Why the fuck is this flag still up?

Why the fuck is this flag still up?

Attached: Screenshot_20180510-134352.jpg (644x351, 49K)

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where the fuck is it

I bet nobody gives a shit anymore

French people just like flying a white flag it's part of their culture

Who the fuck cares?

No betting involved, this is the actual reason.

Didn't Shia go crazy and get sent to jail last time he did this? Think that makes Jow Forums eternal victors

Nobody cares, especially since the project stopped involving people. Just boring now.

In France
French anons go fly a drone into it or something plz

The French faggots wont do anything about it.

The jews at NPR actually did a documentary about this flawless Jow Forums victory. Leftists got assblasted about it and forced them to take it down though.

Thankfully everything is forever on the interwebs.


frogs are pussies

Nope, part of his strategy. Looks like Shia won. Pulled the long con, gotta hand it to him, he is the better, smarter, man.

>to protest the election of a United States president, we're going to fly this tiny white flag in France
It's just pointless to intervene, it has lost all relevancy.

It's in France and they got it tied up at the top of this pole. Flag is fireproof and made of very tough material. Heat has to die down and someone will make a run at it.

>I-its irrelevant!!
>I swear, Shia didnt w-w-win guys

You lost, Shia

we got board. real /bants/ posters know when something is still worth a laugh and when the joke is dead. the fact you have to force the meme proves its stale

They've stolen that fucker like 7 times, its no longer fun. Shia is still an irrelevant cunt with a legacy built on shitty Transformer movies.

Sounds like a win to me

Shia was getting kinda sad towards the end anyway. It's like he was forcing the breakdowns for pity. Fuck him. He didn't make it fun anymore.

We dont care anymore. We won 2X already!

Go away Shia nobody likes you. Still.

Fuck off Shia, your career is over.

it was funny at first
now it's just sad
no more autist energy should be wasted on shia


No attention and being forgotten is the best insult.

Dry Ice?

Old news. No one cares any more

Hi Shia
>Trolling is only fun when the person wants to participate. You're the white girl that goes to a nigger party, and gets "too drunk" then passes out somewhere.

Probably because Jow Forums now realizesTrump is a kike puppet. We will likely unironically begin to support Shia. Get fucked schlomo.