>To be alert for such things is sensible, especially after what has happened in Salisbury, but to imply that the risk is high is irresponsible.

>In 1996, [Ridley] was a visiting professor at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, and in 2006 was awarded an honorary DSc degree.

>In 1904, the Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples.

Why are Eugenicists shilling against Disease X when they're the ones trying to kill off everyone?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bump for interest.

Cold Spring Harbor is where the (((globalists))) got the eugenics movement running. They used the SS to betray Hitler and then pulled their guys out at the end of the war during Paperclip.

>Hitler decided against Germany’s officially establishing a biological warfare program for reasons that are not entirely clear
>Research continued at more than one institute under the guise of enabling troops to defend against bioweapons attacks

>Himmler ordered secret research into how malaria-infected insects could be sent behind enemy lines, research reveals

Look at all the virologists that worked for the Rockefellers/Carnegies or at Cold Spring Harbor before the war:

Take a break from your daily Jordan Peterson and blacked threads faggots why are people who worked for Rockefeller institutes shilling over Disease X?

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Well that explains why the Rothschilds were shilling against it as well.

>The WHO has created a name for a disease that may not even exist

Business Insider and Forbes were going hard about how it was muh next pandemic though

So these two families are butthurt over it enough to have their publications make it a big deal

Didn't Disease X get announced around the time that the CDC guy got suicided?

I can’t remember, it was around the same time tho. Kinda weird timing.

Seems weird that they would announce a training exercise in the first place. Just musing, I dunno.

I just looked up the website - their release on it mentioned bioweapons programs. Maybe they were putting someone on notice.

Do you think their may have been info on a potential bio weapon linked to someone down the line? That would kind of make sense regarding the happenings.

It would make more sense and explain the CDC guy dying. I don’t really know anything about how pathogens and poisons are traced to labs.

Matt Ridley is Red Pilled. His book “The Red Queen” got me into race realism.

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What’s that about user? Never heard of it.

The black sun saturn shilling has made me realize something. Hitler was betrayed internally and although you are right about it involving the SS, that too is not entirely true, for it wasn't so much the SS as it was the Thule Society.
A Secret Society that existed within the NatSoc framework.

I always wondered who is doing the black sun shilling. Definitely true about them and the Thule Society.

I was on board with it till they went from the void being the black sun to it being Saturn, then when I found out about the near forgotten time when Earth had a lavender sky due to having Saturn as it's sun then, and the kikes being reptillians that were the Earth's stewards (chosen ones) before God replaced them with Adam and Eve, it all fell into place and I noped the fuck out.

I didn’t know they believed all that shit, people used to say the sky was lavender because they couldn’t see the color blue though

Because we couldn't see the color blue? Then did we see the water as lavender too? WEW LAD.
Let me explain to you in a very simple way why that is bullshit. In order to make purple, the hues of red and blue are combined. Lavender is a lighter shade of purple so add white to it to lighten it.
So, they are trying to say that humans described the sky as lavender (an intermediate secondary hybrid color) because we couldn't see blue (a basic primary single color)

Does that make any sense to you? Because it shouldn't. It's completely illogical. It's like saying, "We thought that a slice of cheese was a sandwich because we couldn't see the cheese." It's preposterously stupid.

I dunno user, they cite a study where some primatives who didn’t have a word for the color blue literally couldn’t see it. Seems legit to me

You must have what's called learned helplessness. An external locus of control of learning. You're not able to arrive to conclusions on your own even when it's pointed out to you unless someone "official" tells you it's legit.

You still don't get it and it's really simple. In order for Lavender to exist, there must first be blue as a base. No blue? No lavender. So in order for them to have even KNOWN about lavender even in their minds, blue HAD to have existed first. There is no arguing against that because you can still prove that to this day with some damn crayons.
But hay, go on and and believe that retarded bullshit you think is legit if you want.

The article cites extensive evidence, including a lack of a word for blue in multiple ancient literary histories and studies by both classical British and modern academics. But sure, keep not citing a single study of your own, without bothering to wonder if the concept of lavender was present in ancient times or not.

The absolute state of Jow Forums mental midget armchair academics.

The femin virus posters were right about everything

This is proven false, it was a theory at one point but we know it is no longer the case.

They were, we should have listened

Awwww are you faggots mad that this thread is still up despite you DDOSing me?
Eat a bag of dicks.

It’s never too late to start listening, studies and test results can still be “leaked”


Long as they don’t get Cunninghamed, best take that stuff directly to alt media

What fuckery is this?

It’s just one of the many ways Hitler was betrayed by globalists during the war

No shit

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I've yet to see a single reliable source for Disease X's existence

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It's a hypothetical disease, not an actual disease

Its real and your mad

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Lol yea sure, that’s why Rockefeller eugenecists and the Rothschilds are insisting it’s fake

It probably is real, and if it was they probably wouldn't tell us.

Still would be nice to see if anyone has studied it or found indication of its actual physical existence. Of course it seems logical, but we need tangible proof as well.

Im getting lost in my own research. They discovered it once and had plans to destroy it but have since changed course and intend on letting it spread?

This is what the nazis were all about wasnt it? the Virus.......

Someone actually talking about it would be nice, once a strain was identified it might be traced back to certain facilities or programs though and that would cause an uproar

I think the globalist groups that discovered it last century always planned to use it for population control eventually

Hitler wanted to destroy it, the SS had a bunch of guys who studied it behind his back for weaponization purposes

The societal conditions they created on purpose for the spread of this weapon is out of control and they are still pushing ahead it has to be stopped by the men behind the curtain those social engineers need to be removed.

The virus is going ahead at break neck speed there are no signs of stopping this, Where were you when you realised the real accelerationists were the people pushing this.


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While the Rockefellers were funding this research, they were also backing various elements of the sexual revolution

Covering all their bases, it’s the perfect storm

That meme is fucking great first time i seen it good job

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>making shit up without sources

All the sources were posted by OP in this thread you illiterate faggot, it’s well known that Hitler was against ever using pathogens as weapons and that he repeatedly referred to Jews as having a virus

That’s great

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I miss the threads about this

I miss the threads aswell only time i had conversations here i really enjoy.
The roast problem is out of control you would think this board would dive on an opportunity to meme a final solution to it. Guess they are mostly just a bunch of beta faggots and sluts that lurk.

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They have an AI watching for them, they’re deleted instantly

There seems to only be a handful of us on board with this. I recognise most posters now.

There are a about a dozen but if you’ve been the information has been permeating around into the general consciousness

Read this, I think you’ll enjoy it
>The Fate of Empires (specifically XXIV The Arab Decline)

Been watching*

Good job summerfag you passed freshman psychology.

It's by the author of this, i think.

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Anyone got any links or news of some of these talking heads discussing things relevant to the thread.

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Holy shit, I'm actually witnessing a happening in the making

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Yea actually I noticed that since Elon has been boning roasties he’s suddenly a fan of transhumanism

I was in a thread the other day making fun of him, what a fucking nerd i swear these fucking losers that never got any coochie in high school no matter how rich they become can be controlled with a woman even by a smashed out drug riddled cunt like Grimes. Well he picked a side. I thought he was just supposed to focus on transport now hes weighing in on genetists vs transhumanism?
Grimes is clearly Femin infected, are all the globalists just beta faggots who got rich? I bet hes snorting a fortune up his nose with his party slut i mean gf.


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He has been massively shilled by the media for a long time, that's enough reason not to trust him


Merging man with machine. (Cyborgs/Androids, humans with artificial limbs and implants.)

Man into machine. (Humans with most of (if not all) their bodies replaced by technology. Artificial organs, limbs, etc all controlled by an AI system that keeps what remains of the human alive. The AI systems can fully take over the body, this includes after the human has died. H.R. Giger saw some of them.)

Turning machine into man. (Robots that look, feel and sound like humans, but are controlled by advanced AI. Consciousness of the person they look like can be implanted in them by brainwave/speech transfer/programming over long periods of time. They are you, but are not you.).

[Genetic Engineering]

Super organs that last longer and are stronger than normal organs. Specially created blood that after transfusion will cleanse the body of toxins, heavy metals and all forms of diseases/parasites/viruses/bioweapons except for the Femin Virus(feminism) bioweapon which is immune.

Animal DNA is used for a wide range of modifications such as regeneration. Chimera’s are often biproducts of the experiments.

Cloning and Gene Editing can be used for replacement organs, heirs, replacements and transfers.

Really makes you think

There was an article that came out about how all the tech guys including Elon were basically beta virgins until they got rich so now they all have debauched sex parties. Of course they’re mostly transhumanists, let me see if I can find a link to it.

Just a psy-op against purple dawn/electric universe theory.


Im convinced the beta revolution already happened and its them poofters that are in charge those weak cunts have never tasted their own blood in their mouth.

Go have a look at Grimes she is fucking munted what a creature, all the money in the would and a beta billionaire is still a fucking weakling that gets lead around by his dick. We need better leaders, he obviously has no idea what the Femin Virus is because shes infected.

Disease X is literally Disease Variable Name

It’s not a disease it’s the NEXT disease, as in, the next hit tv show, the next big

The whole tredn/concept is about investing in resources to identify and sequence the next big virus and the honest in your thing is not that governments are cooking it up(they could, in some hypothetical universe) but that the next big disease that captures our attention and threatens our existence could come from a source we completely misunderstand or fail to expect, which makes it s little silly but still the rational thing is to dump money into potential cures or strategies to cure diseases we have experienced in the past

TLDR it’s literally a variable name representing a pseudo real threat but more of a philosophical conundrum

t. .1%%

They basically got no sex for years and are fucking femin riddled slags to catch up now

This is also true and kind of sad when you realize these dudes built companies just to experience what Chad felt in 12th grade

Very low IQ post poor effort boring you have to go back.

>t. .1%%
Have you ever considered that you’re not the actual 1% and “your show” is just someone using you like a chess piece on an even bigger board than the one you’re playing on?

Have you ever been triggered this hard

im still holding out hope that the elites are flooding america and europe with nonwhites as a kind of noahs ark thing where u make sure u have a few specimens of each species before everyone not on the boat dies

It’s pitiful and a little scary, these guys run the world

I’m not even mad I have a very bright future ahead of me

The beta transhumanist vs the chad geneticist

These faggots are so pathetic they will try to transcend themselves with tech thats how much they loath themselves


elon musk choice of women fucking disgusts me
why do white men act so weirdly pussy starved all the time

You smell like old meat left in the sun.

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Really want something new to pop up already

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I’d be interested to try out synthetic blood and stronger organs/bones, geneticism seems pretty cool

Heres something that relates to /atg/

Yeah man, i wonder if only the elite of that faction get to use it or their troops have access to it aswell. Only way you could get to use it would be military if thats the case......


Probably just MIC groups or science oriented factions have access to it, but they have to put it out eventually if humans are going to compete with machines

>totally normal

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The anti trafficking threads

Dumpin some rare femin memes

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That picture gives me the spooks, absolutely appalling on so many levels

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Yea I just meant that’s an interesting bust, gotta read up on it more

I wonder if there was any eugenicist programs in Australia's past, ill do some searching.

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I would be interested to find out what you uncover user, maybe we can link it to US programs.

The virus is certainly spreading user I can tell you that

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Well there was a whole heap to do with the abos to do with uplifting them with white genetics

I found a few eugenic societys from the early 1900's that existed here so ill have a look see if theres anything about white people