Eli Scott
>Hmm, ltet's scoop out all female embryos. Even though our womens are 1000x more enjoyable than are shrinky dink males. >Surely they won't go to Africa and get blacked.