>Police officer chokes young black man who took his sister to prom outside Waffle House
Seriously, I love how they conveniently leave out all the details, like the cop showed up outta nowhere and started strangling that 'poor kid'.

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I may be a racist but I think he acted like a nigger and probably did do something and if a white person acted the same way would have also been arrested

Also I think cops should be allowed to beat crimminals

waffle house again?

haha, yeah. There's one in my town, I've never set foot inside of it because it looks like a nog magnet.

>Also I think cops should be allowed to beat crimminals
This is tempting to suggest when you see stories about blacks who deserve it, but if you've ever interacted with American police then you would not support any increase in power on their end.

Chocking people is a common form of police brutality.

The real question is was the black teen arrested or was he just acting like a punk?

every american cop I have encountered in the US is chill if treated with respect

>He was charged with resisting arrest and with disorderly conduct relating to his altercation with the restaurant staff.
The nigger was 22 btw, not exactly a kid.

>if you've ever interacted with American police then you would not support any increase in power on their end
you're either a nigger, convict or criminal that hasn't gotten caught. I support a military increase for police. They deal with piece of shit commies and niggers like you that need to be extinguished.